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Last active January 29, 2021 04:39
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  • Save JBGruber/dee4c44e7d38d537426f57ba1e4f84ab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JBGruber/dee4c44e7d38d537426f57ba1e4f84ab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Recovers damaged Twitter stream data (JSON file from rtweet) into parsed data frame.
#' Recovers Twitter damaged stream data (JSON file) into parsed data frame.
#' @param path Character, name of JSON file with data collected by
#' \code{\link{stream_tweets}}.
#' @param dir Character, name of a directory where intermediate files are
#' stored.
#' @param verbose Logical, should progress be displayed?
#' @family stream tweets
recover_stream <- function(path, dir = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
# read file and split to tweets
lines <- readChar(path,$size, useBytes = TRUE)
tweets <- stringi::stri_split_fixed(lines, "\n{")[[1]]
tweets[-1] <- paste0("{", tweets[-1])
tweets <- tweets[!(tweets == "" | tweets == "{")]
# remove misbehaving characters
tweets <- gsub("\r", "", tweets, fixed = TRUE)
tweets <- gsub("\n", "", tweets, fixed = TRUE)
# write tweets to disk and try to read them in individually
if (is.null(dir)) {
dir <- paste0(tempdir(), "/tweets/")
dir.create(dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
if (verbose) {
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
format = "Processing tweets [:bar] :percent, :eta remaining",
total = length(tweets), clear = FALSE
tweets_l <- lapply(tweets, function(t) {
id <- unlist(stringi::stri_extract_first_regex(t, "(?<=id\":)\\d+(?=,)"))[1]
f <- paste0(dir, id, ".json")
writeLines(t, f, useBytes = TRUE)
out <- tryCatch(rtweet::parse_stream(f),
error = function(e) {})
if ("tbl_df" %in% class(out)) {
} else {
# test which ones failed
test <- vapply(tweets_l, is.character, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))
bad_files <- unlist(tweets_l[test])
# Let user decide what to do
if (length(bad_files) > 0) {
message("There were ", length(bad_files),
" tweets with problems. Should they be copied to your working directory?")
sel <- menu(c("no", "yes", "copy a list with status_ids"))
if (sel == 2) {
dir.create(paste0(getwd(), "/broken_tweets/"), showWarnings = FALSE)
from = paste0(dir, bad_files, ".json"),
to = paste0(getwd(), "/broken_tweets/", bad_files, ".json")
} else if (sel == 3) {
writeLines(bad_files, "broken_tweets.txt")
# clean up
unlink(dir, recursive = TRUE)
# return good tweets
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Is there anyway to parallelize this and make it faster?

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JBGruber commented Aug 7, 2020

The slow part is basically the lapply loop. You could replace this with, for example, with pbapply::pblapply:

recover_stream <- function(path, dir = NULL, verbose = TRUE, cores = 1) {
  # read file and split to tweets
  lines <- readChar(path,$size, useBytes = TRUE)
  tweets <- stringi::stri_split_fixed(lines, "\n{")[[1]]
  tweets[-1] <- paste0("{", tweets[-1])
  tweets <- tweets[!(tweets == "" | tweets == "{")]
  # remove misbehaving characters
  tweets <- gsub("\r", "", tweets, fixed = TRUE)
  tweets <- gsub("\n", "", tweets, fixed = TRUE)
  # write tweets to disk and try to read them in individually
  if (is.null(dir)) {
    dir <- paste0(tempdir(), "/tweets/")
    dir.create(dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
  tweets_l <- pbapply::pblapply(tweets, function(t) {
    id <- unlist(stringi::stri_extract_first_regex(t, "(?<=id\":)\\d+(?=,)"))[1]
    f <- paste0(dir, id, ".json")
    writeLines(t, f, useBytes = TRUE)
    out <- tryCatch(rtweet::parse_stream(f),
                    error = function(e) {})
    if ("tbl_df" %in% class(out)) {
    } else {
  }, cl = cores)
  # test which ones failed
  test <- vapply(tweets_l, is.character, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))
  bad_files <- unlist(tweets_l[test])
  # Let user decide what to do
  if (length(bad_files) > 0) {
    message("There were ", length(bad_files),
            " tweets with problems. Should they be copied to your working directory?")
    sel <- menu(c("no", "yes", "copy a list with status_ids"))
    if (sel == 2) {
      dir.create(paste0(getwd(), "/broken_tweets/"), showWarnings = FALSE)
        from = paste0(dir, bad_files, ".json"),
        to = paste0(getwd(), "/broken_tweets/", bad_files, ".json")
    } else if (sel == 3) {
      writeLines(bad_files, "broken_tweets.txt")
  # clean up
  unlink(dir, recursive = TRUE)
  # return good tweets

Use it like this:

recover_stream(file, cores = 3)

A disclaimer though: I tried to further develop this and I couldn't get it to work consistently. Often it works and recovers most or even all tweets. But sometimes it doesn't and I don't know why. Since my Twitter project came to an end, I eventually gave up. The respective issue is still open: ropensci/rtweet#354

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