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Forked from sj26/
Created May 2, 2018 10:23
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Python port of PHP serialize() and unserialize()
#!/usr/bin/python -u
Python port of PHP serialize() and unserialize()
by Samuel Cochran <>
I couldn't find a nice, fairly efficient implementation of serialize/unserialize for Python... so I wrote one. I didn't use str().partition because I wanted Python <2.5 compatibility.
TODO: Performance review. There's an awful lot of string copying. >.>
TODO: Something about PHP classes? Allow provision of class mappings for instantiation perhaps? Serialize via inspection of __dict__, unserialize using object.__new__(Class). Respect __slots__?
>>> import time
>>> class PythonClass(object):
... def __init__(self, name):
... = name
... self.created = time.time()
... def __repr__(self):
... return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__,
>>> unserialize('O:9:"PHP_Class":{s:4:"name";s:2:"me";s:7:"created";d:1265106362.149045;};', classes={'PHP_Class': PythonClass})
>>> _.created
>>> serialize(PythonClass('them'), classes={PythonClass: 'PHP_Class'})
TODO: More helpful messages about PHP resources? Ability to ignore them?
__all__ = ('serialize', 'unserialize')
# Do we have a decimal type?
_floats = (long, float)
if 'decimal' in dir(__builtins__):
_floats += (decimal,)
def serialize(v):
''' Serialize Python data into a PHP serialized string.
Acccepted types: None, str, unicode, int, float, long, decimal (if available), list, typle, dict.
if v is None:
return 'N;'
elif isinstance(v, basestring):
# TODO: utf8 casting and encoding
return 's:%d:"%s";' % (len(v), v)
elif isinstance(v, bool):
return 'b:%d;' % (int(v),)
elif isinstance(v, int):
return 'i:%s;' % (v,)
elif isinstance(v, _floats):
return 'd:%s;' % (v,)
elif isinstance(v, (dict, list, tuple)):
return 'a:%d:{%s};' % (len(v), ''.join(serialize(k) + serialize(v) for (k, v) in (isinstance(v, dict) and v.iteritems() or enumerate(iter(v)))))
# TODO: Objects?
raise TypeError('Cannot serialize type %r.' % (type(v),))
def unserialize(s, array=list, hasharray=dict):
''' Unserializes a PHP serialized string into Python data.
array=tuple: turn 0-indexed PHP arrays into tuples instead of lists.
array=False: Return a list of (key, value) tuples for all PHP arrays.
You can also emulate PHP's array which is actually an ordered map.
For instance, using the one supplied in Python 2.7+:
if not isinstance(s, basestring):
raise TypeError('Serialized value should be str or unicode, not %r.' % (type(s),))
v, s = _unserialize(s, array, hasharray)
if s:
raise ValueError('Extra data after serialized value: %r' % (s,))
return v
def _unserialize(s, array=list, hasharray=dict):
''' Unserialize a single value from the head of a serialized string.
array=tuple: turn 0-indexed PHP arrays into tuples instead of lists.
array=False: Return a list of (key, value) tuples for all PHP arrays.
Returns (value, tail)
if s.startswith('N;'):
return None, s[2:]
elif s.startswith('b:'):
v, s = s[2:].split(';', 1)
return bool(int(v)), s
elif s.startswith('i:'):
v, s = s[2:].split(';', 1)
return int(v), s
elif s.startswith('d:'):
v, s = s[2:].split(';', 1)
return float(v), s
elif s.startswith('s:'):
s = s[2:]
l, s = s.split(':', 1)
l = int(l)
if l > len(s) - 3:
raise ValueError('String length %d is too long for serialized data, length %d.' % (l, len(s)))
elif s[0] != '"':
raise ValueError('Missing opening quote after string, found %r.' % (s[0],))
elif s[l+1:l+3] != '";':
raise ValueError('Missing closing quote and semi-colon after string, found %r.' % (s[l+1:l+3],))
return s[1:l+1], s[l+3:]
elif s.startswith('a:'):
s = s[2:]
l, s = s.split(':', 1)
l = int(l)
if s[0] != '{':
raise ValueError('Missing opening curly brace before array contents, found %r.' % (s[i+2],))
s = s[1:]
a, d = list(), False
for i in xrange(0, l):
k, s = _unserialize(s, array, hasharray)
if array and not d and k != i:
a, d = dict(enumerate(iter(a))), True
v, s = _unserialize(s, array, hasharray)
if not array:
a.append((k, v))
elif d:
a[k] = v
if array is tuple and not d:
a = array(a)
if s[0:2] != '};':
raise ValueError('Missing closing curly brace and semicolon after array contents, found %r.' % (s[0:2],))
return a, s[2:]
raise ValueError('Cannot unserialize %r.' % (s,))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys, traceback
tests = [
(None, 'None'),
(True, 'True'),
(False, 'False'),
('', 'Empty string'),
('test', 'Non-empty string'),
(0, 'Zero Integer'),
(10, 'Positive integer'),
(-10, 'Negative integer'),
(0.0, 'Zero float'),
(10.01, 'Positive float'),
(-10.01, 'Negative float'),
if 'decimal' in locals():
tests += [
(decimal('0.0'), 'Zero decimal'),
(decimal('10.01'), 'Positive decimal'),
(decimal('-10.01'), 'Negative decimal'),
tests += [
(object(), 'Object (should fail)', ),
(object, 'Class (should fail)', ),
((), 'Empty tuple'),
((0,), 'Single-valued tuple'),
((0, 1, 2, 3), 'Multi-valued tuple'),
([], 'Empty list'),
([0], 'Single-valued list'),
([0, 1, 2, 3], 'Multi-valued list'),
(dict(), 'Empty dict'),
(dict(one=1), 'Single-valued dict'),
(dict(one=1, two=2, three=3), 'Multi-valued dict'),
for (test, description) in tests:
print description + ':', repr(test),
s = serialize(test)
print repr(s),
u = unserialize(s)
print repr(u), test == u and 'ok.' or 'failed.'
print 'failed:'
print ' ' + '\n '.join(traceback.format_exc().splitlines())
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