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Last active December 23, 2015 23:49
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  • Save ItsAsbreuk/6712217 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ItsAsbreuk/6712217 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
publishAsync method at the prototype of Y.Model, which publishes events with asynchronous defaultFn and preventedFn Promises
// Special thanks to Luke Smiths !!, who helped me creating this custom publish-method.
// More details
YModel.prototype.publishAsync = function(type, opts) {
var instance = this,
asyncEvent = this.publish(type, opts);
asyncEvent._firing = new Y.Promise(function (resolve) { resolve(); }); = function (data) {
var args = Y.Array(arguments, 0, true),
stack = {
next: asyncEvent,
silent: asyncEvent.silent,
stopped: 0,
prevented: 0,
bubbling: null,
type: asyncEvent.type,
defaultTargetOnly: asyncEvent.defaultTargetOnly
}, next;
asyncEvent._firing = asyncEvent._firing.then(function () {
asyncEvent.details = args;
// Execute on() subscribers
var subs = asyncEvent._subscribers,
args2 = [],
e, i, len;
args2.push.apply(args2, data);
e = asyncEvent._createFacade(args2); = || instance;
if (subs) {
for (i = 0, len = subs.length; i < len; ++i) {
try {
subs[i][i].context, e);
catch (catchErr) {
Y.log("Error in defaultFn or after subscriber: " + (catchErr && (catchErr.message || catchErr)), ERROR);
// Execute on() subscribers for each bubble target and their respective targets:
if (asyncEvent.bubbles && !asyncEvent.stopped) {
instance.bubble(asyncEvent, args, null, stack);
e.prevented = Math.max(e.prevented, stack.prevented);
// Resolve the _firing promise with either prefentedFn promise if it was prevented, or with a promise for
// the result of the defaultFn followed by the execution of the after subs.
return e.prevented ?, e).then(null, function (reason) {
Y.log("Error in preventedFn: " + (reason && (reason.message || reason)), ERROR);
return false;
}) :, e).then(function () {
// no need to handle 'response' it is merged into 'e' within the defaultfunction
// Execute after() subscribers
subs = asyncEvent._afters;
if (subs) {
for (i = 0, len = subs.length; i < len; ++i) {
try {
subs[i][i].context, e);
catch (catchErr) {
Y.log("Error in defaultFn or after subscriber: " + (catchErr && (catchErr.message || catchErr)), ERROR);
// Execute after() subscribers for each bubble target and their respective targets:
if (stack.afterQueue) {
while ((next = stack.afterQueue.last())) {
// Catch errors/preventions and reset the promise state to fulfilled for
// the next call to fire();
}).then(null, function (reason) {
Y.log("Error in defaultFn or after subscriber: " + (reason && (reason.message || reason)), ERROR);
return false;
function(reason) {
var facade = {
error : reason,
src : 'Model.publishAsync()'
Y.log("Error in publishAsync: " + (reason && (reason.message || reason)), ERROR);
asyncEvent._fire = function (args) {
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