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Created September 22, 2018 22:57
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Read chocobo items. Save to scripts folder and execute with //lua e chococard
extdata = require 'extdata'
local chocobo = {
plan = {[0]='A','B','C','D'},
rank = {[0]='Poor(F)','Substandard(E)','A bit deficient(D)','Average(C)','Better than average(B)','Impressive(A)','Outstanding(S)','First-class(SS)'},
ability = {[0]='None','Gallop','Canter','Burrow','Bore','Auto-Regen','Treasure Finder'},
temperament = {[0]='Very easygoing','Rather ill-tempered','Very patient chocobo','Quite sensitive','Rather enigmatic'},
gender = {[0]='Male','Female'},
color = {[0]='Yellow','Black','Blue','Red','Green'},
size = {[0]='Galka','Hume(M)','Hume(F)','Elvaan(M)','Elvaan(F)','Tarutaru(M)','Tarutaru(F)','Mithra'},
weather = {
[0] = {prefers='Clear days', dislikes='None'},
[1] = {prefers='Hot, sunny days', dislikes='Rainy days'},
[2] = {prefers='Rainy days', dislikes='Thunderstorms'},
[3] = {prefers='Sandstorms', dislikes='Windy days'},
[4] = {prefers='Windy days', dislikes='Snowy days'},
[5] = {prefers='Snowy days', dislikes='Hot, sunny days'},
[6] = {prefers='Thunderstorms', dislikes='Sandstorms'},
[7] = {prefers='Auroras', dislikes='Dark days'},
[8] = {prefers='Dark days', dislikes='Auroras'},
[9] = {prefers='None', dislikes='None'},
[10] = {prefers='Cloudy days', dislikes='None'},
local map_fields = function(key, ...)
return T{...}:map(function(v) return chocobo[key][v] end)
local fields = {}
fields.egg = {
DNA = {'b3b3b3', 0x00+1, fn=map_fields+{'color'}},
ability = {'b4', 0x01+1, 1+1},
unknown1 = {'b1', 0x01+1, 5+1},
plan = {'b2', 0x01+1, 6+1},
unknown2 = {'b15', 0x02+1},
is_bred = {'q', 0x03+1, 7+1},
fields.card = {
STR = {
value = {'C', 0x00+1},
legs = {'q', 0x00+1},
rp = {'b4', 0x00+1, 1+1, fn=math.mult+{2}},
rank = {'b3', 0x00+1, 5+1},
END = {
value = {'C', 0x01+1},
tail = {'q', 0x01+1},
rp = {'b4', 0x01+1, 1+1, fn=math.mult+{2}},
rank = {'b3', 0x01+1, 5+1},
DSC = {
value = {'C', 0x02+1},
head = {'q', 0x02+1},
rp = {'b4', 0x02+1, 1+1, fn=math.mult+{2}},
rank = {'b3', 0x02+1, 5+1},
RCP = {
value = {'C', 0x03+1},
rp = {'b5', 0x03+1},
rank = {'b3', 0x03+1, 5+1},
DNA = {'b3b3b3', 0x04+1, fn=map_fields+{'color'}},
abilities = {'b4b4', 0x05+1, 1+1, fn=map_fields+{'ability'}},
temperament = {'b3', 0x06+1, 1+1},
weather = {'b4', 0x06+1, 4+1},
gender = {'b1', 0x07+1},
color = {'b3', 0x07+1, 1+1},
size = {'b3', 0x07+1, 4+1},
unknown = {'b1', 0x07+1, 7+1}, -- body?
name = {'A12', 0x0C+1, fn=tools.sig.decode},
local lookup = function(fn, key, ...)
if fn then
return fn(...)
if chocobo[key] then
return chocobo[key][...]
return ...
function decode_chocobo(type, str)
local tab = {}
for i,t in pairs(fields[type]) do
if t[1] then
tab[i] = lookup(t.fn, i, str:unpack(unpack(t)))
tab[i] = {}
for k,tt in pairs(t) do
tab[i][k] = lookup(tt.fn, k, str:unpack(unpack(tt)))
return tab
local chocobo_item = {
egg = S{2312,2314,2317,2318,2319},
card = S{2313,2339,2342,2402},
windower.add_to_chat(207, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------')
for i,v in ipairs(windower.ffxi.get_items(0)) do
if chocobo_item.egg[] then
local tab = decode_chocobo('egg', v.extdata)
local tier = > 2314 and or == 2314 and 2 or 1
windower.add_to_chat(207, '\nEgg T%d [%s warm]':format(tier, {'faintly','slightly','a bit','a little','somewhat'}[tier]))
if tab.is_bred then
windower.add_to_chat(207, 'Plan: %s DNA: [%s %s %s]':format(tab.plan, unpack(tab.DNA)))
windower.add_to_chat(207, 'Ability: %s unknowns: %d %d':format(tab.ability, tab.unknown1, tab.unknown2))
--windower.add_to_chat(207, v.extdata:hex())
elseif chocobo_item.card[] then
local tab = decode_chocobo('card', v.extdata)
if 'None' == tab.abilities[2] then tab.abilities[2] = nil end
windower.add_to_chat(207, '\n%s (%s) [%s] Jockey: %s DNA: [%s %s %s]':format(, tab.gender, tab.color, tab.size, unpack(tab.DNA)))
windower.add_to_chat(207, 'STR: %3d %s %d~%d/32RP %s':format(tab.STR.value, tab.STR.rank, tab.STR.rp, tab.STR.rp+1, tab.STR.legs and 'Legs and talons' or ''))
windower.add_to_chat(207, 'END: %3d %s %d~%d/32RP %s':format(tab.END.value, tab.END.rank, tab.END.rp, tab.END.rp+1, tab.END.tail and 'Tailfeather plumage' or ''))
windower.add_to_chat(207, 'DSC: %3d %s %d~%d/32RP %s':format(tab.DSC.value, tab.DSC.rank, tab.DSC.rp, tab.DSC.rp+1, tab.DSC.head and 'Beak and crest' or ''))
windower.add_to_chat(207, 'RCP: %3d %s %d/32RP':format(tab.RCP.value, tab.RCP.rank, tab.RCP.rp))
windower.add_to_chat(207, 'Abilities: %s':format(table.concat(tab.abilities, ' & ')))
windower.add_to_chat(207, 'Personality: %s':format(tab.temperament))
windower.add_to_chat(207, 'Weather: Prefers %s. Dislikes %s.':format(,
if tab.unknown == 1 then
windower.add_to_chat(207, 'Observed unknown value')
--windower.add_to_chat(207, v.extdata:hex())
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