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Last active December 21, 2019 17:02
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from miasm.analysis.binary import Container
from miasm.analysis.machine import Machine
from miasm.analysis.simplifier import IRCFGSimplifierCommon
from miasm.core.locationdb import LocationDB
from miasm.expression.expression import ExprCond, ExprLoc, LocKey, ExprMem
from import IRBlock, AssignBlock
from import SymbolicExecutionEngine
# Init Binary
binary = "quarkslab.elf"
func_addr = 0x400550
cont = Container.from_stream(open(binary, 'rb'))
machine = Machine(cont.arch)
def add_ir_block(new_ircfg, state, loc_key):
new_assign_block = AssignBlock(state)
new_ir_block = IRBlock(loc_key, [new_assign_block])
return new_ir_block
def symbolic_exec_at(ira, ircfg, loc_db, address, state, main_loc_keys):
symbolic_engine = SymbolicExecutionEngine(ira, state)
next_target = symbolic_engine.run_block_at(ircfg, address)
hit_loc_key = None
while not isinstance(next_target, ExprCond) and not isinstance(next_target, ExprMem):
if not isinstance(next_target, ExprLoc):
current_loc_key = get_loc_key_at(loc_db, int(next_target))
current_loc_key = next_target.loc_key
if current_loc_key in main_loc_keys and hit_loc_key is None:
hit_loc_key = current_loc_key
next_target = symbolic_engine.run_block_at(ircfg, next_target, step=False)
return hit_loc_key, next_target, symbolic_engine.symbols, None
def get_address(loc_db, loc_key):
return loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key)
def get_loc_key_at(loc_db, address):
return loc_db.get_offset_location(address)
# Disassembly, Lift
mdis = machine.dis_engine(cont.bin_stream, loc_db=cont.loc_db)
func_addr = func_addr
cfg = mdis.dis_multiblock(func_addr)
loc_db = cfg.loc_db
ira = machine.ira(loc_db)
ircfg = ira.new_ircfg_from_asmcfg(cfg)
# First simplify
common_simplifier = IRCFGSimplifierCommon(ira)
common_simplifier.simplify(ircfg, func_addr)
open('', 'w').write(
# Collect information
start_loc_key = get_loc_key_at(loc_db, func_addr)
dispatch_loc_key = cfg.successors(start_loc_key)[0]
pre_dispatch_loc_key = cfg.predecessors(dispatch_loc_key)
pre_dispatch_loc_key = pre_dispatch_loc_key[0]
main_loc_keys = cfg.predecessors(pre_dispatch_loc_key)
# Create new IRCFG
new_loc_db = LocationDB()
new_ira = machine.ira(new_loc_db)
new_ircfg = new_ira.new_ircfg()
num_loc_key = 0
map_ret_ir_block = {}
head = LocKey(num_loc_key)
# Start symbolic execute
to_do = [(func_addr, head, {}, None)]
num_loc_key += 1
while to_do:
next_target, loc_key, state, pre_block = to_do.pop()
hit_loc_key, next_target, state, ret_loc_key = symbolic_exec_at(ira, ircfg, loc_db, next_target, state,
if isinstance(next_target, ExprCond):
new_loc_key1 = LocKey(num_loc_key)
new_loc_key2 = LocKey(num_loc_key + 1)
ir_dst = state[new_ircfg.IRDst]
new_cond = ExprCond(ir_dst.cond, ExprLoc(new_loc_key1, 64), ExprLoc(new_loc_key2, 64))
state[new_ircfg.IRDst] = new_cond
num_loc_key += 2
ir_block = add_ir_block(new_ircfg, state, loc_key)
state[new_ircfg.IRDst] = ir_dst
to_do.append((next_target.src1, new_loc_key1, state, ir_block))
to_do.append((next_target.src2, new_loc_key2, state, ir_block))
add_ir_block(new_ircfg, state, loc_key)
common_simplifier = IRCFGSimplifierCommon(new_ira)
common_simplifier.simplify(new_ircfg, head)
open('', 'w').write(
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