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Last active January 20, 2016 08:10
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Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Definition head := hd_error.
Definition tail := tl.
Definition len := length.
(* make the type parameter "invisible" to the user,
e.g. the type of 'len' is
list ?1 -> nat
where ?1 will be inferred from the context. *)
Arguments head {A} _.
Arguments tail {A} _.
Arguments len {A} _.
Module NotationBoth.
(* like (***) from Control.Arrow specialized to functions *)
Definition aaa a b a' b' (f : a -> b) (g : a' -> b')
: (a * a') -> (b * b')
:= (fun x => (f (fst x), g (snd x))).
Notation "f *** g" := (aaa _ _ _ _ f g) (at level 0).
Eval compute in (head *** len) ([1;2], [tt]).
Notation "'both' f" := (f *** f) (at level 0).
Eval compute in both head ([1;2], [tt]).
(* = (Some 1, Some tt)
: option nat * option unit *)
Eval compute in both len ([1;2], [tt]).
(* = (2, 1)
: nat * nat *)
Eval compute in both tail ([1;2], [tt]).
(* = ([2], [])
: list nat * list unit *)
End NotationBoth.
(* make the functions "visibly polymorphic" again,
e.g. the type of 'len' will be
forall a, list a -> nat
now. *)
Arguments head [A] _.
Arguments tail [A] _.
Arguments len [A] _.
Module FunctionBoth.
Section Def.
Variables dom cod : Type -> Type.
Variable f : forall a, dom a -> cod a.
Definition both a a' : dom a * dom a' -> cod a * cod a'
:= fun x => (f _ (fst x), f _ (snd x)).
End Def.
Check both.
(* both
: forall dom cod : Type -> Type,
(forall a : Type, dom a -> cod a) ->
forall a a' : Type, dom a * dom a' -> cod a * cod a' *)
Arguments both {_ _} _ {_ _} _.
Print Implicit both.
(* Arguments dom, cod, a, a' are implicit and maximally inserted *)
Eval compute in both head ([1;2], [tt]).
(* = (Some 1, Some tt)
: option nat * option unit *)
Eval compute in both len ([1;2], [tt]).
(* = (2, 1)
: (fun _ : Type => nat) nat * (fun _ : Type => nat) unit *)
Eval compute in both tail ([1;2], [tt]).
(* = ([2], [])
: list nat * list unit *)
(* ******************************************************* *)
Section Defaaa.
Variables dom1 cod1 dom2 cod2 : Type -> Type.
Variables (f : forall a, dom1 a -> cod1 a)
(g : forall a, dom2 a -> cod2 a).
Definition aaa a a' : dom1 a * dom2 a' -> cod1 a * cod2 a'
:= (fun x => (f _ (fst x), g _ (snd x))).
End Defaaa.
Check aaa.
(* aaa
: forall dom1 cod1 dom2 cod2 : Type -> Type,
(forall a : Type, dom1 a -> cod1 a) ->
(forall a : Type, dom2 a -> cod2 a) ->
forall a a' : Type, dom1 a * dom2 a' -> cod1 a * cod2 a' *)
Arguments aaa {_ _ _ _} _ _ {_ _} _.
Eval compute in aaa head tail ([1;2], [tt]).
(* = (Some 1, [])
: option nat * list unit *)
Eval compute in aaa head len ([1;2], [tt]).
(* = (Some 1, 1)
: option nat * (fun _ : Type => nat) unit *)
Section Def2.
Variable dom cod : Type -> Type.
Variable f : forall a, dom a -> cod a.
Definition both2 a a' : dom a * dom a' -> cod a * cod a'
:= aaa f f.
End Def2.
Arguments both2 {_ _} _ {_ _} _.
Check @both.
Lemma both_both2 : @both = @both2.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
End FunctionBoth.
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