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Last active May 6, 2022 22:06
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Python auto_init
This attempts to abstarct away the standard way of using `__init__`,
the problem it tries to solve is the repetetiveness of using init purely
to store it's parameters into the instance under the exactly same name, i.e.:
class Stock:
def __init__(name, shares, price): = name
self.shares = shares
self.price = price
class Structure(object):
Automatically generate `__init__` which stores
passed arguments accordingly to the names in
`Strucutre._fields`, which will be specified by
every class which uses this.
_fields = []
def __init__(self, *args):
for name, val in zip(self._fields, args):
setattr(self, name, val)
def __repr__(self):
args = ", ".join(
repr(getattr(self, name))
for name in self._fields
return f"{type(self).__name__}({args})"
class Stock(Structure):
_fields = ["name", "shares", "price"]
The problem that we encounter here is that our `__init__` is now very fragile,
we can't pass these parameters as keyword arguments because they won't be accepted
as there is no implemented way to resolve them into the positional arguments.
There's also no ensurance on whether the correct amount of attributes was passed in,
because we're using `zip`, it will simply truncate the rest of those fields if
we didn't pass all of them and only work with what was passed. This especially
becomes a problem when we're passing too many arguments, because any arguments after
the 3rd one will simply be accepted but completely ignored.
I attempted to solve this problem with the use of signatures in
Note that this is a continuation from
As described there, we had a problem with not checking the arguments
we're getting with *args in the generated __init__ function.
This implementation solves this with the use of signatures which are
generated automatically from _fields. We can then simply bind this signature
to our *args and **kwargs, which will automatically do all of the work of
checking the correctness of those attributes accordingly to our signature.
from inspect import Parameter, Signature
def make_signature(fields):
Generate `inspect.Signature` from given `fields` list.
This will allow us to pass in the arguments as kwargs
and will automatically do checking that the correct amount
of arguments were passed in.
return Signature(
Parameter(name, Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)
for name in fields
class Structure(object):
Automatically generate `__init__` which stores
passed arguments accordingly to the names in
`Strucutre.__signature__`, which will be specified by
every class which uses this. This signature will then
be used in `__init__` where we will bind it to the passed
*args and **kwargs, from which it will be able to
automatically properly assign the attributes to our signature
with all the needed checks.
__signature__ = make_signature([])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
bound = self.__signature__.bind(*args, **kwargs)
for name, val in bound.arguments.items():
setattr(self, name, val)
class Stock(Structure):
__structure__ = make_signature(["name", "shares", "price"])
As we can see here, this method allows us for much better
specification of our fields, but it has a downside, we have
to specify the whole signature now, using `make_signature`
function, rather than only passing in the `_fileds`, this
can be fixed, which is shown in the 3rd part (
Note that this is a continuation from
As described there, we had a problem with repetetiveness in defining
the signatures manually, this can be automated using metaclasses,
which will be shown below.
Note that this could also be done with class decorators, but we use metaclasses
because we can further expand on them later and add certain things, which wouldn't
be easy to do with decorators. Using decorators also breaks static type checking
of affected classes, because the class is altered in runtime. Using metaclasses can
often fix this problem, because many type-checkers can at least somewhat resolve them.
from inspect import Parameter, Signature
def make_signature(fields):
Generate `inspect.Signature` from given `fields` list.
This will allow us to pass in the arguments as kwargs
and will automatically do checking that the correct amount
of arguments were passed in.
return Signature(
Parameter(name, Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)
for name in fields
class StructMeta(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, clsdict):
clsobj = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, clsdict)
sig = make_signature(clsobj._fields)
setattr(clsobj, "__signature__", sig)
return clsobj
class Structure(metaclass=StructMeta):
Automatically generate `__init__` which stores
passed arguments accordingly to the names in
`_fields`, which will automatically be used to generate
a `__signature__` in the `StructMeta` defining meta class.
_fields = []
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
bound = self.__signature__.bind(*args, **kwargs)
for name, val in bound.arguments.items():
setattr(self, name, val)
class Stock(Structure):
_fields = ["name", "shares", "price"]
This will work flawlessly and it's very clear, but our issue now might
be to check the correctness of our parameters, users often make mistakes
and we can't just assume that the values we'll be getting will be correct.
Usually this error checking would happen within our `__init__`, problem is
that this is now automatically generated and we don't have a clear way
of imposing these restrictions.
This is done using using property setters which will be described in
the coninuation:
Note that this is a continuation from
As described there, we had a problem with ensuring that our parameters in
init will follow some imposed restrictions, perhaps for type checking, or
even ensuring things like positive integer values, etc.
This can be handled by multiple approaches, one of which would be to override
the `__init__` method itself, call the super().__init__ and continue from there
to impose our restrictions. While this would work, it's quite limiting because
the user would still be able to change these variables to invalid things over time,
simply by doing: `stock.shares = "hello"`, if we wanted to truly protect these
we could achieve that with the use of property setters, as solved here.
from inspect import Parameter, Signature
def make_signature(fields):
Generate `inspect.Signature` from given `fields` list.
This will allow us to pass in the arguments as kwargs
and will automatically do checking that the correct amount
of arguments were passed in.
return Signature(
Parameter(name, Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)
for name in fields
class StructMeta(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, clsdict):
clsobj = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, clsdict)
sig = make_signature(clsobj._fields)
setattr(clsobj, "__signature__", sig)
return clsobj
class Structure(metaclass=StructMeta):
Automatically generate `__init__` which stores
passed arguments accordingly to the names in
`_fields`, which will automatically be used to generate
a `__signature__` in the `StructMeta` defining meta class.
_fields = []
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
bound = self.__signature__.bind(*args, **kwargs)
for name, val in bound.arguments.items():
setattr(self, name, val)
class Stock(Structure):
_fields = ["name", "shares", "price"]
def shares(self):
return self._shares
def shares(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, int):
raise TypeError("value must be an integer")
if value < 0:
raise ValueError("value must be positive (>= 0)")
self._shares = value
def price(self):
return self._price
def price(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, float):
raise TypeError("value must be a float")
if value < 0:
raise ValueError("value must be positive (>= 0)")
self._price = value
This will work flawlessly and it's clear as to what's being done but there's
another issue now. We can see that the setter for price isn't very different
from setter for shares. And the getter is pretty much the same. This would be
even more obvious with more similar attributes, that require these restrictions.
To avoid this repetition, we can basically implement `@property` manually,
with what's known as the Descriptor Protocol.
This is shown in the continuation:
Note that this is a continuation from
As described there, even though we managed to impose some restriction on the
parameters using property setters, it brought a lot of repetition with it,
which would become especially obvious with more attributes that require the
same restrictions.
This problem is solved here, with the use of the Descriptor Protocol.
from inspect import Parameter, Signature
import re
class Descriptor:
This is a default descriptor implementation, it doesn't really do much
but it provides us with a basis for all other descriptors, which can
then override these methods (most notable setter, to impose some restrictions).
def __set_name__(self, owner_cls, name):
This method was implemented in python 3.6 (PEP 487), for any older versions
you'll have to use meta-classes, to handle this automatically, or
simply require the user to pass in the `name` in `__init__`.
This implementation is shown in `` file.
""" = name
def __get__(self, instance, owner_cls):
if instance is None:
return self
return instance.__dict__.get(
def __set__(self, instance, value):
instance.__dict__[] = value
def __delete__(self, instance):
del instance.__dict__[]
class Typed(Descriptor):
"""This is a general descriptor for enforcing types, it's expected to be subclassed."""
ty = object # Expected type
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if not isinstance(value, self.ty):
raise TypeError(f"Expected {self.ty.__name__}, got {type(value).__name__}.")
return super().__set__(instance, value)
class Integer(Typed):
ty = int
class Float(Typed):
ty = float
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if isinstance(value, int):
value = float(value)
return super().__set__(instance, value)
class String(Typed):
ty = str
class Positive(Descriptor):
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if value < 0:
raise ValueError("Value must be positive (>= 0)")
return super().__set__(instance, value)
class PositiveInteger(Integer, Positive):
class PositiveFloat(Float, Positive):
class Regex(String):
def __init__(self, *args, pattern, **kwargs):
self.pattern = re.compile(pattern)
return super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if not self.pattern.match(value):
raise ValueError("String doesn't match the expected pattern")
return super().__set__(instance, value)
class Sized(Descriptor):
def __init__(self, *args, maxlen, **kwargs):
self.maxlen = maxlen
return super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if len(value) > self.maxlen:
raise ValueError(f"Maximum expected length is {self.maxlen}, got {len(value)}")
return super().__set__(instance, value)
class SizedRegex(Regex, Sized):
def make_signature(fields):
Generate `inspect.Signature` from given `fields` list.
This will allow us to pass in the arguments as kwargs
and will automatically do checking that the correct amount
of arguments were passed in.
return Signature(
Parameter(name, Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)
for name in fields
class StructMeta(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, clsdict):
clsobj = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, clsdict)
sig = make_signature(clsobj._fields)
setattr(clsobj, "__signature__", sig)
return clsobj
class Structure(metaclass=StructMeta):
Automatically generate `__init__` which stores
passed arguments accordingly to the names in
`_fields`, which will automatically be used to generate
a `__signature__` in the `StructMeta` defining meta class.
_fields = []
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
bound = self.__signature__.bind(*args, **kwargs)
for name, val in bound.arguments.items():
setattr(self, name, val)
class Stock(Structure):
_fields = ["name", "shares", "price"]
name = SizedRegex(maxlen=8, pattern=r"[A-Z]+$")
shares = PositiveInteger()
price = PositiveFloat()
Here, we managed to impose restrictions directly, using the descriptor protocol.
This implementation is pretty decent and helped us avoid a lot of code and repetition,
but it's still not perfect. You might already see, that we define the variables
twice, in `_fields` and when we impose the restrictions with instantiating the descriptors.
Even this could therefore be automated and abstracted away, as shown in
Note that this is a continuation from
As described there, we still have a bit of repetetive code within our definition
of the child classes of the Structure class, we can automate this, by generating
the `_fields` using a metaclass directly by accessing the internally stored
variables for this class, which are present in any object and accessible by using
the `__dict__` attribute. We can therefore simply iterate through these variables
and check for those which are of `Descriptor` class, in which case we simply add
it into some `fields` list, which will then be used to construct our signature,
just like we previously used the `_fields` defined directly in that class.
from collections import OrderedDict
from inspect import Parameter, Signature
import re
class Descriptor:
This is a default descriptor implementation, it doesn't really do much
but it provides us with a basis for all other descriptors, which can
then override these methods (most notable setter, to impose some restrictions).
def __set_name__(self, owner_cls, name):
This method was implemented in python 3.6 (PEP 487), for any older versions
you'll have to use meta-classes, to handle this automatically, or
simply require the user to pass in the `name` in `__init__`.
This implementation is shown in `` file
""" = name
def __get__(self, instance, owner_cls):
if instance is None:
return self
return instance.__dict__.get(
def __set__(self, instance, value):
instance.__dict__[] = value
def __delete__(self, instance):
del instance.__dict__[]
class Typed(Descriptor):
"""This is a general descriptor for enforcing types, it's expected to be subclassed."""
ty = object # Expected type
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if not isinstance(value, self.ty):
raise TypeError(f"Expected {self.ty.__name__}, got {type(value).__name__}.")
return super().__set__(instance, value)
class Integer(Typed):
ty = int
class Float(Typed):
ty = float
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if isinstance(value, int):
value = float(value)
return super().__set__(instance, value)
class String(Typed):
ty = str
class Positive(Descriptor):
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if value < 0:
raise ValueError("Value must be positive (>= 0)")
return super().__set__(instance, value)
class PositiveInteger(Integer, Positive):
class PositiveFloat(Float, Positive):
class Regex(String):
def __init__(self, *args, pattern, **kwargs):
self.pattern = re.compile(pattern)
return super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if not self.pattern.match(value):
raise ValueError("String doesn't match the expected pattern")
return super().__set__(instance, value)
class Sized(Descriptor):
def __init__(self, *args, maxlen, **kwargs):
self.maxlen = maxlen
return super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if len(value) > self.maxlen:
raise ValueError(f"Maximum expected length is {self.maxlen}, got {len(value)}")
return super().__set__(instance, value)
class SizedRegex(Regex, Sized):
def make_signature(fields):
Generate `inspect.Signature` from given `fields` list.
This will allow us to pass in the arguments as kwargs
and will automatically do checking that the correct amount
of arguments were passed in.
return Signature(
Parameter(name, Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)
for name in fields
class StructMeta(type):
def __prepare__(cls, name, bases):
This is the class which returns the default empty dictionary
which will then be filled and treated as the `__dict__` for a
given class `cls`.
We're overriding this and returning an ordered dictionary instead.
This ensures that we keep the order of items for our arguments to
`__init__` of `cls`. With unordered dictionary, the order of those
arguments won't be preserved and *args might not have the intended
return OrderedDict()
def __new__(cls, name, bases, clsdict):
# This extracts the descriptor variable names
# we could also use `` instead, because that's
# automatically obtained in descriptor with `__set_name__`
fields = [
key for key, val in clsdict.items()
if isinstance(val, Descriptor)
# Make class object itself, with normal dictionary, not an ordered one
clsobj = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dict(clsdict))
# Produce the signature directly from obtained fields, rather than hard-coding
# it in the class definition as `_fields`
sig = make_signature(fields)
setattr(clsobj, "__signature__", sig)
return clsobj
class Structure(metaclass=StructMeta):
Automatically generate `__init__` which stores
passed arguments accordingly to the names in
`_fields`, which will automatically be used to generate
a `__signature__` in the `StructMeta` defining meta class.
_fields = []
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
bound = self.__signature__.bind(*args, **kwargs)
for name, val in bound.arguments.items():
setattr(self, name, val)
class Stock(Structure):
name = SizedRegex(maxlen=8, pattern=r"[A-Z]+$")
shares = PositiveInteger()
price = PositiveFloat()
With this approach, everything is perfectly clear and there's no repetition at all,
it's a very clean and nice way to do this. But there is still a downside, and this one
is pretty obvious. It's performance. We did a lot of pre-processing which made our
code a lot slower, specifically, this is how the code performs:
Name | Code | Simple | Meta | Disadvantage
Instance creation | s=Stock('ACME',50,91.1) | 1.07s | 91.8s | 86x
Attribute lookup | s.price | 0.08s | 0.08s | 1x
Attribute assignment | s.price = 10.0 | 0.11s | 3.40s | 31x
Attribute assignment | = 'ACME' | 0.14s | 8.14s | 58x
One way to get around this would be to utilize code generation,
as shown in
The code here is very pythonic, clean and readable and it could be used in a production
environment as is, even with slowwer speeds. Usually I wouldn't say that it's a good
idea to stick with slower options if there are faster ones aviable, but if you will
check out the `` file, you'll probably see why I'm saying this, the code there
is very chaotic, weird and non-pythonic, but it does make this faster and the user won't
really see a difference.
Note that this is a continuation from
As described there, the approach we took was very clean and easy to recognize, but
also very slow, we could improve on this by using direct code generation as shown here.
Do know that doing this won't be pretty python code, it will get messy and weird, as
I said in the NOTICE section of the file, only keep reading this if
you really feel like you're ready for it and with the knowledge that it won't be pretty.
from collections import OrderedDict
import re
def _make_init(fields):
"""Generate full python code of an __init__ function"""
code = f"def __init__(self, {', '.join(fields)}):\n"
for name in fields:
code += f" self.{name} = {name}\n"
return code
def _make_setter(dcls):
Takes descriptor class and produces the code for `__set__` function,
to avoid super calls and slowdows from inheritance.
It walks the method resolution order and collects the code from `set_code` function, which it than concatenates to make a ne `__set__` method
code = "def __set__(self, instance, value):\n"
for d in dcls.__mro__:
if 'set_code' in d.__dict__:
for line in d.set_code():
code += f" {line}\n"
return code
class DescriptorMeta(type):
We need to use a metaclass for Descriptors, in order to automatically
construct the `__set__` method for them using the code fragments
from `set_code` method.
def __init__(self, clsname, bases, clsdict):
We're using `__init__` instead of `__new__`, because the
generation of setter code using `_make_setter` requires
us to have the MRO already estabolished, which is done
when the class is being created in `__new__`, which has
already happened in `__new__` so we can use `__init__`.
super().__init__(clsname, bases, clsdict)
# In case somebody tries to implement the classical __set__
# method, disallow it, it would be overridden anyway and the
# use wouldn't know why, this way he'll be informed what's wrong
if '__set__' in clsdict:
raise TypeError("Use set_code(), not __set__()")
# Make the `__set__` code
code = _make_setter(self)
exec(code, globals(), clsdict)
# The actual __dict__ is altered and it becomes a mappingproxy
# rather than normal dictionary and it will be read-only
# the received `clsdict` is not necessarely the one that will be
# used for the class itself, so we need to define the `__set__`
# using setattr directly onto the class (`self`)
setattr(self, "__set__", clsdict["__set__"])
class Descriptor(metaclass=DescriptorMeta):
This is a default descriptor implementation, it doesn't really do much
but it provides us with a basis for all other descriptors, which can
then override these methods (most notable setter, to impose some restrictions).
def __set_name__(self, owner_cls, name):
This method was implemented in python 3.6 (PEP 487), for any older versions
you'll have to use meta-classes, to handle this automatically, or
simply require the user to pass in the `name` in `__init__`.
This implementation is shown in `` file
""" = name
def __get__(self, instance, owner_cls):
if instance is None:
return self
return instance.__dict__.get(
def set_code():
return ["instance.__dict__[] = value"]
def __delete__(self, instance):
del instance.__dict__[]
class Typed(Descriptor):
"""This is a general descriptor for enforcing types, it's expected to be subclassed."""
ty = object # Expected type
def set_code():
return [
"if not isinstance(value, self.ty):",
" raise TypeError(f'Expected {self.ty.__name__}, got {type(value).__name__}.')",
class Integer(Typed):
ty = int
class Float(Typed):
ty = float
def set_code():
return [
"if isinstance(value, int):",
" value = float(value)"
class String(Typed):
ty = str
class Positive(Descriptor):
def set_code():
return [
"if value < 0:",
" raise ValueError('Value must be positive (>= 0)')"
class PositiveInteger(Integer, Positive):
class PositiveFloat(Float, Positive):
class Regex(String):
def __init__(self, *args, pattern, **kwargs):
self.pattern = re.compile(pattern)
return super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def set_code():
return [
"if not self.pattern.match(value):",
" raise ValueError(\"String doesn't match the expected pattern\")"
class Sized(Descriptor):
def __init__(self, *args, maxlen, **kwargs):
self.maxlen = maxlen
return super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def set_code():
return [
"if len(value) > self.maxlen:",
" raise ValueError(f'Maximum expected length is {self.maxlen}, got {len(value)}')"
class SizedRegex(Regex, Sized):
class StructMeta(type):
def __prepare__(cls, name, bases):
This is the class which returns the default empty dictionary
which will then be filled and treated as the `__dict__` for a
given class `cls`.
We're overriding this and returning an ordered dictionary instead.
This ensures that we keep the order of items for our arguments to
`__init__` of `cls`. With unordered dictionary, the order of those
arguments won't be preserved and *args might not have the intended
return OrderedDict()
def __new__(cls, name, bases, clsdict):
# This extracts the descriptor variable names
# we could also use `` instead, because that's
# automatically obtained in descriptor with `__set_name__`
fields = [
key for key, val in clsdict.items()
if isinstance(val, Descriptor)
# Directly execute the code from made __init__ fucntion
# This means that we don't need the signature anymore
if fields:
init_code = _make_init(fields)
exec(init_code, globals(), clsdict)
# Make class object itself, with normal dictionary, not an ordered one
clsobj = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dict(clsdict))
return clsobj
class Structure(metaclass=StructMeta):
Automatically generate `__init__` which stores
passed arguments accordingly to the names in
`_fields`, which will automatically be used to generate
a `__signature__` in the `StructMeta` defining meta class.
_fields = []
class Stock(Structure):
name = SizedRegex(maxlen=8, pattern=r"[A-Z]+$")
shares = PositiveInteger()
price = PositiveFloat()
With this approach, we're generating the init code and the code for __set__
and using that directly, with `exec`. (This is certainly weird and many would
say that it's not pythonic, which is true, but code generation is actually even
used in the stdlib collections module for named tuples, so if it's possible in
stdlib, we can do it too? maybe?)
This will make our instance creation significantly faster, but it comes
with a big drawback with static type checkers and with general readability.
Name | Code | Simple | Old Meta | New Meta + Exec
Instance creation | s=Stock('ACME',50,91.1) | 1.07s | 91.8s (86x) | 17.6s (6.7x)
Attribute lookup | s.price | 0.08s | 0.08s | 0.08s
Attribute assignment | s.price = 10.0 | 0.11s | 3.40s (31x) | 1.11s (10x)
Attribute assignment | = 'ACME' | 0.14s | 8.14s (58x) | 2.95s (21x)
There won't be any benefit for attribute lookups because
we're not adjusting that in any way, in fact, we were using the normal
`__get__` even with the old approach which meant that it's execution time was
actually the same as with the simple implementation.
Note that the user won't be aware that we're doing any of this and the `exec`
will be hidden away, the general way of defining our class will stay the same
so the user won't notice anything.
Realistically though, you'd usually just stick with the first method, even though
it is slower, python itself wasn't made to be the fastest language out there, but
to be the most readable one, so readability should take precedence, this is here only
to show, what can theoretically be done, to improve our speeds if absolutely necessary.
If you tried to actually implement this inside of a production codebase of some
real library/application, I can't really help you with convincing the manager about
this because well, you'll either leave the building, or keep a permanent position there.
The main problem with this is that people who are less experienced won't even know
how to use your classes and what to do with something like this, and looking through
the original code likely won't help them at all without extensive searching about
descriptors, metaclasses and other things, and even then it would take them very long time
to actually understand a codebase like this. For that reason, this is mostly purely
for education and you probably won't have a chance of actually implementing something as
crazy as this in a real production codebase somewhere.
What's nice about this though, is that you can literally convert your classes into pure
XML, from which they can be reconstructed, example XML:
<structure name="Stock">
<field type="SizedRegex" maxlen="8" partition="'[A-Z]+$'">name</field>
<field type="PositiveInteger">shares</field>
<field type="PositiveFloat">price</field>
<structure name="Address">
<field type="String">hostname</field>
<field type="Integer">port</field>
Here you're getting full class serialization in something relatively readable.
Maybe that can convince your manager? (lol, don't try it).
But it would be possible to parse this XML directly, as shown below:
from xml.etree.ElementTree import parse
def _xml_to_code(filename):
doc = parse(filename)
code = ""
for structure in doc.findall("structure"):
clscode = _struct_to_class(structure)
code += clscode
return code
def _struct_to_class(structure):
name = structure.get("name")
code = f"class {name}(Structure):\n"
for field in structure.findall("field"):
descriptor_type = field.get("type")
options = [
f"{key} = {val}" for key, val in field.items()
if key != "type"
name = field.text.strip()
code += f" {name} = {descriptor_type}({', '.join(options)})\n"
return code
code = _xml_to_code("classes.xml")
In python 3.6, a dunder `__set_name__` was introduced to
Descriptor Protocol (PEP 487), making it a lot easier to
avoid meta-classes, but if we're using older python versions,
or just for curiosity, to see how `__set_name__` would be implemented,
this is how the meta-class implementation would look.
class Descriptor(object):
Base descriptor implementation, with using the old
way of passing the `name` in manually, without the
automation of `__set_name__`.
def __init__(self, name=None):
Notice that the `name` is optional, in order to
provide a way of initialization without it, so that
the metaclass implemented below can handle setting the
`name` for us automatically.
""" = name
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
return instance.__dict__.get(
def __set__(self, instance, value):
instance.__dict__[] = value
def __delete__(self, instance):
del instance.__dict__[]
class Integer(Descriptor):
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if not isinstance(value, int):
raise TypeError("value must be integer")
return super().__set__(instance, value)
class StructMeta(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, clsdict):
fields = [
key for key, val in clsdict.items()
if isinstance(val, Descriptor)
for name in fields:
# Give the `name` attribute obtained from the class dict
# to the decorator instnace stored under that name
clsdict[name].name = name
clsobj = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, clsdict)
return clsobj
class Structure(metaclass=StructMeta):
This is just a placeholder class, so that user can inherit from
this class, rather than having to do metaclass=StructMeta, since
the metaclass will be inhereted with this class automatically.
class Stock(Structure):
shares = Integer()
price = Integer()
def __init__(self, name, shares, price): = name
self.shares = shares
self.price = price
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