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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Super toy implementation of regular expression derivatives
data Lang = DEmpty | DEps | DChar String | DCat Lang Lang | DAlt Lang Lang | DRep Lang
stringOfLang l = case l of
DEmpty -> "DEmpty"
DEps -> "DEps"
DChar x -> "DChar (" ++ x ++ ")"
DCat lx ly -> "DCat (" ++ (stringOfLang lx) ++ ", " ++ (stringOfLang ly) ++ ")"
DAlt lx ly -> "DAlt (" ++ (stringOfLang lx) ++ ", " ++ (stringOfLang ly) ++ ")"
DRep lx -> "DRep (" ++ (stringOfLang lx) ++ ")"
langEqual l1 l2 = case l1 of
DEmpty -> (case l2 of
DEmpty -> True
_ -> False)
DEps -> (case l2 of
DEps -> True
_ -> False)
DChar x -> (case l2 of
DChar y -> x == y
_ -> False)
DCat lw lx -> (case l2 of
DCat ly lz -> (langEqual lw ly) && (langEqual lx lz)
_ -> False)
DAlt lw lx -> (case l2 of
DAlt ly lz -> (langEqual lw ly) && (langEqual lx lz)
_ -> False)
DRep lx -> (case l2 of
DRep ly -> (langEqual lx ly)
_ -> False)
nullable l = case l of
DEmpty -> DEmpty
DEps -> DEps
DChar _ -> DEmpty
DCat lx ly -> DCat (nullable lx) (nullable ly)
DAlt lx ly -> DAlt (nullable lx) (nullable ly)
DRep _ -> DEps
derivative c l = case l of
DEmpty -> DEmpty
DEps -> DEmpty
DChar x -> if x == c then DEps else DEmpty
DCat lx ly -> DAlt (DCat (derivative c lx) ly) (DCat (nullable lx) (derivative c ly))
DAlt lx ly -> DAlt (derivative c lx) (derivative c ly)
DRep lx -> DCat (derivative c lx) (DRep lx)
reduce l = case l of
DEmpty -> DEmpty
DEps -> DEps
DChar x -> DChar x
DCat _ DEmpty -> DEmpty
DCat DEmpty _ -> DEmpty
DAlt lx DEmpty -> (reduce lx)
DAlt DEmpty ly -> (reduce ly)
DCat lx DEps -> (reduce lx)
DCat DEps ly -> (reduce ly)
DAlt DEps DEps -> DEps
DCat lx ly -> DCat (reduce lx) (reduce ly)
DAlt lx ly -> DAlt (reduce lx) (reduce ly)
DRep lx -> DRep (reduce lx)
fullyReduce l =
let l' = reduce l in if langEqual l l' then l else fullyReduce l'
accepts str l =
let reduced = fullyReduce l in
if str == "" then fullyReduce (nullable reduced) else accepts (tail str) (derivative [(head str)] reduced)
printAccepts str l = putStrLn (stringOfLang (accepts str l))
testLang = DRep (DChar "x") -- { "", "x", "xx", "xxx", ... }
testLang2 = DCat (DChar "f") (DCat (DChar "o") (DChar "o")) -- { "foo" }
main = do
printAccepts "" testLang -- Expected: DEps
printAccepts "" testLang2 -- Expected: DEmpty
printAccepts "x" testLang -- Expected: DEps
printAccepts "x" testLang2 -- Expected: DEmpty
printAccepts "foo" testLang -- Expected: DEmpty
printAccepts "foo" testLang2 -- Expected: DEps
printAccepts [ 'x' | _ <- [1..100000]] testLang -- Expected: DEps
printAccepts [ 'x' | _ <- [1..100000]] testLang2 -- Expected: DEmpty
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