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Created March 26, 2014 12:47
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Read excel in Django with xldr [intentona]
def testexcell(request):
book = open_workbook('pruebaexcel2.xlsx')
sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)
#print "Name:",
#print "Nrows",sheet.nrows
#print "Ncols",sheet.ncols
camposString = [ "zip", "latitude", "longitude" ]
camposDate = [ "modified_date", "publish_date" ]
columnas = []
for row_index in range(sheet.nrows):
r = Restaurant()
for col_index in range(sheet.ncols):
# Cogemos la cabecera
if row_index == 0 :
else :
valor = sheet.cell(row_index,col_index).value
if type(valor) is FloatType :
valor = int(valor)
if(columnas[col_index] in camposDate):
tupla = xldate_as_tuple(valor,book.datemode)
fecha = '/'.join(map(str,tupla[0:3]))
hora = ":".join(map(str,tupla[4:6]))
formateado = " ".join([fecha,hora])
print formateado
valor = formateado
if(columnas[col_index] in camposString):
valor = unicode(valor)
setattr(r, columnas[col_index], valor )
print r.publish_date,r.modified_date
r.premium = False
r.revision = False
r.booking_reserv = False
#print r
return render(request, 'viewrestaurant.html')
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