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Created February 19, 2020 22:24
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Copy a WebRTC I420Frame, convert it to a Bitmap (requires org.webrtc:google-webrtc and io.github.zncmn.libyuv:core)
// TODO: Your own package name here
//package com.kittehface;
// Some work based on by rics (
// TODO: project should include org.webrtc:google-webrtc from Google
import org.webrtc.VideoFrame;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
// TODO: project should include io.github.zncmn.libyuv:core:0.0.7 from Maven
import io.github.zncmn.libyuv.YuvConvert;
import io.github.zncmn.libyuv.YuvFormat;
public class YuvFrame
public int width;
public int height;
public byte[] nv21Buffer;
public int rotationDegree;
public long timestamp;
private final Object planeLock = new Object();
public static final int PROCESSING_NONE = 0x00;
public static final int PROCESSING_CROP_TO_SQUARE = 0x01;
// Converts from NV21 format to ARGB format
private static final YuvConvert yuvConverter = new YuvConvert();
* Creates a YuvFrame from the provided VideoFrame. Does no processing, and uses the current time as a timestamp.
* @param videoFrame Source VideoFrame.
public YuvFrame( final VideoFrame videoFrame )
fromVideoFrame( videoFrame, PROCESSING_NONE, System.nanoTime() );
* Creates a YuvFrame from the provided VideoFrame. Does any processing indicated, and uses the current time as a timestamp.
* @param videoFrame Source VideoFrame.
* @param processingFlags Processing flags, YuvFrame.PROCESSING_NONE for no processing.
public YuvFrame( final VideoFrame videoFrame, final int processingFlags )
fromVideoFrame( videoFrame, processingFlags, System.nanoTime() );
* Creates a YuvFrame from the provided VideoFrame. Does any processing indicated, and uses the given timestamp.
* @param videoFrame Source VideoFrame.
* @param processingFlags Processing flags, YuvFrame.PROCESSING_NONE for no processing.
* @param timestamp The timestamp to give the frame.
public YuvFrame( final VideoFrame videoFrame, final int processingFlags, final long timestamp )
fromVideoFrame( videoFrame, processingFlags, timestamp );
* Replaces the data in this YuvFrame with the data from the provided frame. Will create new byte arrays to hold pixel data if necessary,
* or will reuse existing arrays if they're already the correct size.
* @param videoFrame Source VideoFrame.
* @param processingFlags Processing flags, YuvFrame.PROCESSING_NONE for no processing.
* @param timestamp The timestamp to give the frame.
public void fromVideoFrame( final VideoFrame videoFrame, final int processingFlags, final long timestamp )
if ( videoFrame == null )
synchronized ( planeLock )
// Save timestamp
this.timestamp = timestamp;
// Copy rotation information
rotationDegree = videoFrame.getRotation(); // Just save rotation info for now, doing actual rotation can wait until per-pixel processing.
// Copy the pixel data, processing as requested.
copyPlanesCropped( videoFrame.getBuffer() );
copyPlanes( videoFrame.getBuffer() );
catch ( Throwable t )
public void dispose()
nv21Buffer = null;
public boolean hasData()
return nv21Buffer != null;
* Copy the Y, V, and U planes from the source I420Buffer.
* Sets width and height.
* @param videoFrameBuffer Source frame buffer.
private void copyPlanes( final VideoFrame.Buffer videoFrameBuffer )
VideoFrame.I420Buffer i420Buffer = null;
if ( videoFrameBuffer != null )
i420Buffer = videoFrameBuffer.toI420();
if ( i420Buffer == null )
synchronized ( planeLock )
// Set the width and height of the frame.
width = i420Buffer.getWidth();
height = i420Buffer.getHeight();
// Calculate sizes needed to convert to NV21 buffer format
final int size = width * height;
final int chromaStride = width;
final int chromaWidth = ( width + 1 ) / 2;
final int chromaHeight = ( height + 1 ) / 2;
final int nv21Size = size + chromaStride * chromaHeight;
if ( nv21Buffer == null || nv21Buffer.length != nv21Size )
nv21Buffer = new byte[nv21Size];
final ByteBuffer yPlane = i420Buffer.getDataY();
final ByteBuffer uPlane = i420Buffer.getDataU();
final ByteBuffer vPlane = i420Buffer.getDataV();
final int yStride = i420Buffer.getStrideY();
final int uStride = i420Buffer.getStrideU();
final int vStride = i420Buffer.getStrideV();
// Populate a buffer in NV21 format because that's what the converter wants
for ( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
for ( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
nv21Buffer[y * width + x] = yPlane.get( y * yStride + x );
for ( int y = 0; y < chromaHeight; y++ )
for ( int x = 0; x < chromaWidth; x++ )
// Swapping U and V values here because it makes the image the right color
// Store V
nv21Buffer[size + y * chromaStride + 2 * x + 1] = uPlane.get( y * uStride + x );
// Store U
nv21Buffer[size + y * chromaStride + 2 * x] = vPlane.get( y * vStride + x );
* Copy the Y, V, and U planes from the source I420Buffer, cropping them to square.
* Sets width and height.
* @param videoFrameBuffer Source frame buffer.
private void copyPlanesCropped( final VideoFrame.Buffer videoFrameBuffer )
if ( videoFrameBuffer == null )
synchronized ( planeLock )
// Verify that the dimensions of the I420Frame are appropriate for cropping
// If improper dimensions are found, default back to copying the entire frame.
final int width = videoFrameBuffer.getWidth();
final int height = videoFrameBuffer.getHeight();
if ( width > height )
final VideoFrame.Buffer croppedVideoFrameBuffer = videoFrameBuffer.cropAndScale( ( width - height ) / 2, 0, height, height, height, height );
copyPlanes( croppedVideoFrameBuffer );
final VideoFrame.Buffer croppedVideoFrameBuffer = videoFrameBuffer.cropAndScale( 0, ( height - width ) / 2, width, width, width, width );
copyPlanes( croppedVideoFrameBuffer );
* Converts this YUV frame to an ARGB_8888 Bitmap. Applies stored rotation.
* @return A new Bitmap containing the converted frame.
public Bitmap getBitmap()
if ( nv21Buffer == null )
return null;
// Calculate the size of the frame
final int size = width * height;
// Allocate an array to hold the ARGB pixel data
final byte[] argbBytes = new byte[size * 4];
// Use the converter (based on WebRTC source) to change to ARGB format
yuvConverter.toARGB( nv21Buffer, argbBytes, width, height, YuvFormat.NV21 );
// Construct a Bitmap based on the new pixel data
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap( width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 );
bitmap.copyPixelsFromBuffer( ByteBuffer.wrap( argbBytes ) );
// If necessary, generate a rotated version of the Bitmap
if ( rotationDegree == 90 || rotationDegree == -270 )
final Matrix m = new Matrix();
m.postRotate( 90 );
return Bitmap.createBitmap( bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), m, true );
else if ( rotationDegree == 180 || rotationDegree == -180 )
final Matrix m = new Matrix();
m.postRotate( 180 );
return Bitmap.createBitmap( bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), m, true );
else if ( rotationDegree == 270 || rotationDegree == -90 )
final Matrix m = new Matrix();
m.postRotate( 270 );
return Bitmap.createBitmap( bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), m, true );
// Don't rotate, just return the Bitmap
return bitmap;
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Two nested for loops in copyPlanes() are performing too slow (70 ms for Y loop and 35 ms for UV loop). I need some real-time processing for video frames - is there any way to improve the performance of these operations?

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I found out how to improve the performance of loops in copyPlanes() 10x times! ByteBuffer performs get() operation very slow, so you should convert yuv planes from ByteBuffer to byte [] before loops. Here is the code, I hope it will be useful for somebody.

    private byte[] getByteArrayFromByteBuffer(@NonNull ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {
        byte[] bytesArray = new byte[byteBuffer.remaining()];
        byteBuffer.get(bytesArray, 0, bytesArray.length);
        return bytesArray;

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ghost commented Jan 22, 2021

I found out how to improve the performance of loops in copyPlanes() 10x times! ByteBuffer performs get() operation very slow, so you should convert yuv planes from ByteBuffer to byte [] before loops. Here is the code, I hope it will be useful for somebody.

    private byte[] getByteArrayFromByteBuffer(@NonNull ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {
        byte[] bytesArray = new byte[byteBuffer.remaining()];
        byteBuffer.get(bytesArray, 0, bytesArray.length);
        return bytesArray;

Thanks for sharing

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@kostyabakay Please update the code according to your suggestion.

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ghost commented May 28, 2022

Hello, apparently YuvFrame is not detecting libyuv anymore...
I think something changed with libyuv, could you check please ?
If needed, here is a compiled webrtc :

EDIT: I noticed SurfaceViewRenderer has an addFrameListener method that return a Bitmap !! What do you think of this ?

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