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Created November 30, 2017 15:34
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Example of using `refine` to build up a proof term for induction principle.
Inductive ev : nat -> Prop :=
| ev_0 : ev 0
| ev_SS : forall n, ev n -> ev (S (S n)).
Hint Constructors ev.
Inductive test : (nat -> nat) -> nat -> Prop :=
| TestCase : forall f i,
(forall k,
0 <= k < f i ->
exists r,
ev r /\ test f (k + r)) ->
test f i.
Definition sample_f (n : nat) : nat :=
match n with
| 2 => 0
| 3 => 0
| 6 => 2
| _ => 6
Require Import Omega.
Example test_sample_f : test sample_f 6.
apply TestCase.
destruct k.
- exists 2. split; eauto.
apply TestCase.
exists 2. split; eauto.
simpl in *.
- destruct k.
+ exists 2. split; eauto.
apply TestCase.
simpl in *.
+ simpl in *.
Check test_ind.
(* test_ind
: forall P : (nat -> nat) -> nat -> Prop,
(forall (f : nat -> nat) (i : nat),
(forall k : nat, 0 <= k < f i -> exists r : nat, ev r /\ test f (k + r)) -> P f i) ->
forall (n : nat -> nat) (n0 : nat), test n n0 -> P n n0 *)
Lemma test_ind' :
forall P : (nat -> nat) -> nat -> Prop,
(forall (f : nat -> nat) (i : nat),
(forall k : nat, 0 <= k < f i ->
exists r : nat,
ev r /\ test f (k + r) /\ P f (k + r)) ->
P f i) ->
forall (f : nat -> nat) (n : nat), test f n -> P f n.
intros P H.
refine (fix F f n t :=
match t with
| TestCase f i Hrec =>
H f i (fun k Hk =>
match Hrec k Hk with
| ex_intro _ r Hr =>
match Hr with
| conj Hev Hrest =>
ex_intro _ r (conj Hev (conj Hrest (F f (k + r) Hrest)))
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