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Last active October 29, 2023 21:21
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  • Save Ivanca/4704152 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Ivanca/4704152 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A PHP function to generate pretty comments for PHP and Javascript.
|: :|
|: Sexy comments in your code! :|
|: =========================== :|
|: Hi, my name is Ivan I care about programming, music and women. :|
|: Follow me on twitter: @ivanca :|
|: :|
function sexy_comment($message, $title = '', $width = 75){
function mb_str_pad($input, $pad_length, $pad_string=' ', $pad_type=STR_PAD_RIGHT) {
$diff = strlen($input) - mb_strlen($input);
return str_pad($input, $pad_length+$diff, $pad_string, $pad_type);
function replace_accents($str) {
$str = htmlentities($str, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
$str = preg_replace(
return html_entity_decode($str);
$message = iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', $message);
$n = "\r\n";
$tab_ini = '|: ';
$tab_end = strrev($tab_ini);
$result = '';
$border = '/*';
$title_underline = '=';
$square_by = '-';
while(mb_strlen($border) < $width){
$border .= $square_by;
$result .= $n . $border . $n;
$title_deco = mb_str_pad('', mb_strlen($title), $title_underline);
$padding = mb_strlen($tab_ini);
$maxlength = mb_strlen($border);
$linelength = $maxlength - ($padding * 2);
$words_arr = explode(" ", $message);
$comment_arr = array();
$temp = '';
$newline = FALSE;
for ($j=0; $j < count($words_arr); $j++) {
$word = $words_arr[$j];
array_push($comment_arr, $temp);
$temp = '';
$newline = FALSE;
$word = str_replace("\t", ' ', $word);
$clean_word = preg_replace('/\r?\n[\s\S]*/', '', $word);
if(mb_strlen($temp) + mb_strlen($clean_word) >= $linelength || $newline !== FALSE){
array_push($comment_arr, $temp);
$temp = '';
$newline = strpos($word, "\n");
if($newline !== FALSE){
$split = preg_split('!\r?\n!', $word);
$split = array_map(function($a){
if($a === ''){
return NULL;
return $a;
}, $split);
array_splice($words_arr, $j, 1, $split);
$word = $clean_word;
} else {
$word .= ' ';
$temp .= $word;
array_push($comment_arr, $temp);
array_unshift($comment_arr, $title, $title_deco);
array_unshift($comment_arr, '');
array_push($comment_arr, '');
for ($i=0; $i < count($comment_arr); $i++) {
$line = $comment_arr[$i];
$line = $tab_ini . $line;
$line = mb_str_pad($line, $maxlength - $padding, ' ');
$result .= $line . $tab_end . $n;
$result .= strrev($border) . $n . $n;
$result = iconv('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', $result);
return $result;
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Ivanca commented Feb 3, 2013

No license (public domain), usage:

|:                                                          :|
|:  echo sexy_comment(                                      :|
|:      "The body", "Optional title", (int)$width           :|
|:  );                                                      :|
|:                                                          :|

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