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Created May 12, 2014 04:16
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Everyone Can Code! Tutorial Script
import random
import turtle
# 1. Hello World!
# This is designed as a first introduction to the language.
# One print statement and done!
def print_hello_world():
print "Hello, World!"
# 2. Say My Name, Say My Name (Beyonce, anyone?)
# This is designed as a first-stab at user input.
# Asks the user what their name is, and says hello to them.
def say_hello_back():
print "Hello, %s!" % (raw_input('What is your name? '))
# 3. Valve Say Whaaaaat? (Heh, get it? Because flow control...)
# This is designed as a basic introduction to flow control.
# It builds on the previous two exercises.
def say_something_smart():
age = int(raw_input('How old are you? '))
if (age > 30):
print "You are very wise."
elif (age < 20):
print "You have much to learn, grasshopper."
print "You are just a hooligan!"
# 4. Pop Quiz!
# A very simple quiz question generator for arithmetic.
# Introduces the idea of the "standard library" by using the random number
# generator. This returns boolean so we may use it in the next example.
def quiz_me():
a = random.randint(1, 10)
b = random.randint(1, 10)
answer = int(raw_input('What is %d + %d? ' % (a, b)))
if (a + b == answer):
print "Correct!"
return True
print "Incorrect."
return False
# 5. Hoola-Loop
# Let's use the functions we just wrote to generate a full-blown quiz.
# This introduces the idea of a function parameter, looping, and incrementing
# an int.
def do_quiz(lim):
current_round = 0
num_correct = 0
print "I challenge you to an arithmetic duel!"
while (current_round < lim):
was_correct = quiz_me()
if (was_correct):
num_correct += 1
current_round += 1
print "You score a %d/%d." % (num_correct, lim)
# 6. FizzBuzz Lightyear
# This is a basic implementation of the FizzBuzz puzzle. Introduces the
# range() function along with the notion of a for-each loop. For now, just
# present it as a normal for-loop. White lie.
def fizzbuzz():
for current_number in range(1, 101):
if current_number % 15 == 0:
print "FizzBuzz"
elif current_number % 3 == 0:
print "Fizz"
elif current_number % 5 == 0:
print "Buzz"
print current_number
# 7. Listify FizzBuzz
# Lists are super powerful in Python, and you can manipulate them a hundred different ways.
# That being said, for now we should just stick to basic adding, indexing, etc. This focuses on
# creating an empty list and adding to the end.
def listify_fizzbuzz():
my_list = []
for current_number in range(1, 101):
if current_number % 15 == 0:
elif current_number % 3 == 0:
elif current_number % 5 == 0:
return my_list
# 8. FizzQuery
# So I know I'm beating this FizzBuzz thing to death, and next time we'll be done, but we need
# a little more practice with lists. So now let's focus on indexing into lists. If you didn't address
# this in the earlier exercises, you might want to discuss casting. Or you can keep putting it off, either one.
# Please note that this will crash if they provide something that is not a number, or if they go out of bounds.
# Try-catch is outside the scope of this tutorial.
def fizz_query():
fizz_list = listify_fizzbuzz()
print "Enter any number between 1 and 100 to get the fizzbuzz value. If you want to quit, type \"quit\"."
while (True):
query = raw_input('>> ')
if (query == "quit"):
#notice the - 1, talk about 0-based indexing
print fizz_list[int(query) - 1]
# 9. Prime Sieve
# This is quite a leap in difficulty, but its a fantastic example which combines a lot of the concepts
# we've discussed so far. Looping, lists, modulo, if-statements. Visit:
# for a description of the algorithm.
def prime_sieve(lim):
is_prime = lim*[True]
current_number = 2
while (current_number < lim):
multiply_by = 2
current_multiple = current_number * multiply_by
while (current_multiple < lim):
is_prime[current_multiple] = False
multiply_by += 1
current_multiple = current_number * multiply_by
current_number += 1
while (current_number < lim and not is_prime[current_number]):
current_number += 1
# Here's the kick ass way to go from boolean list -> primes
#return [i + 2 for i, elem in enumerate(is_prime[2:]) if elem]
return_list = []
for num in range(len(is_prime)):
if (num is not 0 and num is not 1 and is_prime[num]):
return return_list
# 10. Recursion and the turtle package
# This is some serious extra-credit. It introduces the concepts of recursion, and uses a standard library package
# called turtle which makes creating simple animations very very easy. This was stolen shamelessly from:
def tree(branchLen, current_turtle):
if branchLen > 5:
tree(branchLen - 15, current_turtle)
tree(branchLen - 15, current_turtle)
def animate_tree():
my_turtle = turtle.Turtle()
myWin = turtle.Screen()
#Change the first argument to "tree" in order to make the tree more/less awesome -- hint: 100 is pretty awesome
tree(100, my_turtle)
# This is all the resources I'm going to include in the "standard beginners guide".
# That being said, I have tons more resources, both in the scope of this guide
# as well as beyond the scope of any of this (think packet creation and 2d games)
# print_hello_world()
# say_hello_back()
# say_something_smart()
# quiz_me()
# do_quiz(5)
# fizzbuzz()
# print listify_fizzbuzz()
# fizz_query()
# print prime_sieve(50)
# animate_tree()
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