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Created January 5, 2019 12:44
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webinar 2 Clojure
(def ones
(lazy-seq (cons 1 ones)))
(prn (take 10 ones))
(defn intfrom [n]
(lazy-seq (cons n (intfrom (+ 1 n)))))
(prn (take 10 (intfrom 1)))
(print "\nчисла Фибоначчи:\n")
(def fibs (cons 0
(lazy-seq (cons 1 (map + (rest fibs) fibs)))))
(prn (take 50 fibs))
(print "\nчисла Хэмминга:\n")
(defn s-merge [a b]
(let [ha (first a) hb (first b)]
(< ha hb) (cons ha (s-merge (rest a) b))
(> ha hb) (cons hb (s-merge a (rest b)))
:else (cons ha (s-merge (rest a) (rest b)))))))
(def hamm
(->> (map #(*' 2 %) hamm)
(s-merge (map #(*' 3 %) hamm))
(s-merge (map #(*' 5 %) hamm))
(cons 1))))
(prn (take 50 hamm))
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