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Last active October 26, 2020 19:48
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; Load stack register in two steps (4 commands) Note: When you are loading a
LDI R16, HIGH(RAMEND) ; load UPPER byte 1-byte register from a 2-byte word, first
OUT SPH,R16 ; to stack pointer you load either the HIGH([word])
LDI R16,LOW(RAMEND) ; Lower byte or the LOW([word]), second
OUT SPL,R16 ; to stack pointer ;OUT SPL,R16 writes R16 to SPL.
; Define directions for port pins
ldi r16,(1<<PB0)|(1<<PB1)|(1<<PB2)|(1<<PB3)|(1<<PB4) ;load to R16 all ports set to output 0001 1111
out DDRB,R16 ; set direction . OUT DDRB,R16 writes R16 to DDRB. 0x1F=31
ldi R16,(1<<CS01) ; CS01 = 1 in def clock counter with I/O clock/8 and WGM2 live in TCCR0B
out TCCR0B,R16
; = One (1) shifted by 0 bit = 1
ldi R16,(1<<WGM01) ; WGM01 = 1 in def table ;WGM[2:0] = 0x2 sets CTC mode.Clear Timer on Compare Match (CTC) mode; COM0cn =0 | do not control pins with compare match.
out TCCR0A,R16 ;WGM1/WGM0 live in TCCR0A
ldi R16,(1<<OCIE0A) ; OCIE0A = 4 in def Output Compare_0 interrupt enable take a 1 and shif it by 4 (bit4 in TIMSK )
out TIMSK,R16 ;put in the timsk register OCIE0A = 4 in tne file
ldi R16,125
out OCR0A,R16 ; OCR0A = 125 = 1ms = 125/125000Hz
sei ; set enable interrupt on the chip globally
rjmp loop ; when TCNT0 = 7D out |2 clock cycles every F11 * 4 times /= 8
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