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Last active May 15, 2022 16:10
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  • Save ItsJonQ/5ccaabe1371c8aa94494ce2702ef0833 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Styled System CSS Props - A list of CSS native CSS properties that Styled System provides as part of their component styling API.
const styledSystemCSSProps = {
// Background
background: true,
backgroundImage: true,
backgroundSize: true,
backgroundPosition: true,
backgroundRepeat: true,
// Border
border: true,
borderBottom: true,
borderBottomColor: true,
borderBottomLeftRadius: true,
borderBottomRightRadius: true,
borderBottomStyle: true,
borderBottomWidth: true,
borderColor: true,
borderLeft: true,
borderLeftColor: true,
borderLeftStyle: true,
borderLeftWidth: true,
borderRadius: true,
borderRight: true,
borderRightColor: true,
borderRightStyle: true,
borderRightWidth: true,
borderSpacing: true,
borderStyle: true,
borderTop: true,
borderTopColor: true,
borderTopLeftRadius: true,
borderTopRightRadius: true,
borderTopStyle: true,
borderTopWidth: true,
borderWidth: true,
// Color
backgroundColor: true,
color: true,
opacity: true,
// Flexbox
alignContent: true,
alignItems: true,
alignSelf: true,
flex: true,
flexBasis: true,
flexDirection: true,
flexGrow: true,
flexShrink: true,
flexWrap: true,
gap: true, // Not included in Styled System.
justifyContent: true,
justifyItems: true,
justifySelf: true,
order: true,
// Grid
gridArea: true,
gridAutoColumns: true,
gridAutoFlow: true,
gridAutoRows: true,
gridColumn: true,
gridColumnGap: true,
gridGap: true,
gridRow: true,
gridRowGap: true,
gridTemplateAreas: true,
gridTemplateColumns: true,
gridTemplateRows: true,
// Layout
width: true,
display: true,
height: true,
maxHeight: true,
maxWidth: true,
minHeight: true,
minWidth: true,
overflow: true,
overflowX: true,
overflowY: true,
verticalAlign: true,
// Position
bottom: true,
left: true,
position: true,
right: true,
top: true,
zIndex: true,
// Shadow
boxShadow: true,
textShadow: true,
// Space
margin: true,
marginBottom: true,
marginLeft: true,
marginRight: true,
marginTop: true,
padding: true,
paddingBottom: true,
paddingLeft: true,
paddingRight: true,
paddingTop: true,
// Typography
fontFamily: true,
fontSize: true,
fontStyle: true,
fontWeight: true,
letterSpacing: true,
lineHeight: true,
textAlign: true,
// Other props (Chakra supported)
animation: true,
appearance: true,
boxSizing: true,
content: true,
cursor: true,
fill: true,
float: true,
objectFit: true,
objectPosition: true,
outline: true,
overflowWrap: true,
pointerEvents: true,
resize: true,
stroke: true,
textOverflow: true,
transform: true,
transformOrigin: true,
transition: true,
userSelect: true,
visibility: true,
whiteSpace: true,
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