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Forked from vbe0201/
Last active June 11, 2022 18:06
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  • Save Ixyk-Wolf/77f4acda8621ce948c3f2211cbe586b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Ixyk-Wolf/77f4acda8621ce948c3f2211cbe586b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple music bot written using rewrite and youtube_dl.
Copyright (c) 2019 Valentin B.
A simple music bot written in using youtube-dl.
Though it's a simple example, music bots are complex and require much time and knowledge until they work perfectly.
Use this as an example or a base for your own bot and extend it as you want. If there are any bugs, please let me know.
Python 3.5+
pip install -U pynacl youtube-dl
You also need FFmpeg in your PATH environment variable or the FFmpeg.exe binary in your bot's directory on Windows.
Forked by Ixyk-Wolf adding Spotify support.
For easy text based tokens, create the ones you see at line 33. Make sure your current directory is where all of the files are.
If you do not have those, please register an application at ''
The only code for spotify support is in the play command where it checks if it is a Spotify link or URI.
Just fixed the entire bot
Next up:
Custom animated emojis for things like processing.
More code fixes.
Spotify search.
Returning wrong Spotify track names and artists from everything.
import asyncio
import functools
import itertools
import math
import random
import discord
import youtube_dl
from async_timeout import timeout
from discord.ext import commands
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials
import spotipy
import psutil
import platform
from import Bar
youtube_dl.utils.bug_reports_message = lambda: ''
with open("SpotipyClientID.txt", "r") as scid:
spotipy_id =
with open("SpotipyClientSecret.txt", "r") as scs:
spotipy_secret =
with open("token.txt", "r") as key:
token =
sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyClientCredentials(client_id=spotipy_id, client_secret=spotipy_secret))
class VoiceError(Exception):
class YTDLError(Exception):
class Utils():
def getCurrentMemoryUsage(self):
with open('/proc/self/status') as f:
memusage ='VmRSS:')[1].split('\n')[0][:-3]
memusage = int(memusage)
return memusage/1024
def get_size(self, bytes, suffix="B"):
factor = 1024
for unit in ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P"]:
if bytes < factor:
return f"{bytes:.2f}{unit}{suffix}"
bytes /= factor
class Spotify():
def getTrackID(self, track):
track = sp.track(track)
return track["id"]
def getPlaylistTrackIDs(self, playlist_id):
ids = []
playlist = sp.playlist(playlist_id)
for item in playlist['tracks']['items']:
track = item['track']
return ids
def getAlbum(self, album_id):
album = sp.album_tracks(album_id)
ids = []
for item in album['items']:
return ids
def getTrackFeatures(self, id):
meta = sp.track(id)
features = sp.audio_features(id)
name = meta['name']
album = meta['album']['name']
artist = meta['album']['artists'][0]['name']
release_date = meta['album']['release_date']
length = meta['duration_ms']
popularity = meta['popularity']
return f"{artist} - {album}"
def getalbumID(self, id):
return sp.album(id)
class YTDLSource(discord.PCMVolumeTransformer):
'format': 'bestaudio/best',
'extractaudio': True,
'audioformat': 'mp3',
'outtmpl': '%(extractor)s-%(id)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s',
'restrictfilenames': True,
'noplaylist': True,
'nocheckcertificate': True,
'ignoreerrors': False,
'logtostderr': False,
'quiet': True,
'no_warnings': True,
'default_search': 'ytsearch',
'source_address': '',
'before_options': '-reconnect 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 5',
'options': '-vn',
ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(YTDL_OPTIONS)
def __init__(self, ctx: commands.Context, source: discord.FFmpegPCMAudio, *, data: dict, volume: float = 0.5):
super().__init__(source, volume)
self.requester = = = data
self.uploader = data.get('uploader')
self.uploader_url = data.get('uploader_url')
date = data.get('upload_date')
self.upload_date = date[6:8] + '.' + date[4:6] + '.' + date[0:4]
self.title = data.get('title')
self.thumbnail = data.get('thumbnail')
self.description = data.get('description')
self.duration = self.parse_duration(int(data.get('duration')))
self.tags = data.get('tags')
self.url = data.get('webpage_url')
self.views = data.get('view_count')
self.likes = data.get('like_count')
self.dislikes = data.get('dislike_count')
self.stream_url = data.get('url')
def __str__(self):
return '**{0.title}** by **{0.uploader}**'.format(self)
async def create_source(cls, ctx: commands.Context, search: str, *, loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop = None):
loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
partial = functools.partial(cls.ytdl.extract_info, search, download=False, process=False)
data = await loop.run_in_executor(None, partial)
if data is None:
raise YTDLError('Couldn\'t find anything that matches `{}`'.format(search))
if 'entries' not in data:
process_info = data
process_info = None
for entry in data['entries']:
if entry:
process_info = entry
if process_info is None:
raise YTDLError('Couldn\'t find anything that matches `{}`'.format(search))
webpage_url = process_info['webpage_url']
partial = functools.partial(cls.ytdl.extract_info, webpage_url, download=False)
processed_info = await loop.run_in_executor(None, partial)
if processed_info is None:
raise YTDLError('Couldn\'t fetch `{}`'.format(webpage_url))
if 'entries' not in processed_info:
info = processed_info
info = None
while info is None:
info = processed_info['entries'].pop(0)
except IndexError:
raise YTDLError('Couldn\'t retrieve any matches for `{}`'.format(webpage_url))
return cls(ctx, discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(info['url'], **cls.FFMPEG_OPTIONS), data=info)
async def search_source(cls, ctx: commands.Context, search: str, *, loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop = None):
channel =
loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
cls.search_query = '%s%s:%s' % ('ytsearch', 10, ''.join(search))
partial = functools.partial(cls.ytdl.extract_info, cls.search_query, download=False, process=False)
info = await loop.run_in_executor(None, partial) = {}["title"] = f'Search results for:\n**{search}**'["type"] = 'rich'["color"] = 7506394["author"] = {'name': f'{}', 'url': f'{}', 'icon_url': f'{}'}
lst = []
for e in info['entries']:
#lst.append(f'`{info["entries"].index(e) + 1}.` {e.get("title")} **[{YTDLSource.parse_duration(int(e.get("duration")))}]**\n')
VId = e.get('id')
VUrl = '' % (VId)
lst.append(f'`{info["entries"].index(e) + 1}.` [{e.get("title")}]({VUrl})\n')
lst.append('\n**Type a number to make a choice, Type `cancel` to exit**')["description"] = "\n".join(lst)
em = discord.Embed.from_dict(
await ctx.send(embed=em, delete_after=45.0)
def check(msg):
return msg.content.isdigit() == True and == channel or msg.content == 'cancel' or msg.content == 'Cancel'
m = await bot.wait_for('message', check=check, timeout=45.0)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
rtrn = 'timeout'
if m.content.isdigit() == True:
sel = int(m.content)
if 0 < sel <= 10:
for key, value in info.items():
if key == 'entries':
"""data = value[sel - 1]"""
VId = value[sel - 1]['id']
VUrl = '' % (VId)
partial = functools.partial(cls.ytdl.extract_info, VUrl, download=False)
data = await loop.run_in_executor(None, partial)
rtrn = cls(ctx, discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(data['url'], **cls.FFMPEG_OPTIONS), data=data)
rtrn = 'sel_invalid'
elif m.content == 'cancel':
rtrn = 'cancel'
rtrn = 'sel_invalid'
return rtrn
def parse_duration(duration: int):
if duration > 0:
minutes, seconds = divmod(duration, 60)
hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
days, hours = divmod(hours, 24)
duration = []
if days > 0:
if hours > 0:
if minutes > 0:
if seconds > 0:
value = ':'.join(duration)
elif duration == 0:
value = "LIVE"
return value
class Song:
__slots__ = ('source', 'requester')
def __init__(self, source: YTDLSource):
self.source = source
self.requester = source.requester
def create_embed(self):
embed = discord.Embed(title='Now playing', description='```css\n{0.source.title}\n```'.format(self), color=discord.Color.blurple())
embed.add_field(name='Duration', value=self.source.duration)
embed.add_field(name='Requested by', value=self.requester.mention)
embed.add_field(name='Uploader', value='[{0.source.uploader}]({0.source.uploader_url})'.format(self))
embed.add_field(name='URL', value='[Click]({0.source.url})'.format(self))
embed.set_author(, icon_url=self.requester.avatar_url)
return embed
class SongQueue(asyncio.Queue):
def __getitem__(self, item):
if isinstance(item, slice):
return list(itertools.islice(self._queue, item.start, item.stop, item.step))
return self._queue[item]
def __iter__(self):
return self._queue.__iter__()
def __len__(self):
return self.qsize()
def clear(self):
def shuffle(self):
def remove(self, index: int):
del self._queue[index]
class VoiceState:
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot, ctx: commands.Context): = bot
self._ctx = ctx
self.current = None
self.voice = None = asyncio.Event()
self.songs = SongQueue()
self.exists = True
self._loop = False
self._volume = 0.5
self.skip_votes = set()
self.audio_player = bot.loop.create_task(self.audio_player_task())
def __del__(self):
def loop(self):
return self._loop
def loop(self, value: bool):
self._loop = value
def volume(self):
return self._volume
def volume(self, value: float):
self._volume = value
def is_playing(self):
return self.voice and self.current
async def audio_player_task(self):
while True: = None
if self.loop == False:
# Try to get the next song within 3 minutes.
# If no song will be added to the queue in time,
# the player will disconnect due to performance
# reasons.
async with timeout(180): # 3 minutes
self.current = await self.songs.get()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
self.exists = False
self.current.source.volume = self._volume, after=self.play_next_song)
#If the song is looped
elif self.loop == True: = discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(self.current.source.stream_url, **YTDLSource.FFMPEG_OPTIONS), after=self.play_next_song)
def play_next_song(self, error=None):
if error:
raise VoiceError(str(error))
def skip(self):
if self.is_playing:
async def stop(self):
if self.voice:
await self.voice.disconnect()
self.voice = None
class Music(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot): = bot
self.voice_states = {}
def get_voice_state(self, ctx: commands.Context):
state = self.voice_states.get(
if not state or not state.exists:
state = VoiceState(, ctx)
self.voice_states[] = state
return state
def cog_unload(self):
for state in self.voice_states.values():
def cog_check(self, ctx: commands.Context):
if not ctx.guild:
raise commands.NoPrivateMessage('This command can\'t be used in DM channels.')
return True
async def cog_before_invoke(self, ctx: commands.Context):
ctx.voice_state = self.get_voice_state(ctx)
async def cog_command_error(self, ctx: commands.Context, error: commands.CommandError):
await ctx.send('An error occurred: {}'.format(str(error)))
@commands.command(name='join', invoke_without_subcommand=True)
async def _join(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Joins a voice channel."""
destination =
if ctx.voice_state.voice:
await ctx.voice_state.voice.move_to(destination)
ctx.voice_state.voice = await destination.connect()
async def _summon(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, channel: discord.VoiceChannel = None):
"""Summons the bot to a voice channel.
If no channel was specified, it joins your channel.
if not channel and not
raise VoiceError('You are neither connected to a voice channel nor specified a channel to join.')
destination = channel or
if ctx.voice_state.voice:
await ctx.voice_state.voice.move_to(destination)
ctx.voice_state.voice = await destination.connect()
await ctx.guild.change_voice_state(channel=destination, self_mute=False, self_deaf=True)
@commands.command(name='leave', aliases=['disconnect'])
async def _leave(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Clears the queue and leaves the voice channel."""
if not ctx.voice_state.voice:
return await ctx.send('Not connected to any voice channel.')
await ctx.voice_state.stop()
del self.voice_states[]
async def _volume(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, volume: int):
"""Sets the volume of the player."""
if not ctx.voice_state.is_playing:
return await ctx.send('Nothing being played at the moment.')
if 0 > volume > 100:
return await ctx.send('Volume must be between 0 and 100')
ctx.voice_state.volume = volume / 100
await ctx.send('Volume of the player set to {}%'.format(volume))
@commands.command(name='now', aliases=['current', 'playing'])
async def _now(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Displays the currently playing song."""
embed = ctx.voice_state.current.create_embed()
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
@commands.command(name='pause', aliases=['pa'])
async def _pause(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Pauses the currently playing song."""
print(">>>Pause Command:")
if ctx.voice_state.is_playing and ctx.voice_state.voice.is_playing():
await ctx.message.add_reaction('⏯')
@commands.command(name='resume', aliases=['re', 'res'])
async def _resume(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Resumes a currently paused song."""
if ctx.voice_state.is_playing and ctx.voice_state.voice.is_paused():
await ctx.message.add_reaction('⏯')
async def _stop(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Stops playing song and clears the queue."""
if ctx.voice_state.is_playing:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('⏹')
@commands.command(name='skip', aliases=['s'])
async def _skip(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Vote to skip a song. The requester can automatically skip.
3 skip votes are needed for the song to be skipped.
if not ctx.voice_state.is_playing:
return await ctx.send('Not playing any music right now...')
voter =
if voter == ctx.voice_state.current.requester:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('⏭')
elif not in ctx.voice_state.skip_votes:
total_votes = len(ctx.voice_state.skip_votes)
if total_votes >= 3:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('⏭')
await ctx.send('Skip vote added, currently at **{}/3**'.format(total_votes))
await ctx.send('You have already voted to skip this song.')
async def _queue(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, page: int = 1):
"""Shows the player's queue.
You can optionally specify the page to show. Each page contains 10 elements.
if len(ctx.voice_state.songs) == 0:
return await ctx.send('Empty queue.')
items_per_page = 10
pages = math.ceil(len(ctx.voice_state.songs) / items_per_page)
start = (page - 1) * items_per_page
end = start + items_per_page
queue = ''
for i, song in enumerate(ctx.voice_state.songs[start:end], start=start):
queue += '`{0}.` [**{1.source.title}**]({1.source.url})\n'.format(i + 1, song)
embed = (discord.Embed(description='**{} tracks:**\n\n{}'.format(len(ctx.voice_state.songs), queue))
.set_footer(text='Viewing page {}/{}'.format(page, pages)))
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def _shuffle(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Shuffles the queue."""
if len(ctx.voice_state.songs) == 0:
return await ctx.send('Empty queue.')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅')
async def _remove(self, ctx: commands.Context, index: int):
"""Removes a song from the queue at a given index."""
if len(ctx.voice_state.songs) == 0:
return await ctx.send('Empty queue.')
ctx.voice_state.songs.remove(index - 1)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅')
async def _loop(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Loops the currently playing song.
Invoke this command again to unloop the song.
if not ctx.voice_state.is_playing:
return await ctx.send('Nothing being played at the moment.')
# Inverse boolean value to loop and unloop.
ctx.voice_state.loop = not ctx.voice_state.loop
await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅')
@commands.command(name='play', aliases=['p'])
async def _play(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, search: str):
# Checks if song is on spotify and then searches.
if not ctx.voice_state.voice:
await ctx.invoke(self._join)
if "" in search or "spotify:playlist:" in search:
async with ctx.typing():
trackcount = 0
process = await ctx.send(f"Processing. . .")
ids = Spotify.getPlaylistTrackIDs(self, search)
tracks = []
for i in range(len(ids)):
track = Spotify.getTrackFeatures(self, ids[i])
for track in tracks:
trackcount += 1
source = await YTDLSource.create_source(ctx, track,
except YTDLError as e:
await ctx.send('An error occurred while processing this request: {}'.format(str(e)))
song = Song(source)
await ctx.voice_state.songs.put(song)
except Exception as err:
await ctx.send("Error!")
elif "" in search or "spotify:album:" in search:
async with ctx.typing():
process = await ctx.send(f"Processing. . .")
ids = Spotify.getAlbum(self, search)
tracks = []
for i in range(len(ids)):
track = Spotify.getTrackFeatures(self, ids[i])
for track in tracks:
source = await YTDLSource.create_source(ctx, track,
except YTDLError as e:
await ctx.send('An error occurred while processing this request: {}'.format(str(e)))
song = Song(source)
await ctx.voice_state.songs.put(song)
await process.edit(content="Album Succesfully Grabbed.")
except Exception as err:
await ctx.send("Error!")
elif "" in search or "spotify:track:" in search:
async with ctx.typing():
process = await ctx.send(f"Processing. . .")
ID = Spotify.getTrackID(self, search)
track = Spotify.getTrackFeatures(self, ID)
source = await YTDLSource.create_source(ctx, track,
song = Song(source)
await ctx.voice_state.songs.put(song)
await process.edit(content="Track Succesfully Grabbed.")
except Exception as err:
await ctx.send("Error!")
async with ctx.typing():
source = await YTDLSource.create_source(ctx, search,
except YTDLError as e:
await ctx.send('An error occurred while processing this request: {}'.format(str(e)))
if not ctx.voice_state.voice:
await ctx.invoke(self._join)
song = Song(source)
await ctx.voice_state.songs.put(song)
await ctx.send('Enqueued {}'.format(str(source)))
#Search is currently disabled until I implement the fix
async def _search(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, search: str):
Searches youtube.
It returns an imbed of the first 10 results collected from youtube.
Then the user can choose one of the titles by typing a number
in chat or they can cancel by typing "cancel" in chat.
Each title in the list can be clicked as a link.
async with ctx.typing():
source = await YTDLSource.search_source(ctx, search,
except YTDLError as e:
await ctx.send('An error occurred while processing this request: {}'.format(str(e)))
if source == 'sel_invalid':
await ctx.send('Invalid selection')
elif source == 'cancel':
await ctx.send(':white_check_mark:')
elif source == 'timeout':
await ctx.send(':alarm_clock: **Time\'s up bud**')
if not ctx.voice_state.voice:
await ctx.invoke(self._join)
song = Song(source)
await ctx.voice_state.songs.put(song)
await ctx.send('Enqueued {}'.format(str(source)))
async def ensure_voice_state(self, ctx: commands.Context):
if not or not
raise commands.CommandError('You are not connected to any voice channel.')
if ctx.voice_client:
if !=
raise commands.CommandError('Bot is already in a voice channel.')
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='bmb ', case_insensitive=True)
async def on_ready():
print('Logged in as:\n{}\n{}'.format(bot))
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staubtornado commented Mar 1, 2021

This is very buggy...

I get this error after every song and it stops playing the playlist

[tls @ 000001ca2b5a6cc0] Unable to read from socket
[https @ 000001ca29dd9000] Will reconnect at 2867184 in 0 second(s), error=Error number -10054 occurred.
[tls @ 000001ca2b5a6cc0] Failed to send close message

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For your first question, I'm not 100% sure how it works, I only added Spotify support but from errors it appears it downloads the videos in chunks of a few hundred kilobytes and buffers them and then the audio is extracted and it plays that. The bot will leave VC after 3 minutes if no song is playing. That error only happens to me when I run it on my host, not on VPS. Probability something to do with internet. I think I know what to fix and will update this gist as soon as possible.

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By the way, I have found some issues and are fixing them as soon as possible. Some errors with the Spotify track grabbing,

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Updated it fixing pretty much everything. I just screwed up some patches in the music bot. I instead based it on guac420's repo as it has the patches already made. Will be fixing the Spotify stuff later.

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Just fixed more bugs. The skip command would always raise an exception, the fix is making it skip no matter what. Completely fine. Will focus on more bug fixes as soon as I can.

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Just fixed more bugs. The skip command would always raise an exception, the fix is making it skip no matter what. Completely fine. Will focus on more bug fixes as soon as I can.

So there is no Vote skip-system anymore?

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No, it just fixed an exception that would always occur. The skip system still works.

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Ixyk-Wolf commented Mar 2, 2021

What version of python and youtube-dl are you running? Also what os?

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Based on some google searches, that is an issue with older versions of youtube-dl and newer songs.

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Python 3.8
youtube-dl 2021.1.24

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Ixyk-Wolf commented Mar 2, 2021

Try uninstalling and reinstalling youtube-dl.
(With pip ofc)

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Seems to work. I have the problem atm that the bot just stops playing music when an album is selected. Hosting on shouldn't be the problem, as the fork from guac420 works perfectly.

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Ok, I will attempt to fix that issue.

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Ok, I will attempt to fix that issue.

How is it going?

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Sorry, I've been incredibly busy and don't really have time for anything rn. I will see those issues but I have to also make all spotify requests without Spotipy because it isn't asynchronous meaning I have to rewrite a lot of stuff. I will try my best to update it.

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Does the loop work for you guys?

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seizoux commented Mar 12, 2021

problem with loop: i can't set the volume on looped songs, and the base volume is like 1000%

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problem with loop: i can't set the volume on looped songs, and the base volume is like 1000%

The voice volume resets every song.
Also i have fixed the playlist and the search. I also want to fix the loop, and refine it a bit. Maby later add spotify.
If someone could help me with the loop i could publish the full working code. My discord is Pandabweer#6969

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Pandabweer commented Mar 13, 2021

Fixed the loop. I will share it in about 1/2 days debugging and some refining. I also added an history command.
Also edited the UI a bit.

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Pandabweer commented Mar 14, 2021

Still needs some work, consider this a beta.

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I come back and see this. By the way, I don't have any idea on how to do a music bot. I made this as a challenge and just manipulated the play command to add Spotify support. I would love to see how far Pandabweer's fork goes (and hopefully uses some of my methods).

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I come back and see this. By the way, I don't have any idea on how to do a music bot. I made this as a challenge and just manipulated the play command to add Spotify support. I would love to see how far Pandabweer's fork goes (and hopefully uses some of my methods).

I got spotify working, it also works with soundcloud and any other .mp3 url so alot of support. It still needs alot of debugging tough. I reworked the whole file into some better, smaller pieces.

I'm using spotipy with async aoihttp some command need reworking too since with the new audioplayer they kinda broke. But thats okay since i'm making them async, like the queue pre-loader for example.

I had to throw away the UI for now because i don't yet get the same data because i need to parse it first. And unlike spotipy and youtube, soundcloud does not return information. So i have to make some exceptions and make them appear 'normal' inside the queue and the player.

That being said i got all the fundamentals right now i'm finishing up. Like the config for example, i want to implement sqllite for settings in the bot. I used json but json kinda slow and not async so i had to switch.

Don't know when it will be fully done you can always ask here:
Or my discord:

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I come back and see this. By the way, I don't have any idea on how to do a music bot. I made this as a challenge and just manipulated the play command to add Spotify support. I would love to see how far Pandabweer's fork goes (and hopefully uses some of my methods).

We basically cracked the code and made whole spotify ASYNC and added mutliple more sources like soundcloud. We used aiohttp and spotipy :)

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I noticed that this doesn't support youtube playlist support so I've added it.

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I come back and see this. By the way, I don't have any idea on how to do a music bot. I made this as a challenge and just manipulated the play command to add Spotify support. I would love to see how far Pandabweer's fork goes (and hopefully uses some of my methods).

We basically cracked the code and made whole spotify ASYNC and added mutliple more sources like soundcloud. We used aiohttp and spotipy :)

So is it all working now, or is it still in beta?

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I come back and see this. By the way, I don't have any idea on how to do a music bot. I made this as a challenge and just manipulated the play command to add Spotify support. I would love to see how far Pandabweer's fork goes (and hopefully uses some of my methods).

I got spotify working, it also works with soundcloud and any other .mp3 url so alot of support. It still needs alot of debugging tough. I reworked the whole file into some better, smaller pieces.

I'm using spotipy with async aoihttp some command need reworking too since with the new audioplayer they kinda broke. But thats okay since i'm making them async, like the queue pre-loader for example.

I had to throw away the UI for now because i don't yet get the same data because i need to parse it first. And unlike spotipy and youtube, soundcloud does not return information. So i have to make some exceptions and make them appear 'normal' inside the queue and the player.

That being said i got all the fundamentals right now i'm finishing up. Like the config for example, i want to implement sqllite for settings in the bot. I used json but json kinda slow and not async so i had to switch.

Don't know when it will be fully done you can always ask here:
Or my discord:

discord invite not valid, can you send a new one?

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I come back and see this. By the way, I don't have any idea on how to do a music bot. I made this as a challenge and just manipulated the play command to add Spotify support. I would love to see how far Pandabweer's fork goes (and hopefully uses some of my methods).

I got spotify working, it also works with soundcloud and any other .mp3 url so alot of support. It still needs alot of debugging tough. I reworked the whole file into some better, smaller pieces.
I'm using spotipy with async aoihttp some command need reworking too since with the new audioplayer they kinda broke. But thats okay since i'm making them async, like the queue pre-loader for example.
I had to throw away the UI for now because i don't yet get the same data because i need to parse it first. And unlike spotipy and youtube, soundcloud does not return information. So i have to make some exceptions and make them appear 'normal' inside the queue and the player.
That being said i got all the fundamentals right now i'm finishing up. Like the config for example, i want to implement sqllite for settings in the bot. I used json but json kinda slow and not async so i had to switch.
Don't know when it will be fully done you can always ask here:
Or my discord:

discord invite not valid, can you send a new one?

Ofcourse, this is my test server ->

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Hello I am playing songs via spotify but it doesn't play the write song!
It would nice for some help

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@XPr0methiumX Sorry for disturbing, but do you mind sharing your version of the bot?

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