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Created September 26, 2018 16:04
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Coursera Applied Data Science
# coding: utf-8
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# _You are currently looking at **version 1.1** of this notebook. To download notebooks and datafiles, as well as get help on Jupyter notebooks in the Coursera platform, visit the [Jupyter Notebook FAQ]( course resource._
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# # Assignment 2 - Pandas Introduction
# All questions are weighted the same in this assignment.
# ## Part 1
# The following code loads the olympics dataset (olympics.csv), which was derrived from the Wikipedia entry on [All Time Olympic Games Medals](, and does some basic data cleaning.
# The columns are organized as # of Summer games, Summer medals, # of Winter games, Winter medals, total # number of games, total # of medals. Use this dataset to answer the questions below.
# In[ ]:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('olympics.csv', index_col=0, skiprows=1)
for col in df.columns:
if col[:2]=='01':
df.rename(columns={col:'Gold'+col[4:]}, inplace=True)
if col[:2]=='02':
df.rename(columns={col:'Silver'+col[4:]}, inplace=True)
if col[:2]=='03':
df.rename(columns={col:'Bronze'+col[4:]}, inplace=True)
if col[:1]=='№':
df.rename(columns={col:'#'+col[1:]}, inplace=True)
names_ids = df.index.str.split('\s\(') # split the index by '('
df.index = names_ids.str[0] # the [0] element is the country name (new index)
df['ID'] = names_ids.str[1].str[:3] # the [1] element is the abbreviation or ID (take first 3 characters from that)
df = df.drop('Totals')
# ### Question 0 (Example)
# What is the first country in df?
# *This function should return a Series.*
# In[ ]:
# You should write your whole answer within the function provided. The autograder will call
# this function and compare the return value against the correct solution value
def answer_zero():
# This function returns the row for Afghanistan, which is a Series object. The assignment
# question description will tell you the general format the autograder is expecting
return df.iloc[0]
# You can examine what your function returns by calling it in the cell. If you have questions
# about the assignment formats, check out the discussion forums for any FAQs
# ### Question 1
# Which country has won the most gold medals in summer games?
# *This function should return a single string value.*
# In[ ]:
def answer_one():
return df['Gold'].argmax()
# ### Question 2
# Which country had the biggest difference between their summer and winter gold medal counts?
# *This function should return a single string value.*
# In[ ]:
def answer_two():
return (df['Gold']-df['Gold.1']).argmax()
# ### Question 3
# Which country has the biggest difference between their summer gold medal counts and winter gold medal counts relative to their total gold medal count?
# $$\frac{Summer~Gold - Winter~Gold}{Total~Gold}$$
# Only include countries that have won at least 1 gold in both summer and winter.
# *This function should return a single string value.*
# In[ ]:
def answer_three():
copy_df = df.copy()
copy_df = copy_df[(copy_df['Gold']>0) & (copy_df['Gold.1']>0)]
return ((copy_df['Gold']-copy_df['Gold.1'])/copy_df['Gold.2']).argmax()
# ### Question 4
# Write a function that creates a Series called "Points" which is a weighted value where each gold medal (`Gold.2`) counts for 3 points, silver medals (`Silver.2`) for 2 points, and bronze medals (`Bronze.2`) for 1 point. The function should return only the column (a Series object) which you created.
# *This function should return a Series named `Points` of length 146*
# In[ ]:
def answer_four():
df['Points'] = df['Gold.2']*3 + df['Silver.2']*2 + df['Bronze.2']
return df['Points']
# ## Part 2
# For the next set of questions, we will be using census data from the [United States Census Bureau]( Counties are political and geographic subdivisions of states in the United States. This dataset contains population data for counties and states in the US from 2010 to 2015. [See this document]( for a description of the variable names.
# The census dataset (census.csv) should be loaded as census_df. Answer questions using this as appropriate.
# ### Question 5
# Which state has the most counties in it? (hint: consider the sumlevel key carefully! You'll need this for future questions too...)
# *This function should return a single string value.*
# In[ ]:
census_df = pd.read_csv('census.csv')
# In[ ]:
def answer_five():
return census_df['STNAME'].value_counts().argmax()
# ### Question 6
# Only looking at the three most populous counties for each state, what are the three most populous states (in order of highest population to lowest population)? Use `CENSUS2010POP`.
# *This function should return a list of string values.*
# In[ ]:
def answer_six():
copy_df = census_df.copy()
copy_df = copy_df.groupby(['STNAME'])
states_pop = pd.DataFrame(columns=['pop'])
for i, c in copy_df:
states_pop.loc[i] = [c.sort_values(by='CENSUS2010POP', ascending=False)[1:4]['CENSUS2010POP'].sum()]
top3 = states_pop.nlargest(3,'pop')
return list(top3.index)
# ### Question 7
# Which county has had the largest absolute change in population within the period 2010-2015? (Hint: population values are stored in columns POPESTIMATE2010 through POPESTIMATE2015, you need to consider all six columns.)
# e.g. If County Population in the 5 year period is 100, 120, 80, 105, 100, 130, then its largest change in the period would be |130-80| = 50.
# *This function should return a single string value.*
# In[ ]:
def answer_seven():
pop = pop[pop['STNAME']!=pop['CTYNAME']]
index = (pop.max(axis=1)-pop.min(axis=1)).argmax()
return census_df.loc[index]['CTYNAME']
# ### Question 8
# In this datafile, the United States is broken up into four regions using the "REGION" column.
# Create a query that finds the counties that belong to regions 1 or 2, whose name starts with 'Washington', and whose POPESTIMATE2015 was greater than their POPESTIMATE 2014.
# *This function should return a 5x2 DataFrame with the columns = ['STNAME', 'CTYNAME'] and the same index ID as the census_df (sorted ascending by index).*
# In[ ]:
return census_df[(census_df['REGION']<3 ) & (census_df['CTYNAME'] == 'Washington County') & (census_df['POPESTIMATE2015']>census_df['POPESTIMATE2014'])][['STNAME','CTYNAME']]
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