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Last active March 12, 2018 09:41
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Scoville company description

Company Overview

Scoville was founded on March 7th, 2016. Our mission is to "Develop world-class talent and business and lead the Japanese economy by global business achievements."

Our profit has continuously been soaring since the start. We are accelerating our growth with more than 30 members.

Business overview

Scoville is a business creation company and has created the various business in multiple domains. In the past 2 years since the foundation, we have planned and created/are creating following products and services.

HR domain

HR business is the first and largest business domain for Scoville. With the current goal set to "Visualizing and maximizing the potential of new graduates", we provide services and products which are the integration of real world interactions and technology.

On the real-world interaction side, we have matched more than 20,000 students around Japan and more than 300 leading companies. On the technology side, we are driving the planning and developing of following products with the theme of "automation of hiring processes."



You can share your open slots with multiple members easily. When you accept requests from others, meetings are set and reminders are set automatically. It works with existing calendars and allows users to compare schedules of coworkers and meeting rooms.


HR Video (name to be confirmed, under development)

Using machine learning, AI scores candidates instead of professional hiring managers who are overwhelmed with meetings and resumes. HR Video uses videos in which candidates answer questions from AI and comes up with scores based on certain evaluation axes. For example, following detections can be done through analysis.

  • Recognition of emotion and beauty
  • Confidence level and calmness through line of sight and way of speech
  • Logical consistency of answers and existence of specialty knowledge

Also, through the similar technology, the recommendation of "companies that suit the candidates" will be possible.

Small and mid sized retail business domain


moshimoshi (under development)

Using AI, we develop service to automatically answer phones and make reservations for restaurants. This will solve the missed calls during the busy hours. The AI used in the service does not depend on languages, so Japanese calls are answered in Japanese, while English ones are managed in English. Service will be quite useful for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Agri tech domain

We will soon kick off our agri-tech domain - the introduction of technology to the agriculture and food industry. This is a domain with global demand for implementation of new technology with various issues throughout the value chain from the production to the logistics and retail. In Japan, one of the most serious issues is the rapid aging and declining of farming population. With the high retirement rate of elderly farmers, precious knowledge about cultivation will be lost. We are planning products that combine both the hardware and software/ AI technology, such as automation of harvesting using image recognition technology.

Education domain


GeekSalon is the programming learning community exclusively for university students. Professional instructors and university student mentors teach programming, such as development of iOS applications (Swift), games (Unity) and web applications (Ruby on Rails).


Chalk is the online tutoring application. Junior high and high school students around Japan can be matched to top university tutors and ask questions anytime, from anywhere.

Work Environment

Members are close like a family and go out to meals together a lot. (there are many great restaurants in the area!) Currently, more than half of the engineers and designers come from outside of Japan and the main language used is English. Diverse backgrounds of our members bring various culture and voice to the team.

There are no illogical, out-of-date rules such as seniority system still observed in Japanese companies. There are no set working hours, and if you would like to work remotely from time to time, it's accepted as long as it doesn't affect your team members.

"Culture that respect each members' freedom and rights" lead to exceptional achievements and the achievements make it possible to keep the culture. On the other hand, there is great responsibility for high performance.

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