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Created September 8, 2022 07:05
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Tired of searching through the #APSA online program to find your (Twitter) friends one by one? Run this R script line by line to find everyone you follow on Twitter in the program, or use the included `apsa_search()` to do your own searches.
#' Helps you get the neede packages
#' @param x package name
install_missing <- function(x) {
if (!x %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"]) {
res <- menu(c("yes", "no"), title = paste0("Install missing package ", x, "?"))
if (identical(res, 1L)) {
if (x != "traktok") {
} else {
} else {
message("Install missing package ", x, " manually")
#' Search APSA 2022 online program
#' @param searches vector of searches. Space is treated like AND.
#' @param cookies cookies.txt file. See
#' It works the same here,
#' just with
#' @return a tibble
apsa_search <- function(searches,
cookies) {
#pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = length(searches))
total <- length(searches)
purrr::map_df(seq_along(searches), function(i) {
search <- searches[i]
message("search ", i, " of ", total, ": ", search)
url <- paste0("",
"offset=0&search_text=", gsub(" ", "+", search))
html <- httr2::request(url) %>%
httr2::req_options(cookie = traktok:::tt_read_cookies(cookies)) %>%
httr2::req_perform() %>%
events <- html %>%
purrr::map_df(events, function(e) {
links <- e %>%
rvest::html_element("a") %>%
names <- e %>%
rvest::html_element("[style=\"text-indent: -1em; padding-left: 2em; overflow: visible; white-space: normal;\"]") %>%
presentation = names,
link = links,
search_term = search,
search_link = url
}) %>%
dplyr::filter(! | !
# install missing
invisible(lapply(c("magrittr", "remotes", "httr2", "dplyr", "rvest", "rtweet"), install_missing))
# look up friends
friends <- rtweet::get_friends("JohannesBGruber") %>%
dplyr::pull(to_id) %>%
# search for for friends in the APSA program
presentations <- apsa_search(searches = friends$name,
cookies = "allacademic.com_cookies.txt")
# export to Excel file
rio::export(presentations, "aspa_presentation_twitter.xlsx")
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