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Created November 26, 2020 17:25
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Lazysecs efficient reducer, which returns n first elements of sequence, sorted by keyfn & comp
(defn take-first-sorted-by
"Performs the same result as (take n (sort-by keyfn comp coll))
but more efficient in terms of time and memory"
([n keyfn coll] (take-first-sorted-by n keyfn compare coll))
([n keyfn ^java.util.Comparator comp coll]
(if (pos? n)
(let [m ^java.util.TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap. comp)
m-size (volatile! 0)
;; if it is guaranteed that (keyfn v) will be unique for all v in coll
;; we can attach :unique? key to keyfn meta and algorythm will use single val map
;; instead of multi-map and will be faster & more optimal
;; But if we add :unique? meta and there will be any duplicates of (keyfn v)
;; result may be wrong
unique-keyfn? (:unique? (meta keyfn))
;; _ (prn :unique-keyfn? unique-keyfn?)
m-add (if unique-keyfn?
(fn [k v] (.put m k v))
(fn [k v] (if-let [a ^java.util.ArrayList (.get m k)]
(.add a v)
(.put m k (doto (java.util.ArrayList.) (.add v))))))
m-sub (if unique-keyfn?
(fn [k] (.remove m k))
(fn [k] (let [a ^java.util.ArrayList (.get m k)
last-index ^int (.intValue (dec (.size a)))] ;; last-index have to be int type!
(.remove a ^int last-index) ;; place for happy debugging )))
(when (.isEmpty a) (.remove m k)))))]
(doseq [v coll]
(let [k (keyfn v)]
(if (< @m-size n)
(m-add k v)
(vswap! m-size inc))
(let [max-key (.lastKey m)]
(when (neg? (comp k max-key))
(m-sub max-key)
(m-add k v))))))
(if unique-keyfn?
(vals m)
(->> m vals (apply concat))))
(deftest take-first-sorted-by-test
(testing "take-first-sorted-by = (take n (sort-by ...))"
(doseq [n [0 1 10 30 150]
keyfn [identity #(rem % 10) #(rem % 15) #(rem % 53)]]
(let [coll (range 100)
comp #(compare %2 %1)]
(is (= (take n (sort-by keyfn coll))
(utils/take-first-sorted-by n keyfn coll)))
(is (= (take n (sort-by keyfn comp coll))
(utils/take-first-sorted-by n keyfn comp coll))))))
(testing "take-first-sorted-by with :unique? keyfn meta"
(doseq [n [0 1 10 30 150]
unique? [true false]]
(let [coll (map (fn [_] (let [x (str (d/squuid))] [(rem (hash x) 100) x]))
(range 100))
keyfn (with-meta second {:unique? unique?})
comp #(compare %2 %1)]
(is (= (take n (sort-by keyfn coll))
(utils/take-first-sorted-by n keyfn coll)))
(is (= (take n (sort-by keyfn comp coll))
(utils/take-first-sorted-by n keyfn comp coll)))))))
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