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Created July 16, 2018 16:44
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Generate array of random objects (including other arrays)
import random
from random import choice, randint
from string import digits
# Default constructors for the ``random_list``.
default_constructors = (
lambda: bool(randint(0, 1)),
lambda: randint(1, 1000),
lambda: ''.join(choice(digits) for _ in range(randint(1, 10)))
def random_list(max_len = 10, seed = None, constructors = None):
Generate list of random objects. Typically something looking like::
[(269, '6'), [{}, 990, 347, <object object at 0x7f51b230b130>, {},
[{}, '91921063', 302, '0047953', {}, ()], True], '70262', True]
max_len (int): Maximal length of generated list. Actual length is
randomly selected from the range (1, max_length).
constructors (List[Union[function, class]]): List of constructors
(callables to be precise) used to construct elements of the list.
Constructors are selected randomly. Additionally, there is a chance
(2/3 for each element) that an element of the list is another
random list or tuple.
If no constructors are specified, default ones are used.
``depth`` serves as an "annealing factor". That is, because the
function may call itself (to create inner lits/tuples), we need to
ensure that the recursion is not infinite. ``depth`` is subtracted
from randomly generated length of the list/tuple, so that it's
shorter on each call.
constructors = constructors or default_constructors
if seed:
def gen_list(depth):
return [
choice(choices)(depth + 1)
for _ in range(max(randint(1, max_len) - depth, 0))
choices = (
lambda _: choice(constructors)(),
lambda depth: tuple(gen_list(depth))
return gen_list(0)
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