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Created February 28, 2016 01:11
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** Use-package
*** Transient-state
*** n and N
*** Code Navigation
*** =insert state= buffers
** Confirm and Abort
** REPLs
** Building and Compilation
** Plain Text Markup Languages
*** Promotion, Demotion and element movement
** Help or Documentation
* Dotfile (.spacemacs)
* Dotdirectory (~/.spacemacs.d)
* Learning Spacemacs
** Editing Styles
** Evil-tutor
** Configuration layers and Package discovery
* How-To's
*** Modes vs. States
*** Transient-states
** The Help System
** The .spacemacs file
** Emacs Lisp
** Activating a Layer
** Creating a Layer
** Which version of Spacemacs am I running?
** What is the official pronunciation of Spacemacs?
** Why are packages installed with =package-install= automatically deleted by Spacemacs when it boots?
** How to fix package download errors when installing Spacemacs ?
** The Spacemacs banner is ugly, what should I do?
** The powerline separators are ugly, how can I fix them?
** The powerline separators have no anti-aliasing, what can I do?
** Why is after-init-hook not executed?
** What is the difference between =spacemacs-base= and =spacemacs= distributions?
** Should I place my settings in =user-init= or =user-config=?
** Why do some of my =org=-related settings cause problems?
** Why is Spacemacs hanging on startup?
** Why does =helm-M-x= (~SPC SPC~) not accept the prefix argument?
** Why does my color theme not render correctly in terminal mode?
** Why do I get =(wrong-type-argument arrayp nil)= errors on startup?
** Typing quickly =fd= takes me out of =insert state=. What is going on?
** Why do I get files starting with .#?
* How do I...
** Install a package not provided by a layer?
** Disable a package completely?
** Disable a package only for a specific major-mode?
** Disable company for a specific major-mode?
** Change special buffer rules?
** Enable navigation by visual lines?
** Disable evilification of a mode?
** Include underscores in word motions?
** Setup =$PATH=?
** Change or define an alias for a leader key?
** Restore the sentence delimiter to two spaces?
** Prevent the visual selection overriding my system clipboard?
** Make spell-checking support curly quotes (or any other character)?
** Use Spacemacs as the =$EDITOR= for git commits?
** Try Spacemacs without modifying my existing Emacs configuration?
** Make copy/paste working with the mouse in X11 terminals?
** Use =helm-ag= to search only in files of a certain type?
** Why do the fonts look crappy on Windows?
** Why is there no Spacemacs logo in the startup buffer?
** Why are all packages unavailable?
** The powerline isn't shown correctly when Spacemacs is used within =PuTTY=.
* OS X
** Why are the powerline colors not correct on OS X?
* The Emacs loading process
** Emacs Lisp files
** Auto-loading
** Use-package
** packages.el
** packages-config.el
** config.el, packages-funcs.el and keybindings.el
* The Spacemacs loading process
* Case study: auto-completion
** Cross-dependencies
** Use-package
** Use-package hooks
*** Auto-load everything
* How do I ... idiomatically?
** Setup auto-completion for a major mode
* Core Pillars
** Crowd-Configured
* Who can benefit from this?
* Update and Rollback
** Update Spacemacs repository
*** Automatic Updates
*** Updating from the Spacemacs Buffer
*** Updating Manually with git
** Packages synchronization (Vundle like feature)
** Example: Themes Megapack example
*** Using an external Git repository
* Dotfile Configuration
** Editing Styles
** Transient-states
* Differences between Vim, Evil and Spacemacs
** The vim-surround case
* Spacemacs UI
** Graphical UI
*** Graphical UI Toggles
*** Mode-line
**** Powerline font installation for terminal-mode users
**** Minor Modes
**** Customizing the mode-line
*** Executing Vim and Emacs ex/M-x commands
*** C-z and Tab switch
*** Helm transient-state
**** Which-key
**** Available packages in Spacemacs
**** New packages from ELPA repositories
*** Point/Cursor
**** ace-link mode
*** Jumping, Joining and Splitting
**** Window manipulation transient-state
*** Buffers and Files
**** Buffers manipulation transient-state
**** Special Buffers
**** Emacs and Spacemacs files
**** Browsing files with Helm
*** Ido transient-state
*** NeoTree file tree
**** NeoTree navigation
**** Opening files with NeoTree
**** Other NeoTree key bindings
**** NeoTree mode-line
**** NeoTree Source Control Integration
**** NeoTree Theme
*** DocView mode
** Auto-saving
*** Frequency of auto-saving
*** Location of auto-saved files
*** Disable auto-save
*** Visual Star
*** Helm-swoop
**** Paste Transient-state
**** Auto-indent pasted text
*** Smartparens Strict mode
*** Increase/Decrease numbers
**** Expand-region
***** In iedit-insert state
*** Editing Lisp code
**** Lisp Key Bindings
*** Major Mode leader key
** Emacs Server
*** Connecting to the Emacs server
*** Upgrading/Downgrading Emacs version
** Merged Pull Requests
** Stars, forks and watchers
*** Configure the Default Input Method(配置默认中文输入法)
*** Configure the =Chinese-pyim= Input Method(配置中文拼音输入法)
***** Mac OS X
*** Enable YouDao(有道) Dictionary(激活有道字典)
*** Set monospaced font size(设置等宽字体)
*** Enable/Disable ace-pinyin in =avy-goto-char=
* Key Bindings
** Youdao Dictionary
** Find-by-pinyin-dired
** Show snippets in auto-completion popup
** Enable company or auto-complete globally
** Replacing company by auto-complete
** Add auto-completion in a layer
*** In =config.el=
*** In =packages.el=
* Key Bindings
** Auto-complete
** Auto-yasnippet
* Key Bindings
** Set shell for term and ansi-term
** Enable em-smart in Eshell
** Protect your Eshell prompt
** Multi-term
** Spell Checker Configuration
** Enabling auto-dictionary-mode
Some people encountered bugs with =auto-dictionary-mode=, especially in *daemon
* Key Bindings
** PyCscope
* Key Bindings
** Version Control Transient-state
* Key Bindings
** magit-gh-pulls
** gist.el
** Magit auto-complete
** Magit SVN plugin
** Git-Flow
* Working with Git
** Quick guide for recurring use cases in Magit
** Git-Flow
** Enabling/Disabling tooltips
* Key Bindings
** Two-character search with s
* TODO Key bindings
** Jabber Roster
* HipChat
** GNU Global
* Key Bindings
** Pretty Symbols
** CIDER and clj-refactor
*** Quick Start with boot
*** Quick Start with lein
* Key Bindings
** Working with clojure files (barfage, slurpage & more)
*** REPL
** CIDER Buffers
*** stacktrace-mode
*** inspector-mode
*** test-report-mode
* Development Notes
** Promotion, Demotion
** Elm Platform
*** OS X and Windows installers
** elm-oracle
** elm-make
** elm-repl
** elm-reactor
** elm-package
** elm-oracle
** OPAM packages
* Key Bindings
** REPL (utop)
** TODO Add more proper spacemacs key-bindings for basic merlin tasks
** TODO Add proper keybindings for ocamldebug
** TODO Add more keybindings for tuareg-mode
* Packages Included
*** ASP.NET 5
* Key Bindings
** File/Solution/Project manipulation
** Helpers (documentation, info)
** OmniSharp server interaction
** Pre-requisites
* Working with Go
** Go commands (start with =m=):
** Go Oracle
* Key Bindings
* Key Bindings
* Key Bindings
** Working with lisp files (barfage, slurpage & more)
*** REPL
* Layer Installation
*** Documentation, Inspect
*** REPL
** Auto-completion
** Auto-fill
** RefTeX
* List of TODOS
** TODO Maybe it'd be better if there was a state for this
** TODO Make more keybinding to =connect= to a python buffer.
** TODO Deleting visual regions don't work, find out why.
* Using the IPython notebook
** Open Notebook List
** Key Bindings
*** Transient-state: =ipython-notebook=
* Key Bindings
** Batch (dos.el)
* Key Bindings
** Form Completion
* Key Bindings
** Inferior REPL process
** Setup PATH
** ghc-mod support
*** GHCi-ng support
**** ghc-mod users
*** structured-haskell-mode
** Ghc-mod
** REPL doesn't work
** REPL is stuck
** I am using =stack= and =ghc-mod=, but =ghc-mod= doesn't work
** Indentation doesn't reset when pressing return after empty line
* Key Bindings
** Inferior Process Interactions (SQLi)
*** Send SQL queries to SQLi:
** SQLi buffer
* Key Bindings
** REPL interactions
** Code Definition Jump
* Layer Installation
** Java-mode
*** Documentation, Find
** Enable Clang support
*** clang-format
*** Company-clang and flycheck
* Key Bindings
*** psc-ide
* Key Bindings
* Working with Nim
** Nim commands (start with =m=):
* Key Bindings
** js2-mode
** Folding (js2-mode)
** Refactoring (js2-refactor)
** Formatting (web-beautify)
*** Documentation (js-doc)
** Auto-complete and documentation (tern)
** REPL (skewer-mode)
** Ruby (enh-ruby-mode, robe, inf-ruby, ruby-tools)
** RuboCop
*** RSpec-mode
*** Ruby-test-mode
* Packages Included
* Key Bindings
*** PDFs
* Key Bindings
** Inferior REPL process
* Org-Babel Integration
** Pre-requisites
** Typescript Major Mode
** Reference Major Mode
** swift-mode
** swift-repl-mode
* Auto-compile
** Working with lisp files (barfage, slurpage & more)
* py-yapf.el
* Management of Python versions and virtual environments
** Manage multiple Python versions with pyenv
* Key Bindings
** Inferior REPL process
** Running Python Script in shell
** Other Python commands
** Completion, and Cycling
** Following and Jumping
** Buffer-wide commands
** Promotion, Demotion
* What is this?
* Key Bindings
**** Example:
*** Storing the credentials in your Dropbox
**** Example:
*** Connecting behind a ZNC bouncer and storing the credentials in authinfo
* Key Bindings
** OS X
** Transient-states
*** Layouts Transient State
*** Project Layouts
*** Custom Layouts Transient State
** Save/Load layouts into a file
** Custom Layout Macro
*** Org-agenda custom layout
*** RCIRC/ERC custom layout
** Dash (OS X)
** Zeal (Linux & Windows)
** Check Documentation for x-at-point
** helm-dash
** DONE Check zeal
** TODO Make helm-dash use zeal or dash docsets by default.
* Key Bindings
* Key Bindings
*** With Org
* Key Bindings
** Wakatime Program
** API Keys
*** Note to =venv-workon= users:
** geeknote.el
* Key Bindings
** Other Requirements
* Key Bindings
* Key Bindings
* Basic Concepts
* Org MIME in Org layer
** Multiple Accounts
*** OS notifications
*** Mode-line notifications
** theme-changer
** sunshine (weather forecast)
** osx-location
* Key Bindings
** Code Navigation
** RUN commands
** Ex-commands
* Key Bindings
** South/Syncdb
* Optional Configuration
* Key Bindings
** js2-mode
** Folding (js2-mode)
** Refactoring (js2-refactor)
** Formatting (web-beautify)
*** Documentation (js-doc)
** Auto-complete and documentation (tern)
* Key Bindings
** NixOS Options
** Typo Mode
** Tildify Mode
* Key Bindings
* What is this?
* E-mail
* Key Bindings
* Key Bindings
** Tell me how to spawn the xkcd greatness!!
** Okay, what now
** 2048
** =spacemacs/smart-move-beginning-of-line=
** =spacemacs/backward-kill-word-or-region=
* Nyan Mode - Turn your Emacs into Nyanmacs! :)
** Fork modifications
** Introduction
** Features
** Using Nyan Mode with custom modeline
** Known issues
** Credits
** Enable rainbow-identifiers
** Enable Nyan cat
** Rainbow Identifiers
** Rainbow Mode
** Nyan Mode
** Important Note
** Org with evil-org-mode
** Org-repo-todo
** Org-MIME
*** Use with non-US keyboard layouts
* Key Bindings
* Future Work
* Key Bindings
* Customize it!
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