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Last active August 7, 2018 19:10
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libbitcoin Wallet Example
#include <bitcoin/bitcoin.hpp>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace bc;
using namespace wallet;
void create_address_wif_wallet() {
// ******* part 1 *******
// Begin with a private key
auto my_secret = base16_literal(
// Derive pubkey point
ec_compressed my_pubkey;
secret_to_public(my_pubkey, my_secret);
// Pubkeyhash: sha256 + hash160
auto my_pubkeyhash = bitcoin_short_hash(my_pubkey);
// Prefix for mainnet = 0x00
one_byte addr_prefix = { { 0x00 } }; //Testnet 0x6f
// Byte sequence = prefix + pubkey + checksum(4-bytes)
data_chunk prefix_pubkey_checksum(to_chunk(addr_prefix));
extend_data(prefix_pubkey_checksum, my_pubkeyhash);
// Base58 encode byte sequence -> Bitcoin Address
std::cout << encode_base58(prefix_pubkey_checksum) << std::endl;
// You can directly generate Bitcoin addresses
// with Libbitcoin wallet types: ec_private/ec_public
// described in the following section
//******* part 2 *******
// WIF encoded private key
// Additional Information: Mainnet, PubKey compression
one_byte secret_prefix = { { 0x80 } }; //Testnet Prefix: 0xEF
one_byte secret_compressed = { { 0x01} }; //Omitted if uncompressed
// Apply prefix, suffix & append checksum
auto prefix_secret_comp_checksum = to_chunk(secret_prefix);
extend_data(prefix_secret_comp_checksum, my_secret);
extend_data(prefix_secret_comp_checksum, secret_compressed);
// WIF (mainnet/compressed)
std::cout << encode_base58(prefix_secret_comp_checksum) << std::endl;
// ******* part 3 *******
// Instantiate ec_private object
// ec_private::mainnet = 0x8000 (Mainnet Prefixes 0x80,0x00)
// ec_private::testnet = 0xEF6F (Testnet Prefixes 0xEF,0x6F)
ec_private my_private(my_secret, ec_private::mainnet, true);
std::cout << my_private.to_payment_address() << std::endl;
std::cout << my_private.encoded() << std::endl; //WIF private key
// ******* part 4 *******
// ec_public from ec_private
// (compression implied from ec_private input)
ec_public my_public(my_private);
// ec_public from point
// (compression not implied, supplied as arguments)
ec_public my_public2(my_pubkey, true); //compression = true
// Payment addresses:
// Will always default to mainnet if no argument supplied
// regardless of version in ec_private constructor argument
payment_address my_addr = my_public.to_payment_address();
payment_address my_addr2 = my_public2.to_payment_address(); //0x00, 0x6f
std::cout << (my_addr.encoded() == my_addr2.encoded()) << std::endl;
void create_mnemonic_from_entropy() {
// ******* part 1 *******
// 128, 160, 192, 224, 256 bits of Entropy are valid
// We generate 128 bits of Entropy
data_chunk my_entropy_128(16); //16 bytes = 128 bits
// Instantiate mnemonic word_list
word_list my_word_list = create_mnemonic(my_entropy_128);
std::cout << join(my_word_list) << std::endl; //join to a single string with spaces
void create_hd_children() {
// ******* part 1 *******
// Load mnemonic sentence into word list
std::string my_sentence = "market parent marriage drive umbrella custom leisure fury recipe steak have enable";
auto my_word_list = split(my_sentence, " ", true);
// Create an optional secret passphrase
std::string my_passphrase = "my secret passphrase";
// Create 512bit seed (without optional secret passphrase)
auto hd_seed = decode_mnemonic(my_word_list);
// Create 512bit seed (with optional secret passphrase)
// Requires: Libbitcoin compiled with ICU.
// auto hd_seed = decode_mnemonic(my_word_list, my_passphrase);
// ******* part 2 *******
// We reuse 512 bit hd_seed from the previous example
// Derivation of master private key m
data_chunk seed_chunk(to_chunk(hd_seed));
hd_private m(seed_chunk, hd_private::mainnet);
// Derivation of master public key M
hd_public M = m.to_public();
// ******* part 3 *******
// Derive children of master key m
auto m0 = m.derive_private(0);
auto m1 = m.derive_private(1);
auto m2 = m.derive_private(2);
// Derive grandchild private keys
auto m10 = m1.derive_private(0); //Depth 2, Index 0
auto m11 = m1.derive_private(1); //Depth 2, Index 1
auto m12 = m1.derive_private(2); //Depth 2, Index 2
auto m100 = m10.derive_private(0); //Depth 3, Index 0
auto m101 = m10.derive_private(1); //Depth 3, Index 1
auto m102 = m10.derive_private(2); //Depth 3, Index 1
// Derive grandchild public keys
auto M00 = m0.derive_public(0); //Depth 2, Index 0
auto M01 = m0.derive_public(1); //Depth 2, Index 1
auto M02 = m0.derive_public(2); //Depth 2, Index 2
// ...
// Derive hd_public of any hd_private object
// of same depth & index
auto M102 = m102.to_public();
// ******* part 4 *******
// Derive public children of master key M
auto M0 = M.derive_public(0); //Depth 1, Index 0
auto M1 = M.derive_public(1); //Depth 1, Index 1
auto M2 = M.derive_public(2); //Depth 1, Index 2
// Derive further public children
auto M10 = M1.derive_public(0); //Depth 2, Index 0
auto M11 = M1.derive_public(1); //Depth 2, Index 1
auto M12 = M1.derive_public(2); //Depth 2, Index 2
auto M100 = M10.derive_public(0); //Depth 3, Index 0
auto M101 = M10.derive_public(1); //Depth 3, Index 1
// ...
// No private children can be derived
// from child public keys!
void create_extended_hardened_keys() {
// Load mnemonic sentence into word list
std::string my_sentence = "market parent marriage drive umbrella custom leisure fury recipe steak have enable";
auto my_word_list = split(my_sentence, " ", true);
// Create an optional secret passphrase
std::string my_passphrase = "my secret passphrase";
// Create 512bit seed
auto hd_seed = decode_mnemonic(my_word_list); //2nd argument: my_passphrase
data_chunk seed_chunk(to_chunk(hd_seed));
// ******* part 1 *******
// Generate master private key
// hd_private::mainnet = 0x0488ADE40488B21E
// Versions for both private and public keys
hd_private m(seed_chunk, hd_private::mainnet);
auto m1 = m.derive_private(1);
// Public key mainnet prefix 0488B21E
// is implicitly passed on to M
hd_public M = m1.to_public();
// Extended Private Key:
// m1 serialised in extended private key format
auto m1_xprv = m.to_hd_key();
// 4 Bytes: Version in hex
auto m1_xprv_ver = slice<0,4>(m1_xprv);
std::cout << encode_base16(m1_xprv_ver) << std::endl;
// 1-Byte: Depth
auto m1_xprv_depth = slice<4,5>(m1_xprv);
std::cout << encode_base16(m1_xprv_depth) << std::endl;
// 4-Bytes: Parent Fingerprint
auto m1_xprv_parent = slice<5,9>(m1_xprv);
std::cout << encode_base16(m1_xprv_parent) << std::endl;
// 4-Bytes: Index Number
auto m1_xprv_index = slice<9,13>(m1_xprv);
std::cout << encode_base16(m1_xprv_index) << std::endl;
// 32-Bytes: Chain Code
auto m1_xprv_chaincode = slice<13,45>(m1_xprv);
std::cout << encode_base16(m1_xprv_chaincode) << std::endl;
// 34-Bytes: Private Key (with 0x00 prefix)
auto m1_xprv_private = slice<45,78>(m1_xprv);
std::cout << encode_base16(m1_xprv_private) << std::endl;
// 4-Bytes: double sha256 checksum
auto m1_xprv_checksum = slice<78,82>(m1_xprv);
std::cout << encode_base16(m1_xprv_checksum) << std::endl;
// //checksum test
// auto checksum_test = slice<0,78>(m1_xprv);
// auto checksum_test_slice = to_chunk(checksum_test);
// append_checksum(checksum_test_slice);
// auto rest = slice<78,82>(to_array<82>(checksum_test_slice));
// std::cout << encode_base16(rest) << std::endl;
// ******* part 2 *******
// Hardened private key derivation with index >= 1 << 31
auto m0 = m.derive_private(0);
auto m00h = m.derive_private(hd_first_hardened_key);
auto m01h = m.derive_private(1 + hd_first_hardened_key);
auto m02h = m.derive_private(2 + hd_first_hardened_key);
// Hardened public key can only be derived from private key
auto M00h = m00h.to_public();
// or from parent private key
auto M00h_ = m.derive_public(hd_first_hardened_key);
// Above keys are equivalent
std::cout << (M00h == M00h_) << std::endl;
int main() {
std::cout << "Address, WIF, Wallets: " << "\n";
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "Mnemonic Word Lists: " << "\n";
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "Extended & Hardened Keys: " << "\n";
std::cout << "\n";
return 0;
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