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Last active February 4, 2022 01:20
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Webdriver test localhost with browserstack
module.exports = (browser, capabilities, specs) => {
if (!browser && browser !== null && typeof browser === 'object') {
throw new TypeError("browserElement must be the WebdriverIo browser object.")
onDesktop = capabilities.browserName !== 'iPad',
onMobile = !onDesktop;
// In BrowserStack - the bootup time is about 55 seconds, after that it
// launches a browser window and navigates to a local address that loads a
// page with the title "Let's browse!" we wait for this whole shenanigan to
// pass and then start the test.
if (onMobile) {
() =>
// Find the let's browse title.
.includes('Let\'s browse!')
// Wait up to 130 seconds tp give browser stack enough time to load.
, 130000
, 'Didn\'t find \"let\'s browse\"'
, 1000
// On desktop Since the app isn't responsive at the moment - elements clip out
// of the view when width is under 1500.
if (onDesktop) {
width: 1500,
height: 900
* Recursive function to ensure the correct text.
* This command is created in order to compensate the setValue() bug.
* The method (setValue) does not always set the correct value,
* sometimes it just misses some characters.
* This function sets each character at a time and recursively validates
* that the character is actually entered.
* @param {String} selector
* The selector string to grab the element by.
* @param {String} text
* The text that we want to set as a value.
browser.addCommand('setValueSafe', (selector, text) => {
// Get the ID of the selected elements WebElement JSON object.
const elementId = browser.element(selector).value.ELEMENT;
browser.waitUntil(() => browser.elementIdDisplayed(elementId));
* Tackle the even weirder decision of trim the spaces
* of every property value. Even the "value" property's value.
* I understand this for class or href properties but not for value.
* You can see it here :
* @param {String} elementId
* ID of a WebElement JSON object of the current element.
* @return {String}
* The value of the `value` attribute.
const getActualText = elementId =>
.elementIdAttribute(elementId, 'value')
let expected = '';
// Clear the input before entering new value.
while (text) {
if (getActualText(elementId) == expected) {
const currentChar = text[0];
expected += currentChar;
text = text.slice(1);
browser.elementIdValue(elementId, currentChar);
* Takes a user object and logs in as that user.
* @param {String} user - user to log in as.
browser.addCommand('login', (user) => {
// User must have username and password.
if (user) {
browser.setValueSafe('[name="username"]', user);
browser.setValueSafe('[name="password"]', user);
if (user == "john") {
// Teacher.
} else {
} else {
throw new TypeError(
Error in login command:
no username given.
data given ${user}
* Log out.
browser.addCommand('logout', () => {
browser.findAndClick('.user-menu > a');
* Find and click.
* @param {String} selector The css selector of the element to click.
browser.addCommand('findAndClick', (selector) => {
// Find and click the btn.
* Go to url only if not already there.
* Prevent reloading of the same page. MUST BE HERE.
* This prevents WDIO from filling out forms while trying to reload.
* @param {String} path - The path I.E '/#login'
browser.addCommand('goToUrl', (path) => {
const iAmNotThere =
// Find the path which and escape any forward slashes.
.match(new RegExp(path, 'g'));
if (iAmNotThere) {
const assert = require('assert');
describe('login page', function() {
it('should allow a teacher to login', function () {
let title = browser.getText('.user-menu');
assert.equal(title, 'john');
// Logout session.
it('should allow a student to login', function () {
// Currently there is no user menu for a student in the Pincode page,
// so we look for another element.
// Logout session.
// Browserstack local server.
const browserstack = require('browserstack-local');
// Merge and override the default config
exports.config = Object.assign(require('./wdio.conf').config, {
// ============
// Capabilities
// ============
// Define your capabilities here. WebdriverIO can run multiple capabilities at the same
// time. Depending on the number of capabilities, WebdriverIO launches several test
// sessions. Within your capabilities you can overwrite the spec and exclude options in
// order to group specific specs to a specific capability.
// First, you can define how many instances should be started at the same time. Let's
// say you have 3 different capabilities (Chrome, Firefox, and Safari) and you have
// set maxInstances to 1; wdio will spawn 3 processes. Therefore, if you have 10 spec
// files and you set maxInstances to 10, all spec files will get tested at the same time
// and 30 processes will get spawned. The property handles how many capabilities
// from the same test should run tests.
maxInstances: 5,
// If you have trouble getting all important capabilities together, check out the
// Sauce Labs platform configurator - a great tool to configure your capabilities:
capabilities: [
'browserName': 'iPad',
'platform': 'MAC',
'device': 'iPad Air 2',
'deviceOrientation': 'landscape',
'project': 'Unio by harness',
'browserstack.debug': 'true',
'browserstack.local': 'true',
'name': 'Submitted by - ' + process.env.USER,
maxInstances: 7
// Set a base URL in order to shorten url command calls. If your url parameter starts
// with "/", then the base url gets prepended.
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
// Initialize the browser instance with a WebdriverIO plugin. The object should have the
// plugin name as key and the desired plugin options as properties. Make sure you have
// the plugin installed before running any tests. The following plugins are currently
// available:
// WebdriverCSS:
// WebdriverRTC:
// Browserevent:
// plugins: {
// webdrivercss: {
// screenshotRoot: 'my-shots',
// failedComparisonsRoot: 'diffs',
// misMatchTolerance: 0.05,
// screenWidth: [320,480,640,1024]
// },
// webdriverrtc: {},
// browserevent: {}
// },
// Test runner services
// Services take over a specific job you don't want to take care of. They enhance
// your test setup with almost no effort. Unlike plugins, they don't add new
// commands. Instead, they hook themselves up into the test process.
services: ['browserstack', 'selenium-standalone', 'phantomjs'],
// Test reporter for stdout.
// The only one supported by default is 'dot'
// see also:
reporters: ['spec'],
// =====
// Hooks
// =====
// WebdriverIO provides several hooks you can use to interfere with the test process in order to enhance
// it and to build services around it. You can either apply a single function or an array of
// methods to it. If one of them returns with a promise, WebdriverIO will wait until that promise got
// resolved to continue.
// Gets executed once before all workers get launched.
// Code to start browserstack local before start of test
onPrepare: function (config, capabilities) {
console.log("Connecting local");
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
exports.bs_local = new browserstack.Local();
exports.bs_local.start({'key': exports.config.key }, function(error) {
if (error) return reject(error);
console.log('Connected. Now testing...');
// Gets executed after all workers got shut down and the process is about to exit. It is not
// possible to defer the end of the process using a promise.
// Code to stop browserstack local after end of test
onComplete: function (capabilties, specs) {
exports.bs_local.stop(function() {});
exports.config = {
// ==================
// Specify Test Files
// ==================
// Define which test specs should run. The pattern is relative to the directory
// from which `wdio` was called. Notice that, if you are calling `wdio` from an
// NPM script (see then the current working
// directory is where your package.json resides, so `wdio` will be called from there.
specs: [
// Patterns to exclude.
exclude: [
// 'path/to/excluded/files'
// ============
// Capabilities
// ============
// Define your capabilities here. WebdriverIO can run multiple capabilities at the same
// time. Depending on the number of capabilities, WebdriverIO launches several test
// sessions. Within your capabilities you can overwrite the spec and exclude options in
// order to group specific specs to a specific capability.
// First, you can define how many instances should be started at the same time. Let's
// say you have 3 different capabilities (Chrome, Firefox, and Safari) and you have
// set maxInstances to 1; wdio will spawn 3 processes. Therefore, if you have 10 spec
// files and you set maxInstances to 10, all spec files will get tested at the same time
// and 30 processes will get spawned. The property handles how many capabilities
// from the same test should run tests.
maxInstances: 1,
// If you have trouble getting all important capabilities together, check out the
// Sauce Labs platform configurator - a great tool to configure your capabilities:
capabilities: [{
// maxInstances can get overwritten per capability. So if you have an in-house Selenium
// grid with only 5 firefox instances available you can make sure that not more than
// 5 instances get started at a time.
//maxInstances: 1,
browser: 'Chrome'
// ===================
// Test Configurations
// ===================
// Define all options that are relevant for the WebdriverIO instance here
// By default WebdriverIO commands are executed in a synchronous way using
// the wdio-sync package. If you still want to run your tests in an async way
// e.g. using promises you can set the sync option to false.
sync: true,
// Level of logging verbosity: silent | verbose | command | data | result | error
logLevel: 'silent',
// Enables colors for log output.
coloredLogs: true,
// If you only want to run your tests until a specific amount of tests have failed use
// bail (default is 0 - don't bail, run all tests).
bail: 0,
// Saves a screenshot to a given path if a command fails.
screenshotPath: './errorShots/',
// Set a base URL in order to shorten url command calls. If your url parameter starts
// with "/", then the base url gets prepended.
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
// Default timeout for all waitFor* commands.
waitforTimeout: 10000,
// Default timeout in milliseconds for request
// if Selenium Grid doesn't send response
connectionRetryTimeout: 90000,
// Default request retries count
connectionRetryCount: 3,
// Initialize the browser instance with a WebdriverIO plugin. The object should have the
// plugin name as key and the desired plugin options as properties. Make sure you have
// the plugin installed before running any tests. The following plugins are currently
// available:
// WebdriverCSS:
// WebdriverRTC:
// Browserevent:
// plugins: {
// webdrivercss: {
// screenshotRoot: 'my-shots',
// failedComparisonsRoot: 'diffs',
// misMatchTolerance: 0.05,
// screenWidth: [320,480,640,1024]
// },
// webdriverrtc: {},
// browserevent: {}
// },
// Test runner services
// Services take over a specific job you don't want to take care of. They enhance
// your test setup with almost no effort. Unlike plugins, they don't add new
// commands. Instead, they hook themselves up into the test process.
services: ['selenium-standalone'],
// Framework you want to run your specs with.
// The following are supported: Mocha, Jasmine, and Cucumber
// see also:
// Make sure you have the wdio adapter package for the specific framework installed
// before running any tests.
framework: 'mocha',
// Test reporter for stdout.
// The only one supported by default is 'dot'
// see also:
reporters: ['dot'],
// Options to be passed to Mocha.
// See the full list at
mochaOpts: {
ui: 'bdd'
// =====
// Hooks
// =====
// WebdriverIO provides several hooks you can use to interfere with the test process in order to enhance
// it and to build services around it. You can either apply a single function or an array of
// methods to it. If one of them returns with a promise, WebdriverIO will wait until that promise got
// resolved to continue.
// Gets executed once before all workers get launched.
// onPrepare: function (config, capabilities) {
// },
// Gets executed just before initialising the webdriver session and test framework. It allows you
// to manipulate configurations depending on the capability or spec.
// beforeSession: function (config, capabilities, specs) {
// },
// Gets executed before test execution begins. At this point you can access all global
// variables, such as `browser`. It is the perfect place to define custom commands.
before: (capabilities, specs) => require('./custom-commands')(browser, capabilities, specs),
// Hook that gets executed before the suite starts
// beforeSuite: function (suite) {
// },
// Hook that gets executed _before_ a hook within the suite starts (e.g. runs before calling
// beforeEach in Mocha)
// beforeHook: function () {
// },
// Hook that gets executed _after_ a hook within the suite starts (e.g. runs after calling
// afterEach in Mocha)
// afterHook: function () {
// },
// Function to be executed before a test (in Mocha/Jasmine) or a step (in Cucumber) starts.
// beforeTest: function (test) {
// },
// Runs before a WebdriverIO command gets executed.
// beforeCommand: function (commandName, args) {
// },
// Runs after a WebdriverIO command gets executed
// afterCommand: function (commandName, args, result, error) {
// },
// Function to be executed after a test (in Mocha/Jasmine) or a step (in Cucumber) starts.
// afterTest: function (test) {
// },
// Hook that gets executed after the suite has ended
// afterSuite: function (suite) {
// },
// Gets executed after all tests are done. You still have access to all global variables from
// the test.
// after: function (result, capabilities, specs) {
// },
// Gets executed right after terminating the webdriver session.
// afterSession: function (config, capabilities, specs) {
// },
// Gets executed after all workers got shut down and the process is about to exit. It is not
// possible to defer the end of the process using a promise.
// onComplete: function(exitCode) {
// }
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