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Created September 9, 2013 16:13
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styles link insert to html head
fs = require('fs')
cheerio = require('cheerio')
staticFolder = 'static'
cssFolder = 'css'
cssRoot = __dirname + '/' + cssFolder
htmlFolder = 'views'
htmlRoot = __dirname + '/../application/' + htmlFolder
skipFiles = ['.DS_Store', 'mail']
Core = module.exports =
getFileList: (folderPath = null, cb) ->
console.log 'getFileList begin ', arguments
return null unless folderPath
return fs.readdirSync(folderPath) unless cb
fs.readdir folderPath, (err, files) ->
(if (err) then cb(null) else cb(files))
getFile: (path = null, cb) ->
console.log 'getFile begin ', arguments
return null unless path
unless cb
f = fs.readFileSync(path)
if f
return f.toString()
return null
fs.readFile path, (err, data) ->
(if (err) then cb(null) else cb(data.toString()))
saveFile: (path = null, data = null, cb) ->
console.log 'saveFile begin ', arguments
return null unless path
return null unless data
if typeof(data) is 'string'
data = new Buffer(data, 'utf8')
unless cb
return fs.writeFileSync(path, data)
fs.writeFile path, data, (err) ->
console.log 'err = ' ,err
console.log 'save success = ', path
htmlPaths = Core.getFileList(htmlRoot)
for i of htmlPaths
htmlPath = htmlPaths[i]
if skipFiles.indexOf(htmlPath) >= 0
htmlPath = htmlRoot+ '/' + htmlPath
html = Core.getFile(htmlPath)
$ = cheerio.load(html)
style = ''
$('link').each (index, item)=>
$item = $(item)
src = $item.attr('href')
srcArray = src.split('/')
src = cssRoot + '/' + srcArray[srcArray.length-1]
style += Core.getFile(src) + '\n'
if style.length is 0
$('head').append('<style>\n' + style + '</style>\n')
Core.saveFile(htmlPath, $.html())
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