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Forked from devmycloud/ParseInputStream.php
Last active June 3, 2019 12:07
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Process php://input to get multipart/form-data parameters for PATCH API request
namespace App\Services;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile;
* stream - Handle raw input stream
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the GPL license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* If you did not receive a copy of
* the GPL License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* @author
* @license GPL License 3
* Massive modifications by TGE ( to support
* proper parameter name processing and Laravel compatible UploadedFile
* support. Class name changed to be more descriptive and less likely to
* collide.
* Original Gist at:
class ParseInputStream
* @abstract Raw input stream
protected $input;
* @function __construct
* @param array $data stream
public function __construct(array &$data)
$this->input = file_get_contents('php://input');
$boundary = $this->boundary();
if (! strlen($boundary)) {
$data = [
'parameters' => $this->parse(),
'files' => []
} else {
$blocks = $this->split($boundary);
$data = $this->blocks($blocks);
return $data;
* @function boundary
* @returns string
private function boundary()
if (! isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'])) {
return null;
preg_match('/boundary=(.*)$/', $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'], $matches);
if (empty($matches) || ! isset($matches[1])) {
return null;
return $matches[1];
* @function parse
* @returns array
private function parse()
parse_str(urldecode($this->input), $result);
return $result;
* @function split
* @param $boundary string
* @returns array
private function split($boundary)
$result = preg_split("/-+$boundary/", $this->input);
return $result;
* @function blocks
* @param $array array
* @returns array
private function blocks($array)
$results = [];
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if (empty($value)) {
$block = $this->decide($value);
foreach ($block['parameters'] as $key => $val) {
$this->parse_parameter($results, $key, $val);
foreach ($block['files'] as $key => $val) {
$this->parse_parameter($results, $key, $val);
return $results;
* @function decide
* @param $string string
* @returns array
private function decide($string)
if (strpos($string, 'application/octet-stream') !== false) {
return [
'parameters' => $this->file($string),
'files' => []
if (strpos($string, 'filename') !== false) {
return [
'parameters' => [],
'files' => $this->file_stream($string)
return [
'parameters' => $this->parameter($string),
'files' => []
* @function file
* @param $string
* @return array
private function file($string)
preg_match('/name=\"([^\"]*)\".*stream[\n|\r]+([^\n\r].*)?$/s', $string, $match);
return [
$match[1] => ($match[2] !== null ? $match[2] : '')
* @function file_stream
* @param $string
* @return array
private function file_stream($data)
$result = [];
$data = ltrim($data);
$idx = strpos($data, "\r\n\r\n");
if ($idx === false) {
Log::warning("ParseInputStream.file_stream(): Could not locate header separator in data:");
} else {
$headers = substr($data, 0, $idx);
$content = substr($data, $idx + 4, -2); // Skip the leading \r\n and strip the final \r\n
$name = '-unknown-';
$filename = '-unknown-';
$filetype = 'application/octet-stream';
$header = strtok($headers, "\r\n");
while ($header !== false) {
if (substr($header, 0, strlen("Content-Disposition: ")) == "Content-Disposition: ") {
// Content-Disposition: form-data; name="attach_file[TESTING]"; filename="label2.jpg"
if (preg_match('/name=\"([^\"]*)\"/', $header, $nmatch)) {
$name = $nmatch[1];
if (preg_match('/filename=\"([^\"]*)\"/', $header, $nmatch)) {
$filename = $nmatch[1];
} elseif (substr($header, 0, strlen("Content-Type: ")) == "Content-Type: ") {
// Content-Type: image/jpg
$filetype = trim(substr($header, strlen("Content-Type: ")));
} else {
Log::debug("PARSEINPUTSTREAM: Skipping Header: " . $header);
$header = strtok("\r\n");
if (substr($data, -2) === "\r\n") {
$data = substr($data, 0, -2);
$path = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/php' . substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 6);
$bytes = file_put_contents($path, $content);
if ($bytes !== false) {
$file = new UploadedFile($path, $filename, $filetype, $bytes, UPLOAD_ERR_OK);
$result = [$name => $file];
return $result;
* @function parameter
* @param $string
* @return array
private function parameter($string)
$data = [];
if (preg_match('/name=\"([^\"]*)\"[\n|\r]+([^\n\r].*)?\r$/s', $string, $match)) {
if (preg_match('/^(.*)\[\]$/i', $match[1], $tmp)) {
$data[$tmp[1]][] = (isset($match[2]) && $match[2] !== null ? $match[2] : null);
} else {
$data[$match[1]] = (isset($match[2]) && $match[2] !== null ? $match[2] : null);
return $data;
* @function merge
* @param $array array
* Ugly ugly ugly
* @returns array
private function merge($array)
$results = [
'parameters' => [],
'files' => []
if (count($array['parameters']) > 0) {
foreach ($array['parameters'] as $key => $value) {
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
foreach ($v as $kk => $vv) {
$results['parameters'][$k][] = $vv;
} else {
$results['parameters'][$k] = $v;
if (count($array['files']) > 0) {
foreach ($array['files'] as $key => $value) {
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
foreach ($v as $kk => $vv) {
if (is_array($vv) && (count($vv) === 1)) {
$results['files'][$k][$kk] = $vv[0];
} else {
$results['files'][$k][$kk][] = $vv[0];
} else {
$results['files'][$k][$key] = $v;
return $results;
function parse_parameter(&$params, $parameter, $value)
if (strpos($parameter, '[') !== false) {
$matches = [];
if (preg_match('/^([^[]*)\[([^]]*)\](.*)$/', $parameter, $match)) {
$name = $match[1];
$key = $match[2];
$rem = $match[3];
if ($name !== '' && $name !== null) {
if (! isset($params[$name]) || ! is_array($params[$name])) {
$params[$name] = [];
} else {
if (strlen($rem) > 0) {
if ($key === '' || $key === null) {
$arr = [];
$this->parse_parameter($arr, $rem, $value);
$params[$name][] = $arr;
} else {
if (! isset($params[$name][$key]) || ! is_array($params[$name][$key])) {
$params[$name][$key] = [];
$this->parse_parameter($params[$name][$key], $rem, $value);
} else {
if ($key === '' || $key === null) {
$params[$name][] = $value;
} else {
$params[$name][$key] = $value;
} else {
if (strlen($rem) > 0) {
if ($key === '' || $key === null) {
// REVIEW Is this logic correct?!
$this->parse_parameter($params, $rem, $value);
} else {
if (! isset($params[$key]) || ! is_array($params[$key])) {
$params[$key] = [];
$this->parse_parameter($params[$key], $rem, $value);
} else {
if ($key === '' || $key === null) {
$params[] = $value;
} else {
$params[$key] = $value;
} else {
Log::warning("ParseInputStream.parse_parameter() Parameter name regex failed: '" . $parameter . "'");
} else {
$params[$parameter] = $value;
namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use App\Services\ParseInputStream;
use Closure;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile;
class ParseMultipartFormDataInputForNonPostRequests
* Content-Type: multipart/form-data - only works for POST requests. All others fail, this is a bug in PHP since 2011.
* See comments here:
* This middleware converts all multi-part/form-data for NON-POST requests, into a properly formatted
* request variable for Laravel 5.6. It uses the ParseInputStream class, found here:
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if ($request->method() == 'POST' OR $request->method() == 'GET') {
return $next($request);
if (preg_match('/multipart\/form-data/', $request->headers->get('Content-Type')) or
preg_match('/multipart\/form-data/', $request->headers->get('content-type'))
) {
$params = [];
new ParseInputStream($params);
$files = [];
$parameters = [];
foreach ($params as $key => $param) {
if ($param instanceof UploadedFile) {
$files[$key] = $param;
} else {
$parameters[$key] = $param;
if (count($files) > 0) {
if (count($parameters) > 0) {
return $next($request);
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