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Created November 14, 2022 19:42
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// Copyright (c) 2022, Mysten Labs, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module nfts::marketplace_nofee {
use sui::tx_context::{Self, TxContext};
use sui::object::{Self, UID, ID};
use sui::transfer;
use sui::dynamic_object_field as ofield;
use sui::coin::{Self, Coin};
use sui::balance::{Self, Balance};
// For when amount paid does not match the expected.
const EAmountIncorrect: u64 = 0;
// For when someone tries to delist without ownership.
const ENotOwner: u64 = 1;
// For auctions
const ETooLate: u64 = 2;
const ETooEarly: u64 = 3;
const ENoBid: u64 = 4;
struct Marketplace has key {
id: UID,
fee: u8,
owner: address,
/// A single listing which contains the listed item and its price in [`Coin<C>`].
struct Listing<T: key + store, phantom C> has key, store {
id: UID,
item: T,
ask: u64, // Coin<C>
owner: address,
struct AuctionListing<T: key + store, phantom C> has key, store {
id: UID,
item: T,
bid: Balance<C>,
min_bid: u64,
starts: u64,
expires: u64,
owner: address,
bidder: address,
public entry fun split_and_transfer<C>(from: Coin<C>, amount: u64, recipient: address, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
transfer::transfer(coin::split(&mut from, amount, ctx), recipient);
transfer::transfer(from, tx_context::sender(ctx))
/// Create a new shared Marketplace.
public entry fun create(owner: address, fee: u8, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
let id = object::new(ctx);
let market_place = Marketplace {
// transfer::transfer(market_place, tx_context::sender(ctx));
/// List an item at the Marketplace.
public entry fun list<T: key + store, C>(
_marketplace: &mut Marketplace,
item: T,
ask: u64,
ctx: &mut TxContext
) {
let id = object::new(ctx);
let listing = Listing<T, C> {
owner: tx_context::sender(ctx),
let id = object::id(&listing);
ofield::add(&mut, id, listing);
public fun sclist<T: key + store, C>(
_marketplace: &mut Marketplace,
item: T,
ask: u64,
ctx: &mut TxContext
): ID {
let id = object::new(ctx);
let listing = Listing<T, C> {
owner: tx_context::sender(ctx),
let id = object::id(&listing);
ofield::add(&mut, id, listing);
public fun adjust_listing<T: key + store, C>(
_marketplace: &mut Marketplace,
listing_id: ID,
ask: u64,
ctx: &mut TxContext
) {
let listing = ofield::borrow_mut<ID, Listing<T, C>>(&mut, listing_id);
listing.ask = ask;
assert!(tx_context::sender(ctx) == listing.owner, ENotOwner);
/// Remove listing and get an item back. Only owner can do that.
public fun delist<T: key + store, C>(
_marketplace: &mut Marketplace,
listing_id: ID,
ctx: &mut TxContext
): T {
let listing = ofield::remove<ID, Listing<T, C>>(&mut, listing_id);
let Listing { id, item, ask: _, owner } = listing;
assert!(tx_context::sender(ctx) == owner, ENotOwner);
/// Call [`delist`] and transfer item to the sender.
public entry fun delist_and_take<T: key + store, C>(
_marketplace: &mut Marketplace,
listing_id: ID,
ctx: &mut TxContext
) {
let item = delist<T, C>(_marketplace, listing_id, ctx);
transfer::transfer(item, tx_context::sender(ctx));
/// Purchase an item using a known Listing. Payment is done in Coin<C>.
/// Amount paid must match the requested amount. If conditions are met,
/// owner of the item gets the payment and buyer receives their item.
public fun buy<T: key + store, C>(
_marketplace: &mut Marketplace,
listing_id: ID,
paid: Coin<C>,
ctx: &mut TxContext
): T {
let listing = ofield::remove<ID, Listing<T, C>>(&mut, listing_id);
let Listing { id, item, ask, owner } = listing;
let sent = coin::value(&paid);
assert!(ask <= sent, EAmountIncorrect);
let marketFee = (ask * (_marketplace.fee as u64)) / 10000u64;
// take our share
let marketCoin = coin::split<C>(&mut paid, marketFee, ctx);
transfer::transfer(marketCoin, _marketplace.owner);
// if amount is exact, can skip splitting the amount
if(sent > ask){
transfer::transfer(coin::split(&mut paid, ask - marketFee, ctx), owner);
transfer::transfer(paid, tx_context::sender(ctx));
} else {
transfer::transfer(paid, owner);
/// Call [`buy`] and transfer item to the sender.
public entry fun buy_and_take<T: key + store, C>(
_marketplace: &mut Marketplace,
listing_id: ID,
paid: Coin<C>,
ctx: &mut TxContext
) {
transfer::transfer(buy<T,C>(_marketplace, listing_id, paid, ctx), tx_context::sender(ctx))
public entry fun auction<T: key + store, C>(
_marketplace: &mut Marketplace,
item: T,
min_bid: u64,
starts: u64,
expires: u64,
ctx: &mut TxContext
) {
let id = object::new(ctx);
let listing = AuctionListing<T, C> {
bid: balance::zero<C>(),
owner: tx_context::sender(ctx),
bidder: tx_context::sender(ctx),
let id = object::id(&listing);
ofield::add(&mut, id, listing);
public entry fun bid<T: key + store, C>(
_marketplace: &mut Marketplace,
listing_id: ID,
paid: Coin<C>,
new_bid: u64,
ctx: &mut TxContext
) {
let listing = ofield::borrow_mut<ID, AuctionListing<T, C>>(&mut, listing_id);
let oldBid = sui::balance::value(&;
// TODO: TESTNET ONLY. epoch on testnet seems to always return 0;
// assert!(listing.expires > tx_context::epoch(ctx), ETooLate);
// assert!(listing.starts < tx_context::epoch(ctx), ETooEarly);
assert!(new_bid > oldBid, EAmountIncorrect);
assert!(new_bid >= listing.min_bid, EAmountIncorrect);
if(oldBid > 0){
transfer::transfer(sui::coin::take<C>(&mut, oldBid, ctx), listing.bidder);
let newCoin = coin::split<C>(&mut paid, new_bid, ctx);
coin::put<C>(&mut, newCoin);
transfer::transfer(paid, tx_context::sender(ctx));
listing.bidder = tx_context::sender(ctx);
public fun complete_auction<T: key + store, C>(
_marketplace: &mut Marketplace,
listing_id: ID,
ctx: &mut TxContext
): T {
let listing = ofield::remove<ID, AuctionListing<T, C>>(&mut, listing_id);
let AuctionListing { id, item, bid, owner, bidder, min_bid, starts: _, expires: _ } = listing;
assert!(bidder == tx_context::sender(ctx), ENotOwner);
let finalBid = sui::balance::value(&bid);
assert!(finalBid >= min_bid, ENoBid);
// TODO: TESTNET ONLY. epoch on testnet seems to always return 0;
//assert!(expires < tx_context::epoch(ctx), ETooEarly);
//assert!(starts > tx_context::epoch(ctx), ETooLate);
let paid = sui::coin::from_balance<C>(bid, ctx);
let marketFee = (finalBid * (_marketplace.fee as u64)) / 10000u64;
transfer::transfer(coin::split(&mut paid, marketFee, ctx), _marketplace.owner);
transfer::transfer(paid, owner);
public entry fun complete_auction_and_take<T: key + store, C>(
_marketplace: &mut Marketplace,
listing_id: ID,
ctx: &mut TxContext
) {
transfer::transfer(complete_auction<T, C>(_marketplace, listing_id, ctx), tx_context::sender(ctx));
/// Remove listing and get an item back. Only owner can do that.
public fun deauction<T: key + store, C>(
_marketplace: &mut Marketplace,
listing: AuctionListing<T,C>,
ctx: &mut TxContext
): T {
let AuctionListing { id, item, bid, bidder, expires: _, starts: _, min_bid: _, owner } = listing;
let paid = sui::coin::from_balance<C>(bid, ctx);
transfer::transfer(paid, bidder);
assert!(tx_context::sender(ctx) == owner, ENotOwner);
// assert!(expires > tx_context::epoch(ctx) || expires == 0, ETooEarly);
/// Call [`delist`] and transfer item to the sender.
public entry fun deauction_and_take<T: key + store, C>(
_marketplace: &mut Marketplace,
listing_id: ID,
ctx: &mut TxContext
) {
let listing = ofield::remove<ID, AuctionListing<T, C>>(&mut, listing_id);
let item = deauction(_marketplace, listing, ctx);
transfer::transfer(item, tx_context::sender(ctx));
module nfts::marketplaceTests {
// use std::debug;
use sui::object::{Self, UID};
use sui::transfer;
use sui::coin::{Self, Coin};
use sui::sui::SUI;
use sui::test_scenario::{Self, Scenario};
// use nfts::bag::{Self, Bag};
use nfts::marketplace_nofee::{Self, Marketplace/*, Listing*/};
struct Kitty has key, store {
id: UID,
kitty_id: u8
fun burn_kitty(kitty: Kitty): u8 {
let Kitty{ id, kitty_id } = kitty;
const ADMIN: address = @0xA55;
const SELLER: address = @0x00A;
const BUYER: address = @0x00B;
fun create_marketplace(scenario: &mut Scenario) {
test_scenario::next_tx(scenario, ADMIN);
marketplace_nofee::create(ADMIN, 250, test_scenario::ctx(scenario));
fun mint_some_coin(scenario: &mut Scenario) {
test_scenario::next_tx(scenario, ADMIN);
let coin = coin::mint_for_testing<SUI>(1000, test_scenario::ctx(scenario));
transfer::transfer(coin, BUYER);
fun mint_kitty(scenario: &mut Scenario) {
test_scenario::next_tx(scenario, ADMIN);
let nft = Kitty { id: object::new(test_scenario::ctx(scenario)), kitty_id: 1 };
transfer::transfer(nft, SELLER);
fun buy_kitty() {
let scenario_val = test_scenario::begin(ADMIN);
let scenario = &mut scenario_val;
let mkp_val = test_scenario::take_shared<Marketplace>(scenario);
let mkp = &mut mkp_val;
test_scenario::next_tx(scenario, SELLER);
let nft = test_scenario::take_from_sender<Kitty>(scenario);
let listingID = marketplace_nofee::sclist<Kitty, SUI>(mkp, nft, 100, test_scenario::ctx(scenario));
// BUYER takes 100 SUI from his wallet and purchases Kitty.
test_scenario::next_tx(scenario, BUYER);
let coin = test_scenario::take_from_sender<Coin<SUI>>(scenario);
// let listing = test_scenario::take_from_address<Listing<Kitty, SUI>>(scenario, object::id_to_address(&object::id(mkp)));
let payment = coin::take(coin::balance_mut(&mut coin), 100, test_scenario::ctx(scenario));
// // Do the buy call and expect successful purchase.
marketplace_nofee::buy_and_take<Kitty, SUI>(mkp, listingID, payment, test_scenario::ctx(scenario));
// test_scenario::return_to_sender(scenario, listing);
test_scenario::return_to_sender(scenario, coin);
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