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Last active July 13, 2024 18:55
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Chrome Dino game cheats

Hack Google Chrome and Make your Dinosaur Immortal

The game can be hacked pretty easily, making your dinosaur not even flinch at the sight of a cactus.

To hack the game, first go the the error message page where your dinosaur is hanging out.

Go ahead and press the space bar to start the game. Once the game starts, right-click and select Inspect” to open up Chrome DevTools, then select the Console tab.

You can also do this by using the Ctrl+Shift+I shortcut, which takes you straight to the Console tab of DevTools.

Open Chrome Console

  • Make sure you are on the No Internet Connection page.
  • Right click anywhere on the page and select Inspect.
  • Go to Console tab. This is where we will enter the commands to tweak the game.

Tweaking Speed

Type the following command in Console and press enter. You can use any other speed in place of 1000.



After every command press enter. All the commands are case-sensitive.

We store the original game over function in a variable:

var original = Runner.prototype.gameOver

Then, we make the game over function empty:

Runner.prototype.gameOver = function(){}

Stopping the game after using Immortality

When you want to stop the game, Revert back to the original game over function:

Runner.prototype.gameOver = original

Setting the current score

Let’s set the score to 12345. You can set any other score less than 99999. The current score is reset on game over.

Runner.instance_.distanceRan = 12345 / Runner.instance_.distanceMeter.config.COEFFICIENT

Dino jumping too high?

You can control how high the dino jumps by using the below function. Adjust the value as necessary.

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Runner.instance_.gameOver = function() {};
Runner.instance_.gameOver = () => {}
will be shorter

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negative number will make dino move backward

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i have compiled it into a script along with a cool tool i found that automates jumping and crouching (not taking credit btw just thought it was fun)

function keyDown(e){Podium={};var n=document.createEvent("KeyboardEvent");Object.defineProperty(n,"keyCode",{get:function(){return this.keyCodeVal}}),n.initKeyboardEvent?n.initKeyboardEvent("keydown",!0,!0,document.defaultView,e,e,"","",!1,""):n.initKeyEvent("keydown",!0,!0,document.defaultView,!1,!1,!1,!1,e,0),n.keyCodeVal=e,document.body.dispatchEvent(n)}function keyUp(e){Podium={};var n=document.createEvent("KeyboardEvent");Object.defineProperty(n,"keyCode",{get:function(){return this.keyCodeVal}}),n.initKeyboardEvent?n.initKeyboardEvent("keyup",!0,!0,document.defaultView,e,e,"","",!1,""):n.initKeyEvent("keyup",!0,!0,document.defaultView,!1,!1,!1,!1,e,0),n.keyCodeVal=e,document.body.dispatchEvent(n)}setInterval(function(){Runner.instance_.horizon.obstacles.length>0&&(Runner.instance_.horizon.obstacles[0].xPos<25*Runner.instance_.currentSpeed-Runner.instance_.horizon.obstacles[0].width/2&&Runner.instance_.horizon.obstacles[0].yPos>75&&(keyUp(40),keyDown(38)),Runner.instance_.horizon.obstacles[0].xPos<30*Runner.instance_.currentSpeed-Runner.instance_.horizon.obstacles[0].width/2&&Runner.instance_.horizon.obstacles[0].yPos<=75&&keyDown(40))},5);


var original = Runner.prototype.gameOver
Runner.prototype.gameOver = function(){}

//Runner.prototype.gameOver = original

Runner.instance_.distanceRan = 12345 / Runner.instance_.distanceMeter.config.COEFFICIENT


this is op

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ghost commented Sep 13, 2021

Can someone please put code for changing the dinosaur image. thx

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Can someone please put code for changing the dinosaur image. thx


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lol7842 commented Nov 9, 2021


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Screenshot 2021-02-23 at 2 33 58 PM

how u did this?

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is there a way to stop the Runner.prototype.gameOver = function () {} ?
I need to crash after a certain score

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you do not have to 'not have internet connection'
just type:

in chrome url box

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congaterori commented Nov 27, 2021

you do not have to 'not have internet connection' just type: chrome//dino

in chrome url box

it chrome://dino
or chrome://network-error/-106

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is there a way to stop the Runner.prototype.gameOver = function () {} ? I need to crash after a certain score

Runner.prototype.gameOver = original

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t-rex shoot laser hit d

b = Runner.instance_.clearCanvas;
window.addEventListener("keydown", checkKeyPressed, false); function checkKeyPressed(l) { if (l.keyCode == "68" ) {drawline()}};
function drawline() {
if (Runner.instance_.horizon.obstacles.length>0){
setTimeout(function(){Runner.instance_.clearCanvas = b;}, 15);

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Runner.instance_.tRex.config.GRAVITY = 0.1


Runner.instance_.tRex.config.HEIGHT = 10

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hey T-rex dino chrome have a new button call start slower, anyone have the code to turn it on and off?

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change environment speed

Runner.config.ACCELERATION = 10000

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congaterori commented Nov 27, 2021

stand still and gain points

Runner.instance_.playingIntro = true;

to set it back to normal

Runner.instance_.playingIntro = false;

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Advanced mode


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move left right

  • issues when jump it teleport the left side
window.addEventListener("keydown", checkKeyPressed, false);
function checkKeyPressed(e) {
if (e.keyCode == "37" && Runner.instance_.tRex.xPos>>4) {
Runner.instance_.tRex.xPos = Runner.instance_.tRex.xPos - 5;}}
window.addEventListener("keydown", checkKeyPressed1, false); function checkKeyPressed1(f) {
  if (f.keyCode == "39" && Runner.instance_.tRex.xPos<=553) {
  Runner.instance_.tRex.xPos = Runner.instance_.tRex.xPos - -5;}};

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congaterori commented Nov 27, 2021

this is a bot but crazy speed noisy version
super bot crazy speed noisy
code source: Shaz


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moonwalk dino
code source: Shaz


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otto53 commented Dec 1, 2021

how to glitch to die its not working

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otto53 commented Dec 1, 2021

BTW its dinoswords

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what? dinoswords?

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congaterori commented Dec 1, 2021

@JARVIS-AI we made some new codes can you check it and add them into the

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Screenshot 2022-02-20 18 42 33

try to beat my hi score

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@ADAMS0612 this isn't the place to compare high scores. please delete that comment

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how do i do it

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ethanLe-Moolah commented Jul 28, 2022

do Runner.prototype.gameOver = false <------- to pause when collision is made between t-rex and cactus or pterodactyl

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how can we enable arcade mod

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jboiiii commented Aug 23, 2022

hello i'm new here

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jboiiii commented Aug 23, 2022

i still dont know how to change character in the dino game

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jboiiii commented Aug 23, 2022

var original = runner.prototype gameover

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we chat here

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dev-ir commented Oct 3, 2022

lool :))

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@ADAMS0612 i beat your high score

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Hirapu commented Oct 26, 2022

wow thats cool

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Runner.prototype.gameOver = original

this does not work

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Bouiboui0807 commented Feb 4, 2023

Some code to add 100 points for each jump :

window.addEventListener("keydown", checkKeyPressed, false);
function checkKeyPressed(l) {if(l.keyCode=="32" || l.keyCode=="38"){scoreaddh()};
function scoreaddh() {
Runner.instance_.distanceRan = Runner.instance_.distanceRan + 100 /

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Beat That Score !!!!

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Gg, my highscore is something like 10e 15. A one with 15 zero after.

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Without cheats, it's 7000

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@SweetPotatoes76 , set your height at -20 it will work better.

Runner.instance_.tRex.config.HEIGHT = -20

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try beat me

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try beat me image

ok i beat you

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prova a picchiarmiImmagine

ok ti ho battuto Senza titolo

Schermata 2023-03-26 alle 14 19 08
i beat you lmao

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i beat you pussy

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HogwartsTeacherSnape commented May 18, 2023

Screenshot 2022-02-20 18 42 33

try to beat my hi score

I just did...

Screenshot 2023-05-18 5 59 17 PM

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BlazeInferno64 commented May 19, 2023

Lol 😂

Dino is now immortal XD


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Super Dino:

var original = Runner.prototype.gameOver
Runner.prototype.gameOver = function(){}
window.addEventListener("keydown", checkKeyPressed, false);
function checkKeyPressed(l) {if(l.keyCode=="32" || l.keyCode=="38"){scoreaddh()};
function scoreaddh() {
Runner.instance_.distanceRan = Runner.instance_.distanceRan + 100000 /

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try beating me i dare yall

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My HI SCORE is 205276

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Here's code for a bot that plays:

function TrexRunnerBot() {
  const makeKeyArgs = (keyCode) => {
    const preventDefault = () => void 0;
    return {keyCode, preventDefault};
  const upKeyArgs = makeKeyArgs(38);
  const downKeyArgs = makeKeyArgs(40);
  const startArgs = makeKeyArgs(32);
  if (!Runner().playing) {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 500);
  function conquerTheGame() {
    if (!Runner || !Runner().horizon.obstacles[0]) return;
    const obstacle = Runner().horizon.obstacles[0];
    if (obstacle.typeConfig && obstacle.typeConfig.type === 'SNACK') return;
    if (needsToTackle(obstacle) && closeEnoughToTackle(obstacle)) tackle(obstacle);
  function needsToTackle(obstacle) {
    return obstacle.yPos !== 50;
  function closeEnoughToTackle(obstacle) {
    return obstacle.xPos <= Runner().currentSpeed * 18;
  function tackle(obstacle) {
    if (isDuckable(obstacle)) {
    } else {
  function isDuckable(obstacle) {
    return obstacle.yPos === 50;
  function duck() {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 500);
  function jumpOver(obstacle) {
    if (isNextObstacleCloseTo(obstacle))
  function isNextObstacleCloseTo(currentObstacle) {
    const nextObstacle = Runner().horizon.obstacles[1];
    return nextObstacle && nextObstacle.xPos - currentObstacle.xPos <= Runner().currentSpeed * 42;
  function jumpFast() {
  return {conquerTheGame: conquerTheGame};
let bot = TrexRunnerBot();
let botInterval = setInterval(bot.conquerTheGame, 2);

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try beating me i dare yall

It's actually not that hard. Just use this:

let hackScore = 0;
Object.defineProperty(Runner.instance_, 'distanceRan', {
  get: () => hackScore,
  set: (value) => hackScore = value + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000),
  configurable: true,
  enumerable: true,

Change the 1000 to whatever you want, so the score updates REALLY fast!

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do Runner.prototype.gameOver = false <------- to pause when collision is made between t-rex and cactus or pterodactyl

No - the other invincible is better.

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beat this i dare you

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i still dont know how to change character in the dino game

You can't

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congaterori commented Oct 12, 2023

i still dont know how to change character in the dino game

i still dont know how to change character in the dino game

You can't

go into the page dino or disconnect internet
press F12
click into the arrow on that line
edit these into the url of image, you can find template on internet, but i have these
it could be url or base 64 image like i have
copy it!
go back to dino tab and double click on the sources, it will show like this, then just paste new link in
Don't refresh the page, just close the code window then it should be ok or just click in the screen of dino
If you want to create your own image, you can download the image of the original image in the code and then edit it with Photoshop or other software

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also there is a new move which is the down arrow button (note: this is only for laptops/pc)

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Beat That Score !!!!

EZ as hell, 159500

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Beat that score !

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lethimcook-lethimcook commented Dec 12, 2023


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i used chatgpt to make a bookmarklet to type the score to set it in a box javascript:(function(){var distanceValue = prompt("Enter the new distance value:");if(distanceValue !== null){Runner.instance_.distanceRan = parseFloat(distanceValue) / Runner.instance_.distanceMeter.config.COEFFICIENT;}})();

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BubbuDert249 commented Feb 23, 2024

i already beat da score by:v window.addEventListener("keydown", checkKeyPressed, false);
function checkKeyPressed(l) {if(l.keyCode=="32" || l.keyCode=="38"){scoreaddh()};
function scoreaddh() {
Runner.instance_.distanceRan = Runner.instance_.distanceRan + 43574356347863 /

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HogwartsTeacherSnape commented Feb 23, 2024 via email

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PotentialMate commented Mar 2, 2024

Sonic in chrome dino game:

copy that and paste it

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anassaahi commented Mar 4, 2024

how can i restore all the changes made

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Bet who can beat me

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Screenshot 2024-01-21 8 35 53 PM
Screenshot 2024-01-21 8 10 47 PM
killer screen n 999999

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SonicFan2024andBeyond commented Jun 3, 2024

Στιγμιότυπο οθόνης 2024-06-03 214043
Who can defat me now?!

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uh guys i think i broke
Captura de tela 2024-06-04 195940
the game accidentally

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ATS-001 commented Jun 8, 2024

beated btw, its not243048 its 243048726430904523

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This removes all cacti.

// Access the Dino game instance
var runner = Runner.instance_;

// Function to remove all cactuses
function removeCactuses() {
runner.horizon.obstacles = [];

// Call the function to remove cactuses every frame
runner.gameOver = function() {

// Activate the hack by starting the game
runner.playing = true;
runner.runningTime = 0;

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