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Last active September 15, 2018 15:50
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A tinny reimplementation of node-js styled event emitter
* Author: JCloudYu
* Create: 2018/09/15
"use strict";
const _previous = exports.EventEmitter;
const _EventEmitter = new WeakMap();
class EventEmitter {
constructor() {
const PRIVATES = {};
_EventEmitter.set(this, PRIVATES);
PRIVATES._event_queue = [];
PRIVATES._handle_promise = false;
* Emit an event. Note that if handlePromise property is set to true, this function will return a promise or undefined otherwise.
* @param {string} eventName The name of event to be emitted
* @param {...*} args The arguments that are passed to the listeners
* @returns {undefined|Promise}
emit(eventName, ...args) {
const {_event_queue, _handle_promise} = _EventEmitter.get(this);
const name = eventName.toString();
return (_handle_promise?__EMIT_PROMISE:__EMIT)(this, _event_queue[name], args);
* Add a listener to a specific event
* @param {string} eventName The event the listener will listen to
* @param {function} listener The listener
* @returns {EventEmitter} Return the emitter instance for chaining
addListener(eventName, listener) {
if ( typeof listener !== "function" ) {
throw new TypeError( "Given listener should be a function" );
const {_event_queue} = _EventEmitter.get(this);
const name = eventName.toString();
const queue = _event_queue[name] = _event_queue[name]||[];
return this;
* Add a listener to a specific event
* @param {string} eventName The event the listener will listen to
* @param {function} listener The listener to be added
* @returns {EventEmitter} Return the emitter instance for chaining
on(eventName, listener) {
return this.addListener(eventName, listener);
* Remove all the specific event's listeners.
* @param {string} eventName The event to remove
* @returns {EventEmitter}
removeAllListeners(eventName) {
const PRIVATES = _EventEmitter.get(this);
const name = eventName.toString();
delete PRIVATES._event_queue[name];
return this;
* Remove a listener from a specific event
* @param {string} eventName The event where the listener locates
* @param {function} listener The target listener to be removed
* @returns {EventEmitter} Return the emitter instance for chaining
removeListener(eventName, listener) {
const {_event_queue} = _EventEmitter.get(this);
const name = eventName.toString();
const queue = _event_queue[name];
if ( queue ) {
let index;
while( (index = queue.indexOf(listener)) >= 0 ) {
queue.splice(index, 1);
return this;
* Remove a listener from a specific event
* @param {string} eventName The event where the listener locates
* @param {function} listener The target listener to be removed
* @returns {EventEmitter} Return the emitter instance for chaining
off(eventName, listener) {
if ( arguments.length === 1 ) {
return this.removeAllListeners(eventName);
return this.removeListener(eventName, listener);
* Add a listener that will be invoked only once to a specific event.
* Please note that the listener registered with once cannot be removed by off, removeListener or removeAllListeners.
* @param {string} eventName The event the listener will listen to
* @param {function} listener The listener to be added
* @returns {EventEmitter} Return the emitter instance for chaining
once(eventName, listener) {
return this.addListener(eventName, __ONCE_WRAPPER(this, eventName, listener));
* Retrieve a copy of specific event's listener queue
* @param {string} eventName The specific event name
* @returns {function[]} The listener queue
listeners(eventName) {
const {_event_queue} = _EventEmitter.get(this);
const name = eventName.toString();
return (_event_queue[name]||[]).slice(0);
* Retrieve the listener number of specific event
* @param {string} eventName The specific event name
* @returns {number} The amount of listeners
listenerCount(eventName) {
const {_event_queue} = _EventEmitter.get(this);
const name = eventName.toString();
return (_event_queue[name]||[]).length;
* Retrieve the registered event names
* @property-read {string[]} events
get events() {
const {_event_queue} = _EventEmitter.get(this);
const _events = [];
for( let name in _event_queue ) {
if ( !_event_queue.hasOwnProperty(name) ) continue;
if ( _event_queue[name].length === 0 ) continue;
return _events;
set events(val) { throw new TypeError("Cannot assign to read only property 'events' of <EventEmitter>"); }
* @property {boolean} handlePromise
get handlePromise() {
const {_handle_promise} = _EventEmitter.get(this);
return _handle_promise;
set handlePromise(value) {
const PRIVATES = _EventEmitter.get(this);
PRIVATES._handle_promise = !!value;
* Revert to the previous version if any...
* @returns {EventEmitter}
static noConflic() {
if ( _previous ) {
exports.EventEmitter = _previous;
return exports.EventEmitter;
exports.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;
return exports;
function __ONCE_WRAPPER(emitter, eventName, listener) {
if ( typeof listener !== "function" ) {
throw new TypeError( "Given listener should be a function" );
const once = function(...args) {
const {_event_queue, _handle_promise} = _EventEmitter.get(this);
const name = eventName.toString();
const queue = _event_queue[name] = _event_queue[name]||[];
let index = queue.indexOf(once);
if ( !_handle_promise ) {, ...args);
if ( index >= 0 ) {
queue.splice(index, 1);
return Promise.resolve(, ...args))
if ( index >= 0 ) {
queue.splice(index, 1);
return once;
async function __EMIT_PROMISE(emitter, queue, args) {
if ( Array.isArray(queue) ) {
for( let func of queue ) {
await, ...args);
function __EMIT(emitter, queue, args) {
if ( Array.isArray(queue) ) {
for( let func of queue ) {, ...args);
(a=>{"use strict";function b(a,b,c){if("function"!=typeof c)throw new TypeError("Given listener should be a function");const d=function(...e){const{_event_queue:g,_handle_promise:h}=f.get(this),i=b.toString(),j=g[i]=g[i]||[];let k=j.indexOf(d);return h?Promise.resolve(,...e)).then(()=>{0<=k&&j.splice(k,1)}):(,...e),void(0<=k&&j.splice(k,1)))};return d}async function c(a,b,c){if(Array.isArray(b))for(let d of b)await,...c)}function d(a,b,c){if(Array.isArray(b))for(let d of b),...c)}const e=a.EventEmitter,f=new WeakMap;class g{constructor(){const a={};f.set(this,a),a._event_queue=[],a._handle_promise=!1}emit(a,...b){const{_event_queue:e,_handle_promise:g}=f.get(this),h=a.toString();return(g?c:d)(this,e[h],b)}addListener(a,b){if("function"!=typeof b)throw new TypeError("Given listener should be a function");const{_event_queue:c}=f.get(this),d=a.toString(),e=c[d]=c[d]||[];return e.push(b),this}on(a,b){return this.addListener(a,b)}removeAllListeners(a){const b=f.get(this),c=a.toString();return delete b._event_queue[c],this}removeListener(a,b){const{_event_queue:c}=f.get(this),d=a.toString(),e=c[d];if(e)for(let a;0<=(a=e.indexOf(b));)e.splice(a,1);return this}off(a,b){return 1===arguments.length?this.removeAllListeners(a):this.removeListener(a,b)}once(a,c){return this.addListener(a,b(this,a,c))}listeners(a){const{_event_queue:b}=f.get(this),c=a.toString();return(b[c]||[]).slice(0)}listenerCount(a){const{_event_queue:b}=f.get(this),c=a.toString();return(b[c]||[]).length}get events(){const{_event_queue:a}=f.get(this),b=[];for(let c in a)a.hasOwnProperty(c)&&(0===a[c].length||b.push(c));return b}set events(a){throw new TypeError("Cannot assign to read only property 'events' of <EventEmitter>")}get handlePromise(){const{_handle_promise:a}=f.get(this);return a}set handlePromise(a){const b=f.get(this);b._handle_promise=!!a}static noConflic(){return e&&(a.EventEmitter=e),a.EventEmitter}}return a.EventEmitter=g,a})(window?window:module?module.exports:{});
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