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Last active June 4, 2019 03:48
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#If VBA7 Then
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lngMilliSeconds As Long)
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lngMilliSeconds As Long)
#End If
Dim bManualRefresh As Boolean
Sub ManualStart()
On Error Resume Next
bManualRefresh = True
Debug.Print RefreshWorkbook
bManualRefresh = False
End Sub
Private Sub WaitSeconds(intSeconds As Integer)
Dim datTime As Date
Dim sStatusBarInitial As String
Dim k As Integer
Dim bScreenUpdatingInitial As Boolean
Dim CursorInitial As Double
With Application
bScreenUpdatingInitial = .ScreenUpdating
CursorInitial = .Cursor
sStatusBarInitial = IIf(.StatusBar <> False, .StatusBar, vbNullString)
.ScreenUpdating = False
.Cursor = xlWait
End With
datTime = DateAdd("s", intSeconds, Now)
' 255 chars is limit of status bar
If Len(Application.StatusBar) + Len(CStr(CStr(intSeconds - k)) & "...") > 255 Then
Application.StatusBar = Left(Left(sStatusBarInitial, 255 - Len(CStr(intSeconds - k) & "...") - 1) _
& " " & CStr(intSeconds - k) & "...", 255)
Application.StatusBar = sStatusBarInitial & " " & CStr(intSeconds - k) & "..."
End If
' Yield to other programs (better than using DoEvents which eats up all the CPU cycles)
Sleep 1000
k = k + 1
Loop Until Now >= datTime
With Application
.StatusBar = sStatusBarInitial
.ScreenUpdating = bScreenUpdatingInitial
.Cursor = CursorInitial
End With
End Sub
Function RefreshWorkbook(Optional Wb As Workbook) As Boolean
Dim cnct As Variant
Dim slc As SlicerCache
Dim BeforeAction
Dim target_wb As Workbook
Dim bCubeFormulasFound As Boolean
Dim bScreenUpdatingInitial As Boolean
Dim bEnableEventsInitial As Boolean
Dim CalcModeInitial As Double
Dim CursorStateInitial As Double
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Debug.Print Now, "Updating connections..."
With Application
bScreenUpdatingInitial = .ScreenUpdating
bEnableEventsInitial = .EnableEvents
CalcModeInitial = .Calculation
CursorStateInitial = .Cursor
' switch everything off
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.Cursor = xlWait
End With
If Wb Is Nothing Then
Set target_wb = ThisWorkbook
Set target_wb = Wb
End If
On Error Resume Next
If IsError(target_wb.Model.ModelTables.Count) Then
' cannot access model
' do nothing
If target_wb.Model.ModelTables.Count > 0 Then
Application.StatusBar = "Initializing Data Model..."
WaitSeconds 5
End If
End If
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
' deny background refresh
' ToThink - probably worth to restore initial settings
' however, if workbook is done for Power Refresh solution, it should not contain "background" connections
' create 2D array, restore settings after update
Application.StatusBar = "Switching off background refresh..."
On Error Resume Next
For Each cnct In target_wb.Connections
Select Case cnct.Type
Case xlConnectionTypeODBC
cnct.ODBCConnection.BackgroundQuery = False
Case xlConnectionTypeOLEDB
cnct.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = False
End Select
Next cnct
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Application.StatusBar = "Refreshing Data Model and Connections..."
WaitSeconds 1
WaitSeconds 1
' Check readyness
For Each cnct In target_wb.Connections
Select Case cnct.Type
Case xlConnectionTypeODBC
Do While cnct.ODBCConnection.Refreshing
WaitSeconds 1
Case xlConnectionTypeOLEDB
Do While cnct.OLEDBConnection.Refreshing
WaitSeconds 1
End Select
Next cnct
Application.StatusBar = "Calculating after connections refresh..."
WaitSeconds 1
Application.StatusBar = "Checking existence of cube formulas..."
bCubeFormulasFound = IsWBHasCubeFormulas(target_wb)
' update cache after Model refresh
' ignore all possible errors with slicers
On Error Resume Next
Application.StatusBar = "Updating slicers..."
For Each slc In target_wb.SlicerCaches
Next slc
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
' if needed, slicer default value can be set in BeforeSave event of target workbook, or in custom macro
If bCubeFormulasFound Then
' wait for refresh of cube formulas
If target_wb.SlicerCaches.Count > 0 Then
Application.StatusBar = "Calculating after slicers refresh..."
End If
Application.StatusBar = "Waiting for cube formulas..."
WaitSeconds 20
End If
If Not Application.CalculationState = xlDone Then
' infinite loop can be trully infinite
' so just delay
Application.StatusBar = "Waiting for application to calculate..."
WaitSeconds 5
End If
RefreshWorkbook = True
On Error Resume Next
' restore initial state
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = bScreenUpdatingInitial
.EnableEvents = bEnableEventsInitial
.Calculation = CalcModeInitial
.Cursor = CursorStateInitial
.StatusBar = vbNullString
End With
Exit Function
Debug.Print Now, "Update Connections", Err.Number, Err.Description, Application.StatusBar
If bManualRefresh Then
Application.Cursor = xlDefault
End If
GoTo Exit_Function
Resume ' for debug purpose
End Function
Private Function IsWBHasCubeFormulas(Optional Wb As Workbook) As Boolean
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim cell As Range
Dim bFound As Boolean
Dim bScreenUpdatingInitial As Boolean
Dim bEnableEventsInitial As Boolean
Dim CalcModeInitial As Integer
Dim rngFormulas As Range
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
If Wb Is Nothing Then
Set Wb = ThisWorkbook ' ActiveWorkbook ' alternatively
End If
With Application
bScreenUpdatingInitial = .ScreenUpdating
bEnableEventsInitial = .EnableEvents
CalcModeInitial = .Calculation
' switch everything off
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With
For Each sh In Wb.Sheets
'Debug.Print sh.Name
On Error Resume Next
Set rngFormulas = sh.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
bFound = (Err.Number = 0) ' no error, means SpecialCells returned non-empty range
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
' if result of SpecialCells was non-empty - check formulas
If bFound Then
For Each cell In rngFormulas
'Debug.Print cell.Formula
If Left(cell.Formula, 5) = "=CUBE" Then
IsWBHasCubeFormulas = True
GoTo Exit_Function
End If
Next cell
End If
Next sh
On Error Resume Next
' restore initial state
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = bScreenUpdatingInitial
.EnableEvents = bEnableEventsInitial
.Calculation = CalcModeInitial
End With
Exit Function
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Debug.Print Now, "IsWBHasCubeFormulas", Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End If
GoTo Exit_Function
Resume ' for debug purpose
End Function
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IvanBond commented Jun 4, 2019

thank you. the best solution over internet

Thanks @alifath11234! Glad you found it useful!

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