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Created April 4, 2014 01:51
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Save IzumiSy/9966554 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Quiz with 4 multiple choices written in Perl/Tk
# Tiny quiz script using Perl/Tk
# JsZ 2011 10.12
use strict;
use Tk;
use Text::CSV::Simple;
use File::Basename;
# ============ #
# ============ #
sub InitWindow()
$main::hwin = MainWindow->new();
$main::hwin->title( "Quiz script" );
$main::hwin->resizable(0, 0);
sub SetParts()
$main::mm = "Here is a question passage area.\nFirst please load some question file.";
$main::mes = $main::hwin->Text( -background=>"white", -width=>55, -height=>5 );
$main::mes->pack( -side=>"top" );
$main::mes->insert("1.0", $main::mm);
$main::ansAmes = "Answer A";
$main::ansBmes = "Answer B";
$main::ansCmes = "Answer C";
$main::ansDmes = "Answer D";
$main::btnD = $main::hwin->Button( -textvariable=>\$main::ansAmes, -width=>52,
-height=>1, -command=>[\&Answered, "D"] );
$main::btnD->pack( -side=>"bottom" );
$main::btnC = $main::hwin->Button( -textvariable=>\$main::ansBmes, -width=>52,
-height=>1, -command=>[\&Answered, "C"] );
$main::btnC->pack( -side=>"bottom" );
$main::btnB = $main::hwin->Button( -textvariable=>\$main::ansCmes, -width=>52,
-height=>1, -command=>[\&Answered, "B"] );
$main::btnB->pack( -side=>"bottom" );
$main::btnA = $main::hwin->Button( -textvariable=>\$main::ansDmes, -width=>52,
-height=>1, -command=>[\&Answered, "A"] );
$main::btnA->pack( -side=>"bottom" );
$main::btnQuit = $main::hwin->Button( -text=>"Quit", -command=>\&exit );
$main::btnQuit->pack( -side=>"left" );
$main::btnLoad = $main::hwin->Button( -text=>"Load", -command=>\&LoadQuestions );
$main::btnLoad->pack( -side=>"left" );
# Flags and Vars.
$main::ifload = 0;
$main::current = 0;
$main::correct_cnt = 0;
sub Answered()
&dbgout($_[0] . " is chosen.");
if ($main::ifload) {
sub AnswerCorrect()
# Reset binding.
$main::btnA->bind("<Button>", \&Nothing);
$main::btnB->bind("<Button>", \&Nothing);
$main::btnC->bind("<Button>", \&Nothing);
$main::btnD->bind("<Button>", \&Nothing);
sub Nothing()
sub LoadQuestions()
&dbgout("Load Questions.");
my $filetype = [["CSV formated Questions File", ".csv"]];
$main::filename = $main::hwin->getOpenFile( -filetypes=>$filetype, -defaultextension=>".csv" );
if (defined $main::filename) {
sub StartQuestion()
&dbgout("::: Quesitons start :::");
my $parser = Text::CSV::Simple->new();
$parser->add_trigger( -on_failure=>\&ERROR_occured );
$parser->field_map(qw/question ansA ansB ansC ansD ANS/);
if (!(-e $_[0])) {
&dbgout("File not found : " . $_[0]);
@main::questions = $parser->read_file($_[0]);
$main::size_questions = $#main::questions;
$main::current = 0;
$main::correct_cnt = 0;
$main::ifload = 1;
sub SetupQuestion()
if ($_[0] > $main::size_questions) {
my $finmes = "Correct = " . $main::correct_cnt . "/" . ($main::size_questions + 1) . "\nDo you wanna restart?";
&dbgout("::: Questions Finish :::");
my $ret = $main::hwin->messageBox( -title=>"Finish", -icon=>"info",
-type=>"YesNo", -message=>$finmes );
if ($ret eq "No") {
} else {
# restart
&dbgout("[ Current question number : " . $_[0] . " ] " . " ANS = " . $main::questions[$_[0]]->{"ANS"});
$main::mes->delete("1.0", "end");
$main::mes->insert("1.0", $main::questions[$_[0]]->{"question"});
$main::ansAmes = $main::questions[$_[0]]->{"ansA"};
$main::ansBmes = $main::questions[$_[0]]->{"ansB"};
$main::ansCmes = $main::questions[$_[0]]->{"ansC"};
$main::ansDmes = $main::questions[$_[0]]->{"ansD"};
my $ANS = $main::questions[$_[0]]->{"ANS"};
if ($ANS == 4) { $main::btnA->bind("<Button>", \&AnswerCorrect); }
elsif ($ANS == 3) { $main::btnB->bind("<Button>", \&AnswerCorrect); }
elsif ($ANS == 2) { $main::btnC->bind("<Button>", \&AnswerCorrect); }
elsif ($ANS == 1) { $main::btnD->bind("<Button>", \&AnswerCorrect); }
else { &dbgout("Not Active."); }
sub UpdateTitle()
my $cur = $main::current;
my $qsize = $main::size_questions + 1;
$main::hwin->title(basename($main::filename) . " " . $cur . "/" . $qsize . " CORRECT:" . $main::correct_cnt);
# Put message to console as a debug message.
sub dbgout() { print "Out: ", $_[0], "\n"; }
# Error trigger subroutine.
sub ERROR_occured() { warn "Failed" . $_[1]; }
any small creature that has six legs, for example a fly insect human being airplane monster 1
someone who is innocent has not done anything wrong murder innocent silly crazy 2
to hurt someone and damege part of their body wound remove injure raid 3
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