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Last active November 13, 2023 09:47
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These are useful macros for when you need to program in assembly
%if __?NASM_VERSION_ID?__ < 0x0020F0500
%fatal Insufficient Version of NASM found! Please use version __?NASM_VER?__ or later.
%pragma preproc sane_empty_expansion
; 1st arg: The delimiter as a string
; 2nd arg: Either of "a,1,2" to select all, first or second
; 3rd arg: The token to be split
%macro _splitvarparam 3+.nolist
%defstr %$string %3
%strlen %$length %$string
%assign %$ii 0
%assign %$exit 0
%rep %$length
%substr %$point %$string %$ii + 1, 1
%ifidn %$point, %1
%assign %$exit 1
%ifn %$exit
%assign %$ii %$ii + 1
%ifn %$exit
%fatal Expected %1 in variable declaration
%substr %$first %$string 1, %$ii
%substr %$second %$string %$ii + 2, -1
%ifidn %2, a
%strcat %$result %$first, ',', %$second
%deftok __split_result %$result
%elifidn %2, 1
%deftok __split_result %$first
%elifidn %2, 2
%deftok __split_result %$second
%fatal invalid selector
; Unfolds a list of variable parameters such as "foo:4, bar:4" into a token list "foo,4,bar,4"
%macro unfoldvarparam 0-*.nolist
_splitvarparam ':', a, %1
%xdefine %$ret __split_result
%rotate 1
%rep %0 - 1
_splitvarparam ':', a, %1
%xdefine %$ret %[%$ret %, __split_result]
%rotate 1
%xdefine __split_result %$ret
; Generate local variables and calculate used space
%macro _genlocals 2-*.nolist
%if %0 % 2 == 1
%error Uneven amount of local args passed
%assign %$offset 8
%rep %0 / 2
%xdefine %$$%1 (rbp-%$offset)
%assign %$offset %$offset + %2
%rotate 2
%assign %$$localsize %$offset - 8
; Generate stack arguments
%macro _genparams 2-*.nolist
%if %0 % 2 == 1
%error Uneven amount of param args passed
%assign %$offset 16
%rep %0 / 2
%xdefine %$$%1 (rbp+%$offset)
%assign %$offset %$offset + %2
%rotate 2
%macro _proc 3.nolist
%push %1
%define %$procname %1
%ifnempty %2
%undef %$argtok
unfoldvarparam %2
_genparams __split_result
%ifnempty %3
%undef %$argtok
unfoldvarparam %3
_genlocals __split_result
%assign %$localsize 0
enter %$localsize, 0
; Two macros for the user to set their custom align (when they pushed to the stack or made space some other way)
%macro proc_align 1.nolist
%assign %$localsize %$localsize - %1
%macro proc_restore 1.nolist
%assign %$localsize %$localsize + %1
; This macro must be used to properly exit a proc function
%macro proc_return 0.nolist
; Syntax for defining a function:
; proc <name>: {<stack argument name>:<size in bytes>}, {<local variable name>:<size in bytes>}
; <code>
; endp
; Do note that if you push manually, you must also manually align that stack space
%macro proc 1+.nolist
_splitvarparam ':', a, %1
_proc __split_result
%macro endp 0.nolist
%define ABIREG1 rdi
%define ABIREG2 rsi
%define ABIREG3 rdx
%define ABIREG4 rcx
%define ABIREG5 r8
%define ABIREG6 r9
%macro ccall 1-*
%push ccallctx
%xdefine %$TARGET %1
%rotate 1
%assign %$i 1
%rep %0-1
%ifnidn ABIREG%[%$i], %1
mov ABIREG%[%$i], %1
%if %$i == 6
%rotate 1
%assign %$i %$i+1
; push remainder onto stack
%if %0-1-%$i > 0
%rotate -i-1
%rep %0-1-%$i
push %1
%rotate -1
; Stack Alignment values
; + 8 at the end for the return address on stack
%assign %$STACK_SHIFT ((%0-1-%$i) * 8) + 8
%ifdef %$$localsize
%assign %$STACK_SHIFT %$STACK_SHIFT + %$$localsize
%assign %$STACK_SHIFT (16-(%$STACK_SHIFT % 16))% 16
%if %$STACK_SHIFT != 0
sub rsp, %$STACK_SHIFT
call %$TARGET
%if %$STACK_SHIFT != 0
add rsp, %$STACK_SHIFT
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