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Created September 16, 2018 04:40
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A base32 reimplementation using native nodejs
"use strict";
const __CHAR_MAP = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV'.split('');
function __BASE32_ENCODE(inputData, map=null) {
if ( !Buffer.isBuffer(inputData) ) {
inputData = Buffer.from(inputData);
if ( inputData.length < 1 ) return '';
const CVT_MAP = map ? map.split('') : __CHAR_MAP;
// Run complete bundles
let encoded = '';
let begin, loop = Math.floor(inputData.length/5);
for (let run=0; run<loop; run++) {
begin = run * 5;
encoded += CVT_MAP[ inputData[begin] >> 3]; // 0
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin ] & 0x07) << 2 | (inputData[begin+1] >> 6)]; // 1
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin+1] & 0x3E) >> 1]; // 2
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin+1] & 0x01) << 4 | (inputData[begin+2] >> 4)]; // 3
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin+2] & 0x0F) << 1 | (inputData[begin+3] >> 7)]; // 4
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin+3] & 0x7C) >> 2]; // 5
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin+3] & 0x03) << 3 | (inputData[begin+4] >> 5)]; // 6
encoded += CVT_MAP[ inputData[begin+4] & 0x1F]; // 7
// Run remains
let remain = inputData.length % 5;
if ( remain === 0 ) { return encoded; }
begin = loop*5;
if ( remain === 1 ) {
encoded += CVT_MAP[ inputData[begin] >> 3]; // 0
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin ] & 0x07) << 2]; // 1
if ( remain === 2 ) {
encoded += CVT_MAP[ inputData[begin] >> 3]; // 0
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin ] & 0x07) << 2 | (inputData[begin+1] >> 6)]; // 1
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin+1] & 0x3E) >> 1]; // 2
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin+1] & 0x01) << 4]; // 3
if ( remain === 3 ) {
encoded += CVT_MAP[ inputData[begin] >> 3]; // 0
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin ] & 0x07) << 2 | (inputData[begin+1] >> 6)]; // 1
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin+1] & 0x3E) >> 1]; // 2
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin+1] & 0x01) << 4 | (inputData[begin+2] >> 4)]; // 3
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin+2] & 0x0F) << 1]; // 4
if ( remain === 4 ) {
encoded += CVT_MAP[ inputData[begin] >> 3]; // 0
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin ] & 0x07) << 2 | (inputData[begin+1] >> 6)]; // 1
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin+1] & 0x3E) >> 1]; // 2
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin+1] & 0x01) << 4 | (inputData[begin+2] >> 4)]; // 3
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin+2] & 0x0F) << 1 | (inputData[begin+3] >> 7)]; // 4
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin+3] & 0x7C) >> 2]; // 5
encoded += CVT_MAP[ (inputData[begin+3] & 0x03) << 3]; // 6
return encoded;
const __REV_MAP = (()=>{ const MAP = {}; __CHAR_MAP.forEach((key, val)=>{ MAP[key] = val; }); return MAP; })();
function __BASE32_DECODE(inputBase32, map=null) {
if ( !__FORMAT_CHECK.test(inputBase32) ) {
return null;
let remain = inputBase32.length % 8;
if ( [0, 2, 4, 5, 7].indexOf(remain) < 0 ) {
return null;
let decoded = Buffer.alloc(Math.floor(inputBase32.length * 5 / 8));
let CVT_MAP = !map ? __REV_MAP : (()=>{ const _MAP = {}; map.split('').forEach((key, val)=>{ _MAP[key] = val; }); return _MAP; })();
// Run complete bundles
let dest, begin, loop = Math.floor(inputBase32.length/8);
for (let run=0; run<loop; run++) {
begin = run * 8;
dest = run * 5;
decoded[dest] = CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin]] << 3 | CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+1]] >> 2; // 0
decoded[dest+1] = (CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+1]] & 0x03) << 6 | // 1
CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+2]] << 1 |
CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+3]] >> 4;
decoded[dest+2] = (CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+3]] & 0x0F) << 4 | // 2
CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+4]] >> 1;
decoded[dest+3] = (CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+4]] & 0x01) << 7 | // 3
CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+5]] << 2 |
CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+6]] >> 3;
decoded[dest+4] = (CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+6]] & 0x07) << 5 | // 4
if ( remain === 0 ) { return decoded; }
begin = loop*8;
dest = loop*5;
if ( remain >= 2 ) {
decoded[dest] = CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin]] << 3 | CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+1]] >> 2; // 0
if ( remain >= 4 ) {
decoded[dest+1] = (CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+1]] & 0x03) << 6 | // 1
CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+2]] << 1 |
CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+3]] >> 4;
if ( remain >= 5 ) {
decoded[dest+2] = (CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+3]] & 0x0F) << 4 | // 2
CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+4]] >> 1;
if ( remain === 7 ) {
decoded[dest+3] = (CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+4]] & 0x01) << 7 | // 3
CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+5]] << 2 |
CVT_MAP[inputBase32[begin+6]] >> 3;
return decoded;
module.exports = (rawData)=>{
return __BASE32_ENCODE(rawData);
module.exports.encode = __BASE32_ENCODE;
module.exports.decode = __BASE32_DECODE;
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