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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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  • Save IvanMMM/615a01088137c7c2b698 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save IvanMMM/615a01088137c7c2b698 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Location ot the files:
1. \client\lockSystem\vehicle_lock.sqf
2. \client\lockSystem\vehicle_unlock.sqf
3. \client\functions\canVehicleLock.sqf
4. \client\functions\canVehicleUnlock.sqf
5. \client\functions\playerActions.sqf
6. \persistence\world\vLoad.sqf
7. \persistence\world\oSave.sqf
8. \globalCompile.sqf
It allows to lock/unlock vehicles if matches these conditions:
* Player CAN unlock sameside locked vehicles if side is OPFOR/BLUFOR.
* Player always CAN unlock vehicle he locked.
// ******************************************************************************************
// * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 *
// ******************************************************************************************
// @file Name: canVehicleLock.sqf
// @file Author: BadVolt
private ["_target"];
_target = _this select 0;
if ({ _target isKindOf _x } count ['Air','Tank','Motorcycle','Car','Ship'] > 0) then
!isNull _target && (alive _target) &&
!((locked _target)==2) && (count crew _target == 0) &&
!(_target getVariable ['R3F_LOG_disabled', false]) &&
(player distance _target) < 5;
// ******************************************************************************************
// * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 *
// ******************************************************************************************
// @file Name: canVehicleUnlock.sqf
// @file Author: BadVolt
private ["_target","_side","_owner","_playerUID","_strToSide"];
_target = _this select 0;
_side = _target getVariable ["R3F_Side",""];
_owner = _target getVariable ["ownerUID","0"];
_strToSide =
switch (toUpper _this) do
case "WEST": { BLUFOR };
case "EAST": { OPFOR };
case "CIV": { CIVILIAN };
case "LOGIC": { sideLogic };
default { sideUnknown };
if (typeName _side != "SIDE") then {
_side = _side call _strToSide;
if ({ _target isKindOf _x } count ['Air','Tank','Motorcycle','Car','Ship'] > 0) then
!isNull _target
&& (alive _target)
&& (locked _target==2)
&& ((player distance _target) < 5)
&& (((_side == playerSide) && (_side in [EAST,WEST])) || (_owner == getPlayerUID player));
// ******************************************************************************************
// * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 *
// ******************************************************************************************
// @file Name: clientCompile.sqf
// @file Author: [404] Deadbeat, [404] Costlyy, [GoT] JoSchaap, MercyfulFate, AgentRev
// @file Args:
mf_notify_client = "client\functions\notifyClient.sqf" call mf_compile;
mf_util_playUntil = "client\functions\playUntil.sqf" call mf_compile;
// Event handlers
getInVehicle = "client\clientEvents\getInVehicle.sqf" call mf_compile;
getOutVehicle = "client\clientEvents\getOutVehicle.sqf" call mf_compile;
onRespawn = "client\clientEvents\onRespawn.sqf" call mf_compile;
onKilled = "client\clientEvents\onKilled.sqf" call mf_compile;
onKeyPress = "client\clientEvents\onKeyPress.sqf" call mf_compile;
onKeyRelease = "client\clientEvents\onKeyRelease.sqf" call mf_compile;
onPut = "client\clientEvents\onPut.sqf" call mf_compile;
// Functions
A3W_fnc_copilotTakeControl = "client\functions\copilotTakeControl.sqf" call mf_compile;
A3W_fnc_titleTextMessage = "client\functions\titleTextMessage.sqf" call mf_compile;
addWeaponInventory = "client\functions\addWeaponInventory.sqf" call mf_compile;
canPushPlaneBack = "client\functions\canPushPlaneBack.sqf" call mf_compile;
canPushVehicleOnFoot = "client\functions\canPushVehicleOnFoot.sqf" call mf_compile;
canPushWatercraft = "client\functions\canPushWatercraft.sqf" call mf_compile;
canVehicleLock = "client\functions\canVehicleLock.sqf" call mf_compile;
canVehicleUnlock = "client\functions\canVehicleUnlock.sqf" call mf_compile;
deleteEmptyGroup = "client\functions\deleteEmptyGroup.sqf" call mf_compile;
findHackedVehicles = "client\systems\adminPanel\findHackedVehicles.sqf" call mf_compile;
fn_addManagedAction = "client\functions\fn_addManagedAction.sqf" call mf_compile;
fn_disableCollision = "client\functions\fn_disableCollision.sqf" call mf_compile;
fn_encodeText = "client\functions\fn_encodeText.sqf" call mf_compile;
fn_fitsInventory = "client\functions\fn_fitsInventory.sqf" call mf_compile;
fn_formatTimer = "client\functions\fn_formatTimer.sqf" call mf_compile;
fn_removeAllManagedActions = "client\functions\fn_removeAllManagedActions.sqf" call mf_compile;
fn_removeManagedAction = "client\functions\fn_removeManagedAction.sqf" call mf_compile;
getDefaultClothing = "client\functions\getDefaultClothing.sqf" call mf_compile;
getFullMove = "client\functions\getFullMove.sqf" call mf_compile;
getMoveParams = "client\functions\getMoveParams.sqf" call mf_compile;
getPushPlaneAction = "client\functions\getPushPlaneAction.sqf" call mf_compile;
groupNotify = "client\functions\groupNotify.sqf" call mf_compile;
isAdmin = "client\systems\adminPanel\isAdmin.sqf" call mf_compile;
isAssignableBinocular = "client\functions\isAssignableBinocular.sqf" call mf_compile;
isPVarTarget = "client\functions\isPVarTarget.sqf" call mf_compile;
isWeaponType = "client\functions\isWeaponType.sqf" call mf_compile;
parseMove = "client\functions\parseMove.sqf" call mf_compile;
playerEventServer = "client\functions\playerEventServer.sqf" call mf_compile;
serverMessage = "client\functions\serverMessage.sqf" call mf_compile;
uniformConverter = "client\functions\uniformConverter.sqf" call mf_compile;
unitHandleDamage = "client\functions\unitHandleDamage.sqf" call mf_compile;
updateTerritoryMarkers = "territory\client\updateTerritoryMarkers.sqf" call mf_compile;
vehicleSideCfg = "client\functions\vehicleSideCfg.sqf" call mf_compile;
// Player details and actions
loadPlayerMenu = "client\systems\playerMenu\init.sqf" call mf_compile;
playerSpawn = "client\functions\playerSpawn.sqf" call mf_compile;
playerSetup = "client\functions\playerSetup.sqf" call mf_compile;
playerSetupStart = "client\functions\playerSetupStart.sqf" call mf_compile;
playerSetupGear = "client\functions\playerSetupGear.sqf" call mf_compile;
playerSetupEnd = "client\functions\playerSetupEnd.sqf" call mf_compile;
spawnAction = "client\functions\spawnAction.sqf" call mf_compile;
spawnInTown = "client\functions\spawnInTown.sqf" call mf_compile;
spawnOnBeacon = "client\functions\spawnOnBeacon.sqf" call mf_compile;
spawnRandom = "client\functions\spawnRandom.sqf" call mf_compile;
// placeSpawnBeacon = "client\systems\playerMenu\placeSpawnBeacon.sqf" call mf_compile;
// refuelVehicle = "client\systems\playerMenu\refuel.sqf" call mf_compile;
// repairVehicle = "client\systems\playerMenu\repair.sqf" call mf_compile;
// Sync client with server time
timeSync = "client\functions\clientTimeSync.sqf" call mf_compile;
// Update scripts
updateTeamKiller = "client\functions\updateTeamKiller.sqf" call mf_compile;
// Team-kill system
teamkillAction = "client\functions\doTeamKillAction.sqf" call mf_compile;
teamkillMessage = "client\functions\showTeamKillMessage.sqf" call mf_compile;
// Dialog compiles
client_respawnDialog = "client\systems\playerMenu\dialog\loadRespawnDialog.sqf" call mf_compile;
fn_respawnTimer = "client\systems\scoreboard\fn_respawnTimer.sqf" call mf_compile;
loadGeneralStore = "client\systems\generalStore\loadGenStore.sqf" call mf_compile;
loadGunStore = "client\systems\gunStore\loadGunStore.sqf" call mf_compile;
loadScoreboard = "client\systems\scoreboard\loadScoreboard.sqf" call mf_compile;
gearProperties = "client\functions\gearProperties.sqf" call mf_compile;
getCapacity = "client\functions\getCapacity.sqf" call mf_compile;
getItemInfo = "client\functions\getItemInfo.sqf" call mf_compile;
getSellPriceList = "client\systems\selling\getSellPriceList.sqf" call mf_compile;
requestStoreObject = "client\functions\requestStoreObject.sqf" call mf_compile;
if (isNil "A3W_fnc_MP") then { A3W_fnc_MP = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\A3\functions_f\MP\fn_MP.sqf" };
if (isNil "A3W_fnc_MPexec") then { A3W_fnc_MPexec = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\A3\functions_f\MP\fn_MPexec.sqf" };
player groupChat "Wasteland - Client Compile Complete";
sleep 1;
playerCompiledScripts = true;
// ******************************************************************************************
// * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 *
// ******************************************************************************************
// @file Version: 1.0
// @file Name: globalCompile.sqf
// @file Author: AgentRev, MercyfulFate
// @file Created: 07/09/2013 15:06
// The purpose of this script is to compile certain functions both on client and server.
private ["_DEBUG", "_clientFunc", "_serverFunc"];
_DEBUG = format ["%1", _this select 0];
// Compile a function from a file.
// if in debug mode, the function will be dyncamically compiled every call.
// if not in debug mode, the function will be compileFinal'd
// example: my_fnc_name = ["path/to/folder", "my_fnc.sqf"] call mf_compile;
// example: my_fnc_name = ["path/to/folder/my_fnc.sqf"] call mf_compile;
// later in the code you can simply use call my_fnc_name;
// you can also pass raw code to get it compileFinal'd
// example: my_fnc_name = {diag_log "hey"} call mf_compile;
mf_compile = compileFinal
private ["_path", "_isDebug", "_code"];
_path = "";
_isDebug = ' + _DEBUG + ';
switch (toUpper typeName _this) do {
case "STRING": {
_path = _this;
case "ARRAY": {
_path = format["%1\%2", _this select 0, _this select 1];
case "CODE": {
_code = toArray str _this;
_code set [0, (toArray " ") select 0];
_code set [count _code - 1, (toArray " ") select 0];
if (isNil "_code") then {
if (_isDebug) then {
compile format ["call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers ""%1""", _path]
} else {
compileFinal preProcessFileLineNumbers _path
} else {
if (_isDebug) then {
compile toString _code
} else {
compileFinal toString _code
// Simple command I use to make initialization scripts clean and simple.
// uses mf_ namespace to avoid any issues.
mf_init =
private "_path";
_path = if (typeName _this == "STRING") then {
} else {
format ["%1\%2", _this select 0, _this select 1]
_path call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\init.sqf", _path];
} call mf_compile;
_clientFunc = "client\functions";
_serverFunc = "server\functions";
A3W_fnc_pushVehicle = [_serverFunc, "pushVehicle.sqf"] call mf_compile;
A3W_fnc_setName = [_clientFunc, "fn_setName.sqf"] call mf_compile;
A3W_fnc_towingHelper = [_serverFunc, "towingHelper.sqf"] call mf_compile;
A3W_fnc_setLockState = { (objectFromNetId (_this select 0)) lock (_this select 1) } call mf_compile;
allPlayers = [_serverFunc, "allPlayers.sqf"] call mf_compile;
applyVehicleTexture = "client\systems\vehicleStore\applyVehicleTexture.sqf" call mf_compile;
cargoToPairs = [_serverFunc, "cargoToPairs.sqf"] call mf_compile;
detachTowedObject = [_serverFunc, "detachTowedObject.sqf"] call mf_compile;
findSafePos = [_serverFunc, "findSafePos.sqf"] call mf_compile;
fn_addScore = [_serverFunc, "fn_addScore.sqf"] call mf_compile;
fn_addToPairs = [_serverFunc, "fn_addToPairs.sqf"] call mf_compile;
fn_boundingBoxReal = [_serverFunc, "fn_boundingBoxReal.sqf"] call mf_compile;
fn_enableSimulationGlobal = [_serverFunc, "fn_enableSimulationGlobal.sqf"] call mf_compile;
fn_filterString = [_serverFunc, "fn_filterString.sqf"] call mf_compile;
fn_findString = [_serverFunc, "fn_findString.sqf"] call mf_compile;
fn_forceAddItem = [_clientFunc, "fn_forceAddItem.sqf"] call mf_compile;
fn_getFromPairs = [_serverFunc, "fn_getFromPairs.sqf"] call mf_compile;
fn_getPos3D = [_serverFunc, "fn_getPos3D.sqf"] call mf_compile;
fn_getScore = [_serverFunc, "fn_getScore.sqf"] call mf_compile;
fn_getTeamScore = [_serverFunc, "fn_getTeamScore.sqf"] call mf_compile;
fn_numbersText = [_serverFunc, "fn_numbersText.sqf"] call mf_compile;
fn_numToStr = [_serverFunc, "fn_numToStr.sqf"] call mf_compile;
fn_removeFromPairs = [_serverFunc, "fn_removeFromPairs.sqf"] call mf_compile;
fn_setToPairs = [_serverFunc, "fn_setToPairs.sqf"] call mf_compile;
fn_splitString = [_serverFunc, "fn_splitString.sqf"] call mf_compile;
fn_startsWith = [_serverFunc, "fn_startsWith.sqf"] call mf_compile;
//fn_vehicleInit = [_serverFunc, "fn_vehicleInit.sqf"] call mf_compile;
getBallMagazine = [_serverFunc, "getBallMagazine.sqf"] call mf_compile;
getFwdVelocity = [_serverFunc, "getFwdVelocity.sqf"] call mf_compile;
getHitPoints = [_serverFunc, "getHitPoints.sqf"] call mf_compile;
getMagAmmoCount = [_serverFunc, "getMagAmmoCount.sqf"] call mf_compile;
getMoveWeapon = [_clientFunc, "getMoveWeapon.sqf"] call mf_compile;
getPublicVar = [_serverFunc, "getPublicVar.sqf"] call mf_compile;
getTeamMarkerColor = "territory\client\getTeamMarkerColor.sqf" call mf_compile;
isConfigOn = [_serverFunc, "isConfigOn.sqf"] call mf_compile;
relativePos = [_serverFunc, "relativePos.sqf"] call mf_compile;
removeNegativeScore = [_serverFunc, "removeNegativeScore.sqf"] call mf_compile;
splitWeaponItems = [_serverFunc, "splitWeaponItems.sqf"] call mf_compile;
switchMoveGlobal = [_clientFunc, "switchMoveGlobal.sqf"] call mf_compile;
vehicleDammagedEvent = [_serverFunc, "vehicleDammagedEvent.sqf"] call mf_compile;
vehicleEngineEvent = [_serverFunc, "vehicleEngineEvent.sqf"] call mf_compile;
vehicleHandleDamage = [_serverFunc, "vehicleHandleDamage.sqf"] call mf_compile;
"pvar_switchMoveGlobal" addPublicVariableEventHandler { ((_this select 1) select 0) switchMove ((_this select 1) select 1) };
"pvar_detachTowedObject" addPublicVariableEventHandler { (_this select 1) spawn detachTowedObject };
// ******************************************************************************************
// * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 *
// ******************************************************************************************
// @file Version: 1.2
// @file Name: oSave.sqf
// @file Author: [GoT] JoSchaap, AgentRev
// @file Description: Basesaving save script
if (!isServer) exitWith {};
#include "functions.sqf"
_saveableObjects = [];
_isSaveable =
_result = false;
{ if (_this == _x) exitWith { _result = true } } forEach _saveableObjects;
// Add objectList & general store objects
_index = _forEachIndex;
_obj = _x;
if (_index > 0) then { _obj = _x select 1 };
if (!(_obj isKindOf "ReammoBox_F") && {!(_obj call _isSaveable)}) then
_saveableObjects pushBack _obj;
} forEach _x;
} forEach [objectList, call genObjectsArray];
// If file doesn't exist, create Info section at the top
if !(_fileName call PDB_exists) then // iniDB_exists
[_fileName, "Info", "ObjCount", 0] call PDB_write; // iniDB_write
_savingMethod = ["A3W_savingMethod", 1] call getPublicVar;
_purchasedVehicleSaving = ["A3W_purchasedVehicleSaving"] call isConfigOn;
_missionVehicleSaving = ["A3W_missionVehicleSaving"] call isConfigOn;
_vehicleSaving = (_purchasedVehicleSaving || _missionVehicleSaving);
_vehFileName = "Vehicles" call PDB_objectFileName;
// If file doesn't exist, create Info section at the top
if (_vehicleSaving && !(_vehFileName call PDB_exists)) then // iniDB_exists
[_vehFileName, "Info", "VehCount", 0] call PDB_write; // iniDB_write
while {true} do
uiSleep 30;
_oldObjCount = [_fileName, "Info", "ObjCount", "NUMBER"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
_objCount = 0;
_obj = _x;
if (alive _obj) then
_class = typeOf _obj;
if (_obj getVariable ["objectLocked", false] &&
{(_baseSavingOn && {_class call _isSaveable}) ||
(_boxSavingOn && {_class call _isBox}) ||
(_staticWeaponSavingOn && {_class call _isStaticWeapon})} ||
{_warchestSavingOn && {_obj call _isWarchest}} ||
{_beaconSavingOn && {_obj call _isBeacon}}) then
_netId = netId _obj;
_pos = ASLtoATL getPosWorld _obj;
{ _pos set [_forEachIndex, _x call fn_numToStr] } forEach _pos;
_dir = [vectorDir _obj, vectorUp _obj];
_damage = damage _obj;
_allowDamage = if (_obj getVariable ["allowDamage", false]) then { 1 } else { 0 };
_spawningTime = _obj getVariable "baseSaving_spawningTime";
if (isNil "_spawningTime") then
_spawningTime = diag_tickTime;
_obj setVariable ["baseSaving_spawningTime", _spawningTime];
_hoursAlive = (_obj getVariable ["baseSaving_hoursAlive", 0]) + ((diag_tickTime - _spawningTime) / 3600);
_variables = [];
switch (true) do
case (_obj isKindOf "Land_Sacks_goods_F"):
_variables pushBack ["food", _obj getVariable ["food", 20]];
case (_obj isKindOf "Land_BarrelWater_F"):
_variables pushBack ["water", _obj getVariable ["water", 20]];
_owner = _obj getVariable ["ownerUID", ""];
if (_owner != "") then
_variables pushBack ["ownerUID", _owner];
switch (true) do
case (_obj call _isBox):
_variables pushBack ["cmoney", _obj getVariable ["cmoney", 0]];
case (_obj call _isWarchest):
_variables pushBack ["a3w_warchest", true];
_variables pushBack ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true];
_variables pushBack ["side", str (_obj getVariable ["side", sideUnknown])];
case (_obj call _isBeacon):
_variables pushBack ["a3w_spawnBeacon", true];
_variables pushBack ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true];
_variables pushBack ["side", str (_obj getVariable ["side", sideUnknown])];
_variables pushBack ["packing", false];
_variables pushBack ["groupOnly", _obj getVariable ["groupOnly", false]];
_variables pushBack ["ownerName", toArray (_obj getVariable ["ownerName", "[Beacon]"])];
_r3fSide = _obj getVariable "R3F_Side";
if (!isNil "_r3fSide") then
_variables pushBack ["R3F_Side", str _r3fSide];
_weapons = [];
_magazines = [];
_items = [];
_backpacks = [];
if (_class call _hasInventory) then
// Save weapons & ammo
_weapons = (getWeaponCargo _obj) call cargoToPairs;
_magazines = (getMagazineCargo _obj) call cargoToPairs;
_items = (getItemCargo _obj) call cargoToPairs;
_backpacks = (getBackpackCargo _obj) call cargoToPairs;
_turretMags = [];
if (_staticWeaponSavingOn && {_class call _isStaticWeapon}) then
_turretMags = magazinesAmmo _obj;
_ammoCargo = getAmmoCargo _obj;
_fuelCargo = getFuelCargo _obj;
_repairCargo = getRepairCargo _obj;
// Fix for -1.#IND
if !(_ammoCargo >= 0) then { _ammoCargo = 0 };
if !(_fuelCargo >= 0) then { _fuelCargo = 0 };
if !(_repairCargo >= 0) then { _repairCargo = 0 };
// Save data
_objCount = _objCount + 1;
_objName = format ["Obj%1", _objCount];
[_fileName, _objName, _x select 0, _x select 1, false] call PDB_write; // iniDB_write
["Class", _class],
["Position", _pos],
["Direction", _dir],
["HoursAlive", _hoursAlive],
["Damage", _damage],
["AllowDamage", _allowDamage],
["Variables", _variables],
["Weapons", _weapons],
["Magazines", _magazines],
["Items", _items],
["Backpacks", _backpacks],
["TurretMagazines", _turretMags],
["AmmoCargo", _ammoCargo],
["FuelCargo", _fuelCargo],
["RepairCargo", _repairCargo]
sleep 0.01;
} forEach allMissionObjects "All";
[_fileName, "Info", "ObjCount", _objCount] call PDB_write; // iniDB_write
_fundsWest = 0;
_fundsEast = 0;
if (["A3W_warchestMoneySaving"] call isConfigOn) then
_fundsWest = ["pvar_warchest_funds_west", 0] call getPublicVar;
_fundsEast = ["pvar_warchest_funds_east", 0] call getPublicVar;
[_fileName, "Info", "WarchestMoneyBLUFOR", _fundsWest] call PDB_write; // iniDB_write
[_fileName, "Info", "WarchestMoneyOPFOR", _fundsEast] call PDB_write; // iniDB_write
diag_log format ["A3W - %1 baseparts and objects have been saved with %2", _objCount, ["A3W_savingMethodName", "-ERROR-"] call getPublicVar];
// Reverse-delete old objects
if (_oldObjCount > _objCount) then
for "_i" from _oldObjCount to (_objCount + 1) step -1 do
[_fileName, format ["Obj%1", _i], false] call PDB_deleteSection; // iniDB_deleteSection
if (_savingMethod == 1) then
saveProfileNamespace; // this line is crucial to ensure all profileNamespace data submitted to the server is saved
diag_log "A3W - profileNamespace saved";
uiSleep 30;
// Vehicle saving
if (_vehicleSaving) then
_oldVehCount = [_vehFileName, "Info", "VehCount", "NUMBER"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
_vehCount = 0;
_veh = _x;
// Only save vehicles that are alive and touching the ground or water
if (!(_veh isKindOf "Man") && {alive _veh && (isTouchingGround _veh || (getPos _veh) select 2 < 1)}) then
_class = typeOf _veh;
_purchasedVehicle = _veh getVariable ["A3W_purchasedVehicle", false];
_missionVehicle = (_veh getVariable ["A3W_missionVehicle", false] && !(_veh getVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false]));
if ((_purchasedVehicle && _purchasedVehicleSaving) ||
(_missionVehicle && _missionVehicleSaving)) then
_pos = ASLtoATL getPosWorld _veh;
{ _pos set [_forEachIndex, _x call fn_numToStr] } forEach _pos;
_dir = [vectorDir _veh, vectorUp _veh];
_fuel = fuel _veh;
_damage = damage _veh;
_hitPoints = [];
_hitPoint = configName _x;
_hitPoints set [count _hitPoints, [_hitPoint, _veh getHitPointDamage _hitPoint]];
} forEach (_class call getHitPoints);
_spawningTime = _veh getVariable "vehSaving_spawningTime";
if (isNil "_spawningTime") then
_spawningTime = diag_tickTime;
_veh setVariable ["vehSaving_spawningTime", _spawningTime];
_lastUse = _veh getVariable ["vehSaving_lastUse", _spawningTime];
if ({isPlayer _x} count crew _veh > 0 || isPlayer ((uavControl _veh) select 0)) then
_lastUse = diag_tickTime;
_veh setVariable ["vehSaving_lastUse", _lastUse];
_veh setVariable ["vehSaving_hoursUnused", 0];
_hoursAlive = (_veh getVariable ["vehSaving_hoursAlive", 0]) + ((diag_tickTime - _spawningTime) / 3600);
_hoursUnused = (_veh getVariable ["vehSaving_hoursUnused", 0]) + ((diag_tickTime - _lastUse) / 3600);
_variables = [];
_owner = _veh getVariable ["ownerUID", ""];
if !(_owner in ["","0"]) then
_variables pushBack ["ownerUID", _owner];
//Saving locked state
_lockedState = _veh getVariable ["vehicleLocked",0];
if (_lockedState>0) then
_variables pushBack ["vehicleLocked", _lockedState];
switch (true) do
case _purchasedVehicle:
_variables pushBack ["A3W_purchasedVehicle", true];
case _missionVehicle:
_variables pushBack ["A3W_missionVehicle", true];
_textures = [];
[_textures, _x select 1, [_x select 0]] call fn_addToPairs;
} forEach (_veh getVariable ["A3W_objectTextures", []]);
_weapons = [];
_magazines = [];
_items = [];
_backpacks = [];
if (_class call _hasInventory) then
// Save weapons & ammo
_weapons = (getWeaponCargo _veh) call cargoToPairs;
_magazines = (getMagazineCargo _veh) call cargoToPairs;
_items = (getItemCargo _veh) call cargoToPairs;
_backpacks = (getBackpackCargo _veh) call cargoToPairs;
_turretMags = magazinesAmmo _veh;
_turretMags2 = [];
_turretMags3 = [];
_hasDoorGuns = isClass (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _class >> "Turrets" >> "RightDoorGun");
_turrets = if (_hasDoorGuns) then { [[-1],[2]] } else { [[-1]] + ([_veh, []] call BIS_fnc_getTurrets) };
_path = _x;
if ([_turretMags, _x, -1] call fn_getFromPairs == -1 || _hasDoorGuns) then
if (_veh currentMagazineTurret _path == _x && {count _turretMags3 == 0}) then
_turretMags3 set [count _turretMags3, [_x, _path, [_veh currentMagazineDetailTurret _path] call getMagazineDetailAmmo]];
_turretMags2 set [count _turretMags2, [_x, _path]];
} forEach (_veh magazinesTurret _path);
} forEach _turrets;
_ammoCargo = getAmmoCargo _veh;
_fuelCargo = getFuelCargo _veh;
_repairCargo = getRepairCargo _veh;
// Fix for -1.#IND
if !(_ammoCargo >= 0) then { _ammoCargo = 0 };
if !(_fuelCargo >= 0) then { _fuelCargo = 0 };
if !(_repairCargo >= 0) then { _repairCargo = 0 };
// Save data
_vehCount = _vehCount + 1;
_vehName = format ["Veh%1", _vehCount];
[_vehFileName, _vehName, _x select 0, _x select 1, false] call PDB_write; // iniDB_write
["Class", _class],
["Position", _pos],
["Direction", _dir],
["HoursAlive", _hoursAlive],
["HoursUnused", _hoursUnused],
["Fuel", _fuel],
["Damage", _damage],
["HitPoints", _hitPoints],
["Variables", _variables],
["Textures", _textures],
["Weapons", _weapons],
["Magazines", _magazines],
["Items", _items],
["Backpacks", _backpacks],
["TurretMagazines", _turretMags],
["TurretMagazines2", _turretMags2],
["TurretMagazines3", _turretMags3],
["AmmoCargo", _ammoCargo],
["FuelCargo", _fuelCargo],
["RepairCargo", _repairCargo]
sleep 0.01;
} forEach allMissionObjects "AllVehicles";
[_vehFileName, "Info", "VehCount", _vehCount] call PDB_write; // iniDB_write
diag_log format ["A3W - %1 vehicles have been saved with %2", _vehCount, ["A3W_savingMethodName", "-ERROR-"] call getPublicVar];
// Reverse-delete old vehicles
if (_oldVehCount > _vehCount) then
for "_i" from _oldVehCount to (_vehCount + 1) step -1 do
[_vehFileName, format ["Veh%1", _i], false] call PDB_deleteSection; // iniDB_deleteSection
if (_savingMethod == 1) then
diag_log "A3W - profileNamespace saved";
// ******************************************************************************************
// * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 *
// ******************************************************************************************
// @file Version: 1.2
// @file Name: playerActions.sqf
// @file Author: [404] Deadbeat, [404] Costlyy, [GoT] JoSchaap, AgentRev
// @file Created: 20/11/2012 05:19
{ [player, _x] call fn_addManagedAction} forEach
["<img image='client\icons\r3f_lock.paa'/> Lock Vehicle", "client\lockSystem\vehicle_lock.sqf", [], 1,false,false,"","[cursorTarget] call canVehicleLock"],
["<img image='client\icons\r3f_unlock.paa'/> Unlock Vehicle", "client\lockSystem\vehicle_unlock.sqf", [], 1,false,false,"","[cursorTarget] call canVehicleUnlock"],
["Holster Weapon", { player action ["SwitchWeapon", player, player, 100] }, [], -11, false, false, "", "vehicle player == player && currentWeapon player != ''"],
["Unholster Primary Weapon", { player action ["SwitchWeapon", player, player, 0] }, [], -11, false, false, "", "vehicle player == player && currentWeapon player == '' && primaryWeapon player != ''"],
[format ["<img image='client\icons\playerMenu.paa' color='%1'/> <t color='%1'>[</t>Player Menu<t color='%1'>]</t>", "#FF8000"], "client\systems\playerMenu\init.sqf", [], -10, false], //, false, "", ""],
["<img image='client\icons\money.paa'/> Pickup Money", "client\actions\pickupMoney.sqf", [], 1, false, false, "", "{_x getVariable ['owner', ''] != 'mission'} count (player nearEntities ['Land_Money_F', 5]) > 0"],
["<img image='\a3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\CommunicationMenu\transport_ca.paa'/> <t color='#FFFFFF'>Cancel Action</t>", { doCancelAction = true }, [], 1, false, false, "", "mutexScriptInProgress"],
["<img image='client\icons\repair.paa'/> Salvage", "client\actions\salvage.sqf", [], 1.1, false, false, "", "!isNull cursorTarget && !alive cursorTarget && {cursorTarget isKindOf 'AllVehicles' && !(cursorTarget isKindOf 'Man') && player distance cursorTarget <= (sizeOf typeOf cursorTarget / 3) max 2}"],
["<img image='client\icons\repair.paa'/> Repair", "addons\scripts\tower_repair.sqf", [], 1.1, false, false, "", "!isNull cursorTarget && alive cursorTarget && (({cursorTarget isKindOf _x} count ['Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_ruins_F','Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_ruins_F'] > 0) && player distance cursorTarget <= (sizeOf typeOf cursorTarget / 3) max 2)"],
["[0]"] call getPushPlaneAction,
["Push vehicle", "server\functions\pushVehicle.sqf", [2.5, true], 1, false, false, "", "[2.5] call canPushVehicleOnFoot"],
["Push vehicle forward", "server\functions\pushVehicle.sqf", [2.5], 1, false, false, "", "[2.5] call canPushWatercraft"],
["Push vehicle backward", "server\functions\pushVehicle.sqf", [-2.5], 1, false, false, "", "[-2.5] call canPushWatercraft"],
["<t color='#FF0000'>Emergency eject</t>", "client\actions\forceEject.sqf", [], -9, false, true, "", "(vehicle player) isKindOf 'Air'"],
["<t color='#FF00FF'>Open magic parachute</t>", "client\actions\openParachute.sqf", [], 20, true, true, "", "vehicle player == player && (getPos player) select 2 > 2.5"]
// Hehehe...
if !(288520 in getDLCs 1) then
[player, ["<t color='#00FFFF'>Get in as Driver</t>", "client\actions\moveInDriver.sqf", [], 6, true, true, "", "cursorTarget isKindOf 'Kart_01_Base_F' && player distance cursorTarget < 3.4 && isNull driver cursorTarget"]] call fn_addManagedAction;
//@file Version: 1.2
//@file Name: vehiclesave.sqf
//@file Author: MercyfulFate edited by Gigatek && BadVolt
//@file Created: 06/09/2014
//@file Description: Save the nearest Vehicle
#define DURATION 5
#define ANIMATION "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"
#define ERR_IN_vehicle "Locking Failed! You can't do that in a vehicle."
#define ERR_DESTROYED "The vehicle is too damaged to lock."
#define ERR_TOO_FAR_AWAY "Locking Failed! You are too far away from the vehicle."
#define ERR_NOT_VEHICLE "Locking Failed! This is not a vehicle."
#define ERR_CANCELLED "Locking Cancelled!"
private ["_vehicle", "_checks", "_success", "_nearvehicle"];
//_nearvehicle = nearestObjects [player, ['Air','Tank','Motorcycle','Car','Ship'], 7];
//_vehicle = _nearvehicle select 0;
_vehicle = cursorTarget;
_checks = {
private ["_progress","_failed", "_text"];
_progress = _this select 0;
_vehicle = _this select 1;
_text = "";
_failed = true;
switch (true) do {
case (!alive player): {}; // player is dead, no need for a notification
case (vehicle player != player): {_text = ERR_IN_vehicle};
case (player distance _vehicle > (sizeOf typeOf _vehicle / 3) max 5): {_text = ERR_TOO_FAR_AWAY};
case (!alive _vehicle): {_error = ERR_DESTROYED};
case ({(typeOf _vehicle) isKindOf _x } count ['Air','Tank','Motorcycle','Car','Ship'] == 0 ): {_text = ERR_NOT_VEHICLE};
case (doCancelAction): {_text = ERR_CANCELLED; doCancelAction = false;};
default {
_text = format["Vehicle Locking %1%2 Complete", round(100 * _progress), "%"];
_failed = false;
[_failed, _text];
_success = [DURATION, ANIMATION, _checks, [_vehicle]] call a3w_actions_start;
if (_success) then {
[[netId _vehicle, 2], "A3W_fnc_setLockState", _vehicle] call A3W_fnc_MP; // Lock
_vehicle setVariable ["R3F_Side", playerSide, true];
_vehicle setVariable ["vehicleLocked", 2, true];
_vehicle setVariable ["ownerUID", getPlayerUID player, true];
player action ["engineOff", _vehicle];
player action ["lightOff", _vehicle];
["Vehicle Lock complete!", 5] call mf_notify_client;
//@file Version: 1.2
//@file Name: vehiclesave.sqf
//@file Author: MercyfulFate edited by Gigatek && BadVolt
//@file Created: 06/09/2014
//@file Description: Save the nearest Vehicle
#define DURATION 5
#define ANIMATION "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"
#define ERR_IN_vehicle "Unlocking Failed! You can't do that in a vehicle."
#define ERR_DESTROYED "The vehicle is too damaged to unlock."
#define ERR_TOO_FAR_AWAY "Unlocking Failed! You are too far away from the vehicle."
#define ERR_NOT_VEHICLE "Unlocking Failed! This is not a vehicle."
#define ERR_CANCELLED "Unlocking Cancelled!"
private ["_vehicle", "_checks", "_success", "_nearvehicle"];
//_nearvehicle = nearestObjects [player, ['Air','Tank','Motorcycle','Car','Ship'], 7];
//_vehicle = _nearvehicle select 0;
_vehicle = cursorTarget;
_checks = {
private ["_progress","_failed", "_text"];
_progress = _this select 0;
_vehicle = _this select 1;
_text = "";
_failed = true;
switch (true) do {
case (!alive player): {}; // player is dead, no need for a notification
case (vehicle player != player): {_text = ERR_IN_vehicle};
case (player distance _vehicle > (sizeOf typeOf _vehicle / 3) max 5): {_text = ERR_TOO_FAR_AWAY};
case (!alive _vehicle): {_error = ERR_DESTROYED};
case ({(typeOf _vehicle) isKindOf _x } count ['Air','Tank','Motorcycle','Car','Ship'] == 0 ): {_text = ERR_NOT_VEHICLE};
case (doCancelAction): {_text = ERR_CANCELLED; doCancelAction = false;};
default {
_text = format["Vehicle Unlocking %1%2 Complete", round(100 * _progress), "%"];
_failed = false;
[_failed, _text];
_success = [DURATION, ANIMATION, _checks, [_vehicle]] call a3w_actions_start;
if (_success) then {
[[netId _vehicle, 0], "A3W_fnc_setLockState", _vehicle] call A3W_fnc_MP; // Lock
_vehicle setVariable ["R3F_Side", nil, true];
_vehicle setVariable ["vehicleLocked", 0, true];
_vehicle setVariable ["ownerUID", nil, true];
player action ["lightOn", _vehicle];
sleep 1;
player action ["lightOff", _vehicle];
["Vehicle Unlock Complete!", 5] call mf_notify_client;
// ******************************************************************************************
// * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 *
// ******************************************************************************************
// @file Version: 1.2
// @file Name: vLoad.sqf
// @file Author: JoSchaap, AgentRev, Austerror
// @file Description: Vehicle saving load script
if (!isServer) exitWith {};
_vehFileName = "Vehicles" call PDB_objectFileName;
_maxLifetime = ["A3W_vehicleLifetime", 0] call getPublicVar;
_maxUnusedTime = ["A3W_vehicleMaxUnusedTime", 0] call getPublicVar;
_exists = _vehFileName call PDB_exists; // iniDB_exists
_vehCount = 0;
_savingMethod = ["A3W_savingMethod", 1] call getPublicVar;
if (!isNil "_exists" && {_exists}) then
_vehCount = [_vehFileName, "Info", "VehCount", "NUMBER"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
if (!isNil "_vehCount") then
for "_i" from 1 to _vehCount do
_vehName = format ["Veh%1", _i];
_class = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "Class", "STRING"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
_pos = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "Position", "ARRAY"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
_hoursAlive = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "HoursAlive", "NUMBER"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
_hoursUnused = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "HoursUnused", "NUMBER"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
if (!isNil "_class" && !isNil "_pos" && {(_maxLifetime <= 0 || _hoursAlive < _maxLifetime) && (_maxUnusedTime <= 0 || _hoursUnused < _maxUnusedTime)}) then
_variables = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "Variables", "ARRAY"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
_dir = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "Direction", "ARRAY"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
_fuel = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "Fuel", "NUMBER"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
_damage = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "Damage", "NUMBER"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
_hitPoints = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "HitPoints", "ARRAY"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
_textures = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "Textures", "ARRAY"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
{ if (typeName _x == "STRING") then { _pos set [_forEachIndex, parseNumber _x] } } forEach _pos;
_veh = createVehicle [_class, _pos, [], 0, "None"];
_veh setPosWorld ATLtoASL _pos;
if (!isNil "_dir") then
_veh setVectorDirAndUp _dir;
[_veh] call vehicleSetup;
_veh setVariable ["vehSaving_hoursAlive", _hoursAlive];
_veh setVariable ["vehSaving_spawningTime", diag_tickTime];
_veh setVariable ["vehSaving_hoursUnused", _hoursUnused];
_veh setVariable ["vehSaving_lastUse", diag_tickTime];
_veh setDamage _damage;
{ _veh setHitPointDamage _x } forEach _hitPoints;
_veh setFuel _fuel;
if (!isNil "_textures") then
_veh setVariable ["BIS_enableRandomization", false, true];
_objTextures = [];
_texture = _x select 0;
_veh setObjectTextureGlobal [_x, _texture];
[_objTextures, _x, _texture] call fn_setToPairs;
} forEach (_x select 1);
} forEach _textures;
_veh setVariable ["A3W_objectTextures", _objTextures, true];
_var = _x select 0;
_value = _x select 1;
//Add action to loaded vehicle
switch (_var) do {
case "vehicleLocked": {_veh lock _value};
_veh setVariable [_var, _value]
} forEach _variables;
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _veh;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _veh;
clearItemCargoGlobal _veh;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _veh;
_weapons = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "Weapons", "ARRAY"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
_magazines = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "Magazines", "ARRAY"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
_items = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "Items", "ARRAY"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
_backpacks = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "Backpacks", "ARRAY"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
if (!isNil "_weapons") then
{ _veh addWeaponCargoGlobal _x } forEach _weapons;
if (!isNil "_magazines") then
{ _veh addMagazineCargoGlobal _x } forEach _magazines;
if (!isNil "_items") then
{ _veh addItemCargoGlobal _x } forEach _items;
if (!isNil "_backpacks") then
if !((_x select 0) isKindOf "Weapon_Bag_Base") then
_veh addBackpackCargoGlobal _x;
} forEach _backpacks;
_turretMags = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "TurretMagazines", "ARRAY"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
_turretMags2 = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "TurretMagazines2", "ARRAY"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
_turretMags3 = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "TurretMagazines3", "ARRAY"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
_veh setVehicleAmmo 0;
if (!isNil "_turretMags3") then
_veh addMagazineTurret [_x select 0, _x select 1];
_veh setVehicleAmmo (_x select 2);
} forEach _turretMags3;
if (!isNil "_turretMags") then
{ _veh addMagazine _x } forEach _turretMags;
if (!isNil "_turretMags2") then
{ _veh addMagazineTurret _x } forEach _turretMags2;
_ammoCargo = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "AmmoCargo", "NUMBER"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
_fuelCargo = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "FuelCargo", "NUMBER"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
_repairCargo = [_vehFileName, _vehName, "RepairCargo", "NUMBER"] call PDB_read; // iniDB_read
if (!isNil "_ammoCargo") then { _veh setAmmoCargo _ammoCargo };
if (!isNil "_fuelCargo") then { _veh setFuelCargo _fuelCargo };
if (!isNil "_repairCargo") then { _veh setRepairCargo _repairCargo };
reload _veh;
if (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _class >> "isUav") > 0) then
createVehicleCrew _veh;
_veh spawn
waitUntil {!isNull driver _this};
[[_x, ["AI","",""]], "A3W_fnc_setName", true] call A3W_fnc_MP;
} forEach crew _this;
diag_log format ["A3Wasteland - world persistence loaded %1 vehicles from %2", _vehCount, ["A3W_savingMethodName", "a rip in the fabric of space-time"] call getPublicVar];
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IvanMMM commented Nov 9, 2014

Well, usually you need to do sth like

_variables pushBack ["R3F_Side", _veh getVariable ["R3F_Side",""]];

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So you didnt test if it works?

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IvanMMM commented Nov 9, 2014

Sure. But I have other saving script now, can't give you exact working one.

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Doggs commented Nov 10, 2014

I'll test this in a couple of hours.

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Doggs commented Nov 10, 2014

So far Save is working but loading fails. I'll keep you posted.



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