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Created May 15, 2022 15:40
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Forward HTML Props - An improved way to forward only valid HTML props to React components.
* @emotion/is-prop-valid uses a list of props to match against.
* @see
import isPropValid from '@emotion/is-prop-valid';
* # HTML attribute reference
* For a list of valid HTML attributes, and their valid elements...
* @see
* A list HTML elements that accept width and height attributes.
const widthAndHeightElements = {
canvas: true,
embed: true,
img: true,
iframe: true,
input: true,
object: true,
video: true,
* Deprecated. Use the CSS width property instead.
* @see
table: true,
th: true,
td: true,
* A list of SVG HTML elements.
* @see
const svgElements = {
altGlyph: true,
altGlyphDef: true,
animate: true,
animateColor: true,
animateMotion: true,
animateTransform: true,
circle: true,
clipPath: true,
colorProfile: true,
cursor: true,
defs: true,
desc: true,
ellipse: true,
feBlend: true,
feColorMatrix: true,
feComponentTransfer: true,
feComposite: true,
feConvolveMatrix: true,
feDiffuseLighting: true,
feDisplacementMap: true,
feDropShadow: true,
feFlood: true,
feFuncA: true,
feFuncB: true,
feFuncG: true,
feFuncR: true,
feGaussianBlur: true,
feImage: true,
feMerge: true,
feMergeNode: true,
feMorphology: true,
feOffset: true,
fePointLight: true,
feSpecularLighting: true,
feSpotLight: true,
feTile: true,
feTurbulence: true,
filter: true,
foreignObject: true,
g: true,
glyph: true,
glyphRef: true,
image: true,
line: true,
linearGradient: true,
marker: true,
mask: true,
metadata: true,
missingGlyph: true,
mpath: true,
path: true,
pattern: true,
polygon: true,
polyline: true,
radialGradient: true,
rect: true,
script: true,
set: true,
stop: true,
svg: true,
switch: true,
symbol: true,
text: true,
textPath: true,
title: true,
tref: true,
tspan: true,
use: true,
view: true,
* A custom list of disallowed props. To take care of the 1% that slip passed
* @emotion/is-prop-valid's REGEX based prop matching process.
* Although all of these props are valid HTML attributes. However, not
* all HTML elements can render the same props.
* For example, the x prop is used only by SVG-based elements.
const disallowedProps = {
* Not a valid HTML attribute.
dashed: true,
* This is only available for iFrames. However, it's not supported by any
* browser.
* @see
seamless: true,
* A valid HTML property, but is only used for <option />.
* It is also not advised by React to use selected to select a value.
* Use the `defaultValue` or `value` props on <select> instead of
* setting `selected` on <option>.
* @see
selected: true,
* Used by Hitarea, but not an HTML attribute.
const hitAreaProps = {
active: true,
focus: true,
hover: true,
keyboardFocus: true,
* A list of HTML properties that are only valid for a tiny subset of
* HTML elements.
* Structure:
* {
* property: { allowed: true }
* }
const nonStandardProps = {
* @see
action: {form: true},
* `color` is only valid for usage in Safari, specifically for the
* <link /> HTML element.
* We need to filter this out because it's used a lot in CSS-in-JS
* props and variants.
* @see
color: {link: true},
* Common for CSS-in-JS usage, but only valid for SVG and
* media/embeddable elements.
height: {
* Common for CSS-in-JS usage, but only valid for certain form elements.
* @see
label: {
optgroup: true,
option: true,
track: true,
* Common for CSS-in-JS usage, but only valid a couple of HTML elements.
* @see
loading: {
img: true,
iframe: true,
* Common for CSS-in-JS usage, but only valid a couple of HTML elements.
* @see
open: {
details: true,
dialog: true,
* Common for CSS-in-JS usage, but only valid a couple of HTML elements.
* @see
size: {
input: true,
select: true,
* Common for CSS-in-JS usage, but only valid for SVG and
* media/embeddable elements.
width: {
* Common for CSS-in-JS usage, but only valid for textarea.
* We use `wrap` as a variant name in `Stack`.
* @see
wrap: {textarea: true},
* A list of HTML attributes for SVG elements, only.
* The way we're checking is very naive. For example, azimuth is only valid
* for certain SVG sub-elements such as <feDistantLight />.
* @see
const svgProps = {
accentHeight: true,
accumulate: true,
additive: true,
alignmentBaseline: true,
allowReorder: true,
alphabetic: true,
amplitude: true,
arabicForm: true,
ascent: true,
attributeName: true,
attributeType: true,
autoReverse: true,
azimuth: true,
baseFrequency: true,
baselineShift: true,
baseProfile: true,
bbox: true,
begin: true,
bias: true,
by: true,
calcMode: true,
capHeight: true,
clip: true,
clipPathUnits: true,
clipPath: true,
clipRule: true,
colorInterpolation: true,
colorInterpolationFilters: true,
colorProfile: true,
colorRendering: true,
contentScriptType: true,
contentStyleType: true,
cursor: true,
cx: true,
cy: true,
d: true,
decelerate: true,
descent: true,
diffuseConstant: true,
direction: true,
display: true,
divisor: true,
dominantBaseline: true,
dur: true,
dx: true,
dy: true,
edgeMode: true,
elevation: true,
enableBackground: true,
end: true,
exponent: true,
externalResourcesRequired: true,
fill: true,
fillOpacity: true,
fillRule: true,
filter: true,
filterRes: true,
filterUnits: true,
floodColor: true,
floodOpacity: true,
focusable: true,
fontFamily: true,
fontSize: true,
fontSizeAdjust: true,
fontStretch: true,
fontStyle: true,
fontVariant: true,
fontWeight: true,
format: true,
from: true,
fr: true, // valid SVG element but React will ask for removal
fx: true,
fy: true,
g1: true,
g2: true,
glyphName: true,
glyphOrientationHorizontal: true,
glyphOrientationVertical: true,
glyphRef: true,
gradientTransform: true,
gradientUnits: true,
hanging: true,
horizAdvX: true,
horizOriginX: true,
ideographic: true,
imageRendering: true,
in: true,
in2: true,
intercept: true,
k: true,
k1: true,
k2: true,
k3: true,
k4: true,
kernelMatrix: true,
kernelUnitLength: true,
kerning: true,
keyPoints: true,
keySplines: true,
keyTimes: true,
lengthAdjust: true,
letterSpacing: true,
lightingColor: true,
limitingConeAngle: true,
local: true,
markerEnd: true,
markerMid: true,
markerStart: true,
markerHeight: true,
markerUnits: true,
markerWidth: true,
mask: true,
maskContentUnits: true,
maskUnits: true,
mathematical: true,
mode: true,
numOctaves: true,
offset: true,
opacity: true,
operator: true,
order: true,
orient: true,
orientation: true,
origin: true,
overflow: true,
overlinePosition: true,
overlineThickness: true,
panose1: true,
paintOrder: true,
pathLength: true,
patternContentUnits: true,
patternTransform: true,
patternUnits: true,
pointerEvents: true,
points: true,
pointsAtX: true,
pointsAtY: true,
pointsAtZ: true,
preserveAlpha: true,
preserveAspectRatio: true,
primitiveUnits: true,
r: true,
radius: true,
refX: true,
refY: true,
renderingIntent: true,
repeatCount: true,
repeatDur: true,
requiredExtensions: true,
requiredFeatures: true,
restart: true,
result: true,
rotate: true,
rx: true,
ry: true,
scale: true,
seed: true,
shapeRendering: true,
slope: true,
spacing: true,
specularConstant: true,
specularExponent: true,
speed: true,
spreadMethod: true,
startOffset: true,
stdDeviation: true,
stemh: true,
stemv: true,
stitchTiles: true,
stopColor: true,
stopOpacity: true,
strikethroughPosition: true,
strikethroughThickness: true,
string: true,
stroke: true,
strokeDasharray: true,
strokeDashoffset: true,
strokeLinecap: true,
strokeLinejoin: true,
strokeMiterlimit: true,
strokeOpacity: true,
strokeWidth: true,
surfaceScale: true,
systemLanguage: true,
tableValues: true,
targetX: true,
targetY: true,
textAnchor: true,
textDecoration: true,
textRendering: true,
textLength: true,
to: true,
transform: true,
u1: true,
u2: true,
underlinePosition: true,
underlineThickness: true,
unicode: true,
unicodeBidi: true,
unicodeRange: true,
unitsPerEm: true,
vAlphabetic: true,
vHanging: true,
vIdeographic: true,
vMathematical: true,
values: true,
vectorEffect: true,
version: true,
vertAdvY: true,
vertOriginX: true,
vertOriginY: true,
viewBox: true,
viewTarget: true,
visibility: true,
widths: true,
wordSpacing: true,
writingMode: true,
x: true,
xHeight: true,
x1: true,
x2: true,
xChannelSelector: true,
xlinkActuate: true,
xlinkArcrole: true,
xlinkHref: true,
xlinkRole: true,
xlinkShow: true,
xlinkTitle: true,
xlinkType: true,
xmlBase: true,
xmlns: true,
xmlnsXlink: true,
xmlLang: true,
xmlSpace: true,
y: true,
y1: true,
y2: true,
yChannelSelector: true,
z: true,
zoomAndPan: true,
* # forwardHtmlProps
* A utility to forward only valid HTML props to the an Element.
* ## Usage
* ```
* import React from 'react';
* import {forwardHtmlProps} from './forwardHtmlProps.js';
* const Example = (props) => {
* // Ensures that only valid HTML props are sent into the textarea element.
* const htmlProps = forwardHtmlProps(props, 'textarea')
* return <textarea {...htmlProps} />
* }
* ```
export const forwardHtmlProps = (props, Component) => {
const results = {};
const isBaseElement = Component && typeof Component === 'string';
for (const key in props) {
* Additional filtering for base HTML elements.
if (isBaseElement) {
* Filtering special non-standard use-cases.
if (nonStandardProps[key] && !nonStandardProps[key][Component]) continue;
* Filtering HitArea props.
if (hitAreaProps[key]) continue;
* Filtering general disallowed props.
if (disallowedProps[key]) continue;
* Filtering SVG based props for non-SVG elements.
if (svgProps[key] && !svgElements[Component]) continue;
if (isPropValid(key)) {
results[key] = props[key];
return results;
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