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Last active February 14, 2022 14:47
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Run MAUI app on a specific iOS simulator with auto-detection
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
# NOTE(jpr): this is adapted from the following comments
readonly _mode="${1:-}"
readonly _provided_udid="${2:-}"
readonly _app_name=""
if [ -z "${_app_name}" ]; then
echo "ERROR: you must fill in your app name"
exit 1
case "${_mode}" in
"sim" | "device")
echo "ERROR: no mode provided. It must be one of [sim, device]"
exit 1
echo "ERROR: invalid mode [${_mode}]. It must be one of [sim, device]"
exit 1
list_ios_devices() {
xcrun xctrace list devices
list_ios_sims() {
xcrun simctl list
get_current_udid() {
local -r mode="${1:-}"
case "${mode}" in
list_ios_sims | grep -i booted | \
head -1 | grep -Eo '\([A-F0-9]+(-[A-F0-9]+){1,}\)' | sed 's/[()]//g'
list_ios_devices | awk '/== Devices ==/{flag=1;next}/== Simulators ==/{flag=0}flag' | grep -v $( hostname ) | \
head -1 | grep -Eo '\([A-F0-9]+(-[A-F0-9]+){1,}\)' | sed 's/[()]//g'
get_device_name_for_udid() {
local -r udid="${1:-}"
local -r mode="${2:-}"
case "${mode}" in
list_ios_sims | grep -Eo ".+ \(${udid}\)" | sed "s/ (${udid})//" | xargs
list_ios_devices | grep -Eo ".+ \(${udid}\)" | sed "s/ (${udid})//" | xargs
main() {
local -r app_name="${1:-}"
local -r mode="${2:-}"
local udid="${3:-}"
if [ -z "${udid}" ]; then
echo "No udid provided... trying to read the currently running ${mode}"
local udid="$( get_current_udid "${mode}" )"
if [ -z "${udid}" ]; then
echo "ERROR: no running ${mode} found. Please pass a UDID manually."
exit 1
local -r device_name="$( get_device_name_for_udid "${udid}" "${mode}" )"
if [ -z "${device_name}" ]; then
echo "ERROR: no ${mode} found for udid [${udid}]"
exit 1
echo "Running on ${mode} [${device_name}] with udid [${udid}]..."
echo "NOTE: press enter to terminate the app"
sleep 1.5
case "${mode}" in
dotnet build "${app_name}" -t:run -f net6.0-ios /p:_DeviceName=:v2:udid="${udid}"
dotnet build "${app_name}" -t:run -f net6.0-ios /p:_Device=:v2:udid="${udid}" /p:RuntimeIdentifier=ios-arm64
main "${_app_name}" "${_mode}" "${_provided_udid}"
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