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Jyan JCharante

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I’ve often tried to imagine what it would feel like to have the next several years of your life scheduled, like getting stuck on a ride spinning ever more rapidly to the point where it’s too scary to jump off — all because you were successful at achieving a goal most people can only dream of. If success becomes a cage, the hotel room is as good a target as any for clanging against the bars of that cage (to no avail, of course).

I remember reading Avicii's biography where it's mentioned that his chronic tardiness felt like the only thing he could control in his life while on tour. He'd stay in bed until it was time for him to be on stage and then finally start taking a shower.

Pipe output to your clipboard

Omg.. for years on linux & then macos I've been doing cat file.txt and then copying it from the terminal into the clipboard.

I just learned on macos you can use pbcopy like so

cat sample.txt | pbcopy to get the file contents directly in your clipboard.

This works for command outputs as well. If you just want the file directly you can run pbcopy < sample.txt

Why I don't like influencers

Let me start out by clarifying that there are some "good" influencers out there.

The rare 0.01% like James Hoffman or Non-stop Dan.

But I've been friends with influencers before and this is what happens.

They quit their day-jobs and become dependent on income. They stop growing organically and start depending more and more on sponsored content. They start to see doing unsponsored

Airplane Food: Good if you fly a lot?

  • Recently, my sister flew to visit me. She probably only flies once every 2 years, whereas I fly around 50 times a year.

  • She told me that the food on the plane was really bad, which is odd because I myself (who have the same dietary restrictions as her) enjoy that airline's food.

  • This makes me have a hypothesis. Food tastes better to frequent flyers.


In about the past year I discovered a bunch of creators on youtube who make programming content. These aren't tutorials like the ones that have existed for a long time (I remember being in middle school watching tutorials and closely following them in Eclipse), but ones a little more complicated perse. These aren't instructional, but instead tell a story.

Here's one I just watched. It shows the proccess of making a cool little CSS animation for your mouse cursor. There's also people who make videos reacting to tech twitter or showing off some cool library they found. There's also companies like

Re: Instead or writing a comment, write a post and link it

Original post:

Archive link:

While I do like this idea, especially as over time I find myself explaining the same concept over and over again, many online communities have rules against self-promotion which includes linking to your own blog :( I especially want to use it on communities focused around learning a certain topic, because you might have a method that works best for you that you invested time into explaining nicely.

Also, rp, I see that you're using obsidian publish. It seems that it's not playing nice with internet archive.


tags: WPI, college

This is non-technical, but I suppose it's my blog so I can put whatever I want here.

This is a story about college and feeling accepted. One day I showed up about 30 minutes early to Chinese class, so I sat in the chairs by the Eastern Staircases in Salisbury Labs. A lot of buildings at WPI are old and only have 1 bathroom per floor, with some even floors having mens bathrooms and odd floors having womens bathrooms.


I've bene using Python 3 since I guess 2015 (circa python 3.4.x) and I knew about the global keyword, but not until this year did I learn about the nonlocal keyword (which accomplishes what global does but for a smaller scope).

I just think it's great that after 9 happy years together I can still learn about language features.

I have turned off auto correct in the system settings but my keystrokes keep getting hijacked by this OS that thinks it knows better than me. I hate scroll jacking and I hate auto correct on desktop. Why would someone add this feature on by default when it's not present on Windows or Ubuntu?

Preface: the following was generated by ChatGPT 4 based on a chain of a reddit argument. The most important sentence is repeated here at the top for your convenience

Digital platforms, while offering language practice opportunities, do not automatically create an obligation for native speakers to assist learners. Recognizing this can help avoid perceptions of entitlement and ensure more respectful interactions.

I agree with the generated essay and am happy to debate or receive comments at contactme @

Cultural Sensitivity and Language Learning in Digital Spaces