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Izheil/ Secret

Created March 5, 2022 09:33
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Long term Hiatus

Archiving the repository

As you noticed, I archived quantum nox repository.

The reason for this is that I no longer have the motivation to keep mantaining it. I started working on the repository to create a full dark theme for Firefox back on FF57 when I was still a student due to webextensions being very limited at the time and not allowing to change much of the interface. Firefox was more engaging for me back then, and creating mods was fun and interesting.

Times have changed and now Firefox has quite more complete themes that can theme almost every part of it, as well as a default dark theme that is quite comprensive. Apart from that, now that I have a job, I don't have enough motivation to keep mantaining the dark theme and the other features, since the engagement I used to get from Firefox is now gone due to not having as much time, and not wanting to dedicate yet more time to coding than what my job needs me to.

The mods work most of the time on each update, but once in a while they break and then I have to spend a few days of free time fixing them.

I kept the repository up this long thanks to the donations of people back when they were still up, and due to still having time when I still didn't have a job, but now that I've had one for a while and not getting much more engagement from coding mods for Firefox, my motivation to work on this has dwindled.

As a last gift, I uploaded a mod manager that should keep css or js scripts updated on your firefox, checking for updates on each firefox restart. Apart from that, the mod manager is still pretty much a beta, and will probably have some problems that will need fixing, but I hope that it can at least be useful for anyone who is willing to fork it and work on it.

Lastly, thanks to everyone who supported the project this long, and special thanks to those that donated, who motivated me these years to keep it up until now.

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CanIask commented Dec 14, 2022

For me it works as intended using the 1.8.6 version from the repo. Try closing firefox, unpatching completelly, starting firefox, closing firefox again, and patching with multirow.

I don’t catch why 1.8.6 works for you and not for me (which gives the same result as 1.8.5) as I did exactly what you say several times already. I tried with 1.8.1 which I still have, but no effect at all. Maybe 1.8.4 (as it worked for FF107.0.1 ) would be better, but cannot find it any more.

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After updating to FF 108, I lost multi-row functionality. So, I updated the MultiRowTab-scrollable-autohide.uc.js file with the newer one (not even the one Izheil made today), by just dragging and dropping it into chrome folder in FF profile folder. I didn't even have to patch or anything. Just restarted firefox and multirow tabs were there again. Thanks Izheil!

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Izheil commented Dec 14, 2022

For me it works as intended using the 1.8.6 version from the repo. Try closing firefox, unpatching completelly, starting firefox, closing firefox again, and patching with multirow.

I don’t catch why 1.8.6 works for you and not for me (which gives the same result as 1.8.5) as I did exactly what you say several times already. I tried with 1.8.1 which I still have, but no effect at all. Maybe 1.8.4 (as it worked for FF107.0.1 ) would be better, but cannot find it any more.

Try copying the file (save as...) directly to your chrome folder like @lascetic did and see if that works for you.

The only thing that changed from 1.8.4 and 1.8.6 are the some comments on the files, since the offending change was on 1.8.5, so using 1.8.6 should work in the same way...

See the troubleshooting page and see if that helps.

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Izheil commented Dec 14, 2022

First, I want to thank you for your work and still providing updates. I noticed with the FF108 update, the tweak doesn't work correctly anymore for me. The offset from the top seems too low? I use the tweak with this order: 1 - 3 - 2. It would be nice if you could give a pointer where to look.

See if the updated file works for you.

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First, I want to thank you for your work and still providing updates. I noticed with the FF108 update, the tweak doesn't work correctly anymore for me. The offset from the top seems too low? I use the tweak with this order: 1 - 3 - 2. It would be nice if you could give a pointer where to look.

See if the updated file works for you.

Yes, that works great! Thanks a lot!

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After updating to FF 108, I lost multi-row functionality. So, I updated the MultiRowTab-scrollable-autohide.uc.js file with the newer one (not even the one Izheil made today), by just dragging and dropping it into chrome folder in FF profile folder. I didn't even have to patch or anything. Just restarted firefox and multirow tabs were there again. Thanks Izheil!

Confirm this works for me as well!

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CanIask commented Dec 15, 2022

Thanks again for trying to save my FF :D and happy that things work for others, but for me things are still really bizarre.
So here is what I did:

  1. I saved the file as it is in my chrome folder without changing anything : nothing changed, as there was no .js at all.
  2. I saved the Test file in the same chrome folder : no red at all.
  3. I created a new profile in which I copied all files of the original profile (with the Test file and the downloaded .js): No change at all, except the the red lines. Which appeared once, but when I tried again several times later on, no more red lines
  4. I patched the new profile with 1.8.7, same bad behaviour

So what is strange is that both profiles react badly to the patch, not at all to the downloaded file and only the new one reacted once to the Test file.
I’ll continue to try to fix it...

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CanIask commented Dec 15, 2022

Ok, there are some improvements !!!

  1. I created another new profile without modifying anything to it and I saw after patching with 1.8.7 that there were 3 files in utils folder : (chrome.manifest, userChrome.jsm and xPrf.jsm) which were not in the original profile and the one I created at first and were I copied everything from the original.
  2. I copy-pasted these 3 files into the utils folder of the 2 other profiles (where there is also a QNUsername.txt empty file which does not exist in the brand new profile) and patched them. Things went as expected.
  3. But when I want to tweak the MultiRowTab-scrollable.uc.js the way I was doing before (tabs height and no growth), then things go weird as displayed in the screenshots.

Just to be complete, I patch Multi-row Tabs / All rows visible only, nothing more.

So to summarize, patching works again but not possible to slightly change the file as I was doing the same way before.

EDIT : I just figured out that Scrollable works OK, but the problem comes with Lite. I’ll compare the 2 files and try to see where is the issue.

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CanIask commented Dec 15, 2022

EUREKA!!! All is back to normal... but I had to change the Scrollable file, mixing it with what exists in the old Lite file I had.

I don’t know anything about coding and I just tried to understand the very useful comments and compared the 2 files.
See below my mixed Scrollable/Lite file which allows me to have no Scrollbar, tabs height of 15px and no growth (not allowed to attach a .text file here so I quote the useful part only...)

Best would probably be to fix the issue in the original Lite file if possible to not be lost next time there is another update, if ever... :(

   :root {
        --max-tab-rows: 12;
        --tab-growth: 0;
        --resizer-color: var(--lwt-text-color);
        --resizer-width: 10px;
        --tabs-scrollbar-color: inherit; /* An example of using a custom color would be "#05a #252525" */

    /* You can change the height of tabs here.
      Explanations removed to save space...

    #TabsToolbar {
        --tab-min-height: 15px !important;

    /*  These below control the padding of the new tab button and min/max/close buttons respectively.
        YOU DON'T NEED TO CHANGE THESE unless you want to use values of --tab-min-height lower than 20px. 
        Before changing them, you need to UNCOMMENT the 2 rules below for them TO TAKE EFFECT. */
    #TabsToolbar {
        --toolbarbutton-inner-padding: inherit !important;

    /* Sizing of the titlebar buttons */
    .titlebar-buttonbox {
        height: var(--tab-min-height) !important;

    .titlebar-buttonbox-container {
        display: block !important;

    /*-------- Don't edit past here unless you know what you are doing --------*/

/* These 2 rules are a fix to make sure that tabs become smaller on smaller --tab-min-height values */
    .tabbrowser-tab {
        max-height: calc(var(--tab-min-height) + var(--toolbarbutton-inner-padding)) !important;

    .toolbar-items {-moz-box-align: start !important}
    #navigator-toolbox:-moz-lwtheme {
        background-color: var(--toolbar-bgcolor) !important;
    .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]) {
        flex-grow: var(--tab-growth)}
    #tabbrowser-tabs .tab-background, #tabbrowser-tabs .tabbrowser-tab {
        min-height: var(--tab-min-height) !important}

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Izheil commented Dec 15, 2022

EUREKA!!! All is back to normal... but I had to change the Scrollable file, mixing it with what exists in the old Lite file I had.

Glad you got it working!

I assumed you meant the normal scroller version, so I didn't check tab lite. Looks like the lite version was broken for some rule that was there from a very old time, which is why pasting things from the scrollable version must have made it work for you.

In either case I updated that version on 1.8.8, which also gets rid of duplicated min/max/close buttons when having the menu bar as "always shown" on Windows. I tested all multirow files this time, so they should be working for everyone.

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CanIask commented Dec 15, 2022

Yes, all is good now with 1.8.8 for TabLite. Muchas, muchas gracias Izheil!!!

I have a kind of backup now with my litlle tweak file if something like that happens again and you definitively stop to support your wonderful feature.

By the way, was this issue also due to the disappearing of the 3 files (chrome.manifest, userChrome.jsm and xPrf.jsm) from the utils folder?
And is QNUsername.txt empty file useful to keep?

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Izheil commented Dec 15, 2022

QNUsername is a temporary file that should have been removed. Its created to get the non-admin user in case someone uses a non-admin account and then elevates to admin privileges to execute the patcher.

Its safe to delete it.

Those 3 files from the utils folder are part of xiaoxiaoflood implementation required to inject the styles in Firefox, so they should be inside the utils folder.

In either case glad to know that its working fine for others now.

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QNUsername is a temporary file that should have been removed. Its created to get the non-admin user in case someone uses a non-admin account and then elevates to admin privileges to execute the patcher.

Its safe to delete it.

Those 3 files from the utils folder are part of xiaoxiaoflood implementation required to inject the styles in Firefox, so they should be inside the utils folder.

In either case glad to know that its working fine for others now.

Thanks for the great work, but 1.8.8. doesn't work for me (FF 108.0.1), second row is behind the address bar...

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Ryushin commented Dec 19, 2022

108.0.1 also "seems" to have broken The Mozilla dev's are sure breaking things in a hurry. :(

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Izheil commented Dec 19, 2022

I just tested both multirow and tabs-below and they both work from the patcher. If they don't for you install them manually to your chrome folder.

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The files are there, I have CSS narrowing the tab bar and when removed works fine. Note that i didn't have any problems with the code and multirow tab bar prior to ff 108


  • Make the toolbar extra-compact (similar to v56 with CTR)
  • Applies to Compact density
  • Contributor(s): Alex Vallat

:root[uidensity=compact] #urlbar {
font-size: unset !important;
min-height: 22px !important;
max-height: 22px !important;
background-color: white !important;
opacity: 1.0 !important;
padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;

:root[uidensity=compact] .searchbar-textbox {
font-size: unset !important;
min-height: 22px !important;
max-height: 22px !important;
background-color: white !important;
opacity: 1.0 !important;

:root[uidensity=compact] #identity-box {
max-height: 22px;
background-color: white !important;
opacity: 1.0 !important;

:root[uidensity=compact] #nav-bar .toolbarbutton-1 {
padding: 0px !important;
opacity: 1.0 !important;

/* Compatibility with auto-hide.css */
:root[uidensity=compact] #navigator-toolbox {
--nav-bar-height: 22px !important;
opacity: 1.0 !important;

/* TABS: height /
:root {
--tab-toolbar-navbar-overlap: 0px !important; /
fix for full screen mode */
--tab-min-height: 22px !important;
opacity: 1.0 !important;
:root #tabbrowser-tabs {
--tab-min-height: 22px !important;
opacity: 1.0 !important;
#TabsToolbar {
margin-bottom: 1px !important;
height: var(--tab-min-height) !important;
opacity: 1.0 !important;
#TabsToolbar:hover {
margin-bottom: 1px !important;
height: var(--tab-min-height) !important;
opacity: 1.0 !important;

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CanIask commented Feb 15, 2023

Hi Izheil,
Just to let you know that MRT 1.8.10 works like a charm for FF110.0 and the New Tab button.
Muchas gracias!

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I noticed the is broken again on FF 113.0.
After some searching I found out it's caused by this:

So after some experimenting, to make the css work again, you need to change these lines (14-16):

#nav-bar {-moz-box-ordinal-group: 1 !important}
#PersonalToolbar {-moz-box-ordinal-group: 2 !important}
#titlebar {-moz-box-ordinal-group: 3 !important}


#nav-bar {order: 1 !important}
#PersonalToolbar {order: 2 !important}
#titlebar {order: 3 !important}

Restart FF and it should work again.

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CanIask commented May 10, 2023

Hi Izheil,

Yes I do confirm some issues with FF113.0, despite I don't have the CSS mentioned by TheReptile.
Indeed, in my case, the lower tabs have a longer width, even when having --tab-growth: 0. And probably even longer than what it was before, when keeping the original --tab-growth: 1 (226px).

Do you have an idea of how to fix it?

Thanks !

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Hi, the "show close button on hover" for the tabs stopped working after the FF update. Anyone has any tweaks for this?

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Izheil commented May 10, 2023

Hi, the "show close button on hover" for the tabs stopped working after the FF update. Anyone has any tweaks for this?

/* Tab close button visible only on hover */
#tabbrowser-tabs .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]) .tab-close-button {
  display: none !important}

#tabbrowser-tabs .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]):hover .tab-close-button {
  visibility: visible !important;
  display: block !important}

#tabbrowser-tabs .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned])[faviconized="true"]:hover .tab-close-button {
   visibility: collapse !important;
   display: none !important}

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Izheil commented May 10, 2023

Hi Izheil,

Yes I do confirm some issues with FF113.0, despite I don't have the CSS mentioned by TheReptile. Indeed, in my case, the lower tabs have a longer width, even when having --tab-growth: 0. And probably even longer than what it was before, when keeping the original --tab-growth: 1 (226px).

Do you have an idea of how to fix it?

Thanks !

Open your multirow file and edit this rule (at around line 160 on the scrollable version):

.tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]) {
    flex-grow: var(--tab-growth)}

and change it to:

.tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]) {
    flex-grow: var(--tab-growth) !important}

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CanIask commented May 10, 2023

Perfect Izheil, back to normal.
Muchas gracias again :)

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Hi, the "show close button on hover" for the tabs stopped working after the FF update. Anyone has any tweaks for this?

/* Tab close button visible only on hover */
#tabbrowser-tabs .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]) .tab-close-button {
  display: none !important}

#tabbrowser-tabs .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned]):hover .tab-close-button {
  visibility: visible !important;
  display: block !important}

#tabbrowser-tabs .tabbrowser-tab:not([pinned])[faviconized="true"]:hover .tab-close-button {
   visibility: collapse !important;
   display: none !important}

Magic touch once again! I confirm it works. Many thanks.

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CanIask commented Aug 29, 2023

Hola @Izheil
It seems that FF117 has broken MultiRowTab... :(
Any idea of how to fix it?

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Izheil commented Aug 29, 2023

@CanIask Seems like the patcher files had a deprecation issue, but have been updated to work again with FF117.

You can grab the updated files from here and replace the ones inside your chrome folder, or remove the patch and reinstall the patch using the latest installer from the repo.

In either case make sure to also remove the files from startupCache folder with Firefox being closed. You can find the startupCache folder going to about:profiles -> find your used profile -> open local folder -> open startupCache folder in the explorer that will open -> Delete every single file inside it while Firefox is closed.

This step is important, otherwise Firefox won't register the new patch files and will still try to use the ones it has from cache.

After doing those things Multirows and the other .as.css files should work again

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Nice one Izheil. I reinstalled the new patch and I confirm it is working. Many thanks

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CanIask commented Aug 30, 2023

Nice one Izheil. I reinstalled the new patch and I confirm it is working. Many thanks

Indeed @Izheil, it works perfectly again. Thank you so much for your quick reaction.
Hoping that it will hold like this until FF785 at least!!! :D

EDIT: just to let you know that you have been so fast, then you have not updated the version date in the ==UserScript== The last version is still 10/05/2023. Thank you again @Izheil

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Izheil commented Aug 30, 2023

Nice one Izheil. I reinstalled the new patch and I confirm it is working. Many thanks

Indeed @Izheil, it works perfectly again. Thank you so much for your quick reaction. Hoping that it will hold like this until FF785 at least!!! :D

I wish!

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