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Last active April 23, 2017 17:30
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Julia macro for Python like dict literals.
module DictMacro
export @dict
@dict {k₁: v₁, k₂: v₂, …, kₙ₋₁: vₙ₋₁, kₙ: vₙ}
Use Python's `dict`, JSON like syntax for `Dict` literals.
# Usage
julia> @dict {"a": :b, 'c': 1, :d: π, Function: print, (1:10): range(1, 10)}
Dict{Any,Any} with 5 entries:
1:10 => 1:10
Function => print
"a" => :b
:d => π = 3.1415926535897...
'c' => 1
macro dict(expr)
if expr.head ≠ :cell1d || any(sub_expr.head ≠ :(:) for sub_expr ∈ expr.args)
error("syntax: expected `{k₁: v₁, k₂: v₂, …, kₙ₋₁: vₙ₋₁, kₙ: vₙ}`")
block = Expr(:call, :Dict)
for pair in expr.args
k, v = pair.args
push!(block.args, :($k => $v))
return esc(block)
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