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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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A solution to the 100 prisoners problem. Directions for trying out your own strategy are included.
# For more information:
# To implement your own strategy, simply implement a Prisoner
# class which has a single method visit_room() which returns boolean
# according to the answer provided to the warden.
# Global variables n (number of prisoners for simulation) and
# lightbulb (the lightbulb where True is on and False is off)
# are provided for you. You may only change lightbulb, and may
# only do so within visit_room().
import random
class Warden:
def __init__(self):
global n
self.seen = [False]*n
def choose(self, prisoners):
global n
k = random.randint(0, n - 1)
self.seen[k] = True
return prisoners[k].visit_room()
def decide(self):
return reduce(lambda x, y: x and y, self.seen, True)
class Prisoner:
leader_chosen = False
def __init__(self):
global n
if (not Prisoner.leader_chosen):
self.leader = True
self.count = n - 1
Prisoner.leader_chosen = True
self.leader = False
self.lightbulb_flipped = False
def visit_room(self):
global lightbulb
if (self.leader):
if (lightbulb):
lightbulb = False
self.count -= 1
if (self.count == 0):
return True
if (not lightbulb and not self.lightbulb_flipped):
lightbulb = True
self.lightbulb_flipped = True
return False
def simulate(num_prisoners):
global n
global lightbulb
n = num_prisoners
lightbulb = False
warden = Warden()
prisoners = [Prisoner() for x in range(n)]
while (not warden.choose(prisoners)):
return warden.decide()
if __name__ == "__main__":
if (simulate(100)):
print "Prisoners Win!"
print "Warden Wins!"
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