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Last active June 30, 2022 13:59
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Save J-a-k-o-b/f31ee92381bea709b6e0340f311eda1b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The Script prepares the environment for the Teams app permission policy
connect-azaccount -SubscriptionId $AZSubscriptionID -Tenant $AZTenantID
#create Automation Account with a System assigned managed identity
$AutomationAccount=New-AzAutomationAccount -Name $AAName -ResourceGroupName $AZResourceGroupName -Location $AALocation -AssignSystemIdentity
#install Teams Module (KeyVault Module is already there per default)
New-AzAutomationModule -Name "MicrosoftTeams" -ResourceGroupName $AZResourceGroupName -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccount.AutomationAccountName -ContentLinkUri ""
#create Key Vault
$KeyVault=New-AzKeyVault -Name $AZKeyVaultName -ResourceGroupName $AZResourceGroupName -Location $AALocation
#did not found a cmdlet in the AZ Module for switching the KV Permission Model to RBAC, made this manually.
#Afterwards, i've also granted Key Vault Administrator Permissions to my account.
#Create Secrets
$secret1=Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Name "RB-AssignTeamsPolicies-TenantID" -VaultName $KeyVault.VaultName -SecretValue (ConvertTo-SecureString $AZTenantID -AsPlainText -Force)
$secret2=Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Name "RB-AssignTeamsPolicies-AppID" -Vault $KeyVault.VaultName -SecretValue (ConvertTo-SecureString "*SANIZIZED*" -AsPlainText -Force) #we've creted this before with postman, check the screenshots
$secret3=Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Name "RB-AssignTeamsPolicies-AppSecret" -Vault $KeyVault.VaultName -SecretValue (ConvertTo-SecureString "*SANIZIZED*" -AsPlainText -Force)#we've creted this before with postman, check the screenshots
$secret4=Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Name "RB-AssignTeamsPolicies-UserUPN" -Vault $KeyVault.VaultName -SecretValue (ConvertTo-SecureString "*SANIZIZED*" -AsPlainText -Force)
$secret5=Set-AzKeyVaultSecret -Name "RB-AssignTeamsPolicies-UserPW" -Vault $KeyVault.VaultName -SecretValue (ConvertTo-SecureString "*SANIZIZED*" -AsPlainText -Force)
#Allow AA to read secrets by assigning Permissions to the managed identity of the account
New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $AutomationAccount.Identity.PrincipalId -Scope ($SecretPath+$($ -RoleDefinitionName "Key Vault Secrets User"
New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $AutomationAccount.Identity.PrincipalId -Scope ($SecretPath+$($ -RoleDefinitionName "Key Vault Secrets User"
New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $AutomationAccount.Identity.PrincipalId -Scope ($SecretPath+$($ -RoleDefinitionName "Key Vault Secrets User"
New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $AutomationAccount.Identity.PrincipalId -Scope ($SecretPath+$($ -RoleDefinitionName "Key Vault Secrets User"
New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $AutomationAccount.Identity.PrincipalId -Scope ($SecretPath+$($ -RoleDefinitionName "Key Vault Secrets User"
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