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Created May 15, 2022 15:05
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Chaka native CSS pseudo props - A collection of native CSS pseudo props supported by Chakra UI and their mappings to how it's rendered with CSS-in-JS (e.g. Emotion)
const chakraNativeCSSPseudoProps = {
_active: '&:active',
_activeLink: '&[aria-current=page]',
_activeStep: '&[aria-current=step]',
_after: '&:after',
_autofill: '&:-webkit-autofill',
_before: '&:before',
_disabled: '&[disabled]',
_empty: '&:empty',
_even: '&:nth-of-type(even)',
_expanded: '&[aria-expanded=true]',
_first: '&:first-of-type',
_focus: '&:focus',
_focusVisible: '&:focus-visible',
_focusWithin: '&:focus-within',
_fullScreen: '&:fullscreen',
_grabbed: '&[aria-grabbed=true]',
_groupActive: '[role=group]:active &',
_groupChecked: '[role=group]:checked &',
_groupDisabled: '[role=group]:disabled &',
_groupFocus: '[role=group]:focus &',
_groupFocusVisible: '[role=group]:focus-visible &',
_groupFocusWithin: '[role=group]:focus-within &',
_groupHover: '[role=group]:hover &',
_groupInvalid: '[role=group]:invalid &',
_hidden: '&[hidden]',
_hover: '&:hover',
_indeterminate: '&:indeterminate, &[aria-checked=mixed]',
_invalid: '&[aria-invalid=true]',
_last: '&:last-of-type',
_loading: '&[aria-busy=true]',
_ltr: '[dir=ltr] &, &[dir=ltr]',
_mediaDark: '@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)',
_mediaReduceMotion: '@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)',
_notFirst: '&:not(:first-of-type)',
_notLast: '&:not(:last-of-type)',
_odd: '&:nth-of-type(odd)',
_placeholder: '&::placeholder',
_placeholderShown: '&:placeholder-shown',
_pressed: '&[aria-pressed=true]',
_readOnly: '&[readonly], &[aria-readonly=true]',
_rtl: '[dir=rtl] &, &[dir=rtl]',
_selected: '&[aria-selected=true]',
_selection: '&::selection',
_valid: '&[aria-valid=true]',
_visited: '&:visited',
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