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Created January 8, 2016 19:13
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Possible model for computing equational analysis, based on RD from Ch. 1 of NNH
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Array.IArray as Array
type Var = String
type Lab = Integer
type RD = Set.Set (Var, Lab)
type VecRD = Array.Array Integer RD
type VecF = Array.Array Integer (Solution -> RD)
data Solution = Solution { entryRD :: VecRD
, exitRD :: VecRD
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Solver = Solver { entryF :: VecF
, exitF :: VecF
genIter :: Integer -> Solver -> Solution -> Solution
genIter l s rd = Solution { entryRD = entries, exitRD = exits }
entries = Array.array (1, l) [ (i, ((entryF s) Array.! i) rd) | i <- [1..l]]
exits = Array.array (1, l) [ (i, ((exitF s) Array.! i) rd) | i <- [1..l]]
-- compute fixpoint
fix :: (Eq a) => a -> (a -> a) -> a
fix start f =
if start == next then
fix next f
next = f start
main = do
let tmp = Array.array (1, 6) [(i, Set.empty) | i <- [1..6]] :: VecRD
let solu = Solution { entryRD = tmp, exitRD = tmp }
let entrys = Array.array (1, 6) [ (1, (\ rd -> Set.fromList [("x", -1), ("y", -1), ("z", -1)]))
, (2, (\ rd -> (exitRD rd) Array.! 1))
, (3, (\ rd -> Set.unions [(exitRD rd) Array.! 2, (exitRD rd) Array.! 5]))
, (4, (\ rd -> (exitRD rd) Array.! 3))
, (5, (\ rd -> (exitRD rd) Array.! 4))
, (6, (\ rd -> (exitRD rd) Array.! 3))
] :: VecF
let exits = Array.array (1, 6) [ (1, (\ rd -> Set.unions [((entryRD rd) Array.! 1) Set.\\ (Set.fromList [("y", l) | l <- [-1..6]]), Set.singleton ("y", 1)]))
, (2, (\ rd -> Set.unions [((entryRD rd) Array.! 2) Set.\\ (Set.fromList [("z", l) | l <- [-1..6]]), Set.singleton ("z", 2)]))
, (3, (\ rd -> (entryRD rd) Array.! 3))
, (4, (\ rd -> Set.unions [((entryRD rd) Array.! 4) Set.\\ (Set.fromList [("z", l) | l <- [-1..6]]), Set.singleton ("z", 4)]))
, (5, (\ rd -> Set.unions [((entryRD rd) Array.! 5) Set.\\ (Set.fromList [("y", l) | l <- [-1..6]]), Set.singleton ("y", 5)]))
, (6, (\ rd -> Set.unions [((entryRD rd) Array.! 6) Set.\\ (Set.fromList [("y", l) | l <- [-1..6]]), Set.singleton ("y", 6)]))
] :: VecF
let solv = Solver { entryF = entrys, exitF = exits }
print $ fix solu $ genIter 6 solv
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