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Created September 13, 2016 13:17
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WIP PHPCS sniff for functions that expect slashed data in WordPress
* Sniff for data that is expected to be slashed.
* Some WordPress core functions expect the data passed to them to be slashed, for
* legacy reasons.
* @package WordPress-Coding-Standards
* @since 0.10.0
class WordPress_Sniffs_WP_ExpectedSlashedSniff extends WordPress_Sniff {
* Casts that imply the data doesn't need to be slashed.
* @since 0.10.0
* @var int[]
protected $slashed_casts = array( T_INT_CAST, T_DOUBLE_CAST, T_BOOL_CAST );
* Tokens that are implicitly slashed and so don't need to be flagged.
* @since 0.10.0
* @var int[]
protected $slashed_tokens = array(
* The list functions and their args that are expected to be slashed.
* @since 0.10.0
* @var array[]
public static $expectedSlashedFunctionArgs = array(
// Uses add_metadata().
'add_comment_meta' => array( 2 => 'meta_key', 3 => 'meta_value' ),
// Uses wp_unslash().
'add_metadata' => array( 3 => 'meta_key', 4 => 'meta_value' ),
// Uses wp_unslash().
'add_ping' => array( 2 => 'uri' ),
// Uses add_metadata().
'add_post_meta' => array( 2 => 'meta_key', 3 => 'meta_value' ),
// Uses add_metadata().
'add_term_meta' => array( 2 => 'meta_key', 3 => 'meta_value' ),
// Uses add_metadata().
'add_user_meta' => array( 2 => 'meta_key', 3 => 'meta_value' ),
// These are directly interpolated into a database query. Failure to slash
// will result in SQL injection!!
'check_comment' => array( 1 => 'author', 2 => 'email' ),
// Uses stripslashes().
'comment_exists' => array( 1 => 'comment_author' ),
// Uses delete_metadata().
'delete_comment_meta' => array( 2 => 'meta_key', 3 => 'meta_value' ),
// Uses wp_unslash().
'delete_metadata' => array( 3 => 'meta_key', 4 => 'meta_value' ),
// Uses delete_metadata().
'delete_post_meta_by_key' => array( 1 => 'post_meta_key' ),
// Uses delete_metadata().
'delete_post_meta' => array( 2 => 'meta_key', 3 => 'meta_value' ),
// Uses delete_metadata().
'delete_term_meta' => array( 2 => 'meta_key', 3 => 'meta_value' ),
// Uses delete_metadata().
'delete_user_meta' => array( 2 => 'meta_key', 3 => 'meta_value' ),
// Uses delete_user_meta().
'delete_user_option' => array( 2 => 'option_name' ),
// Expects POST data.
'edit_post' => array( 1 => 'post_data' ),
// Uses get_term_by( 'name' ).
'get_cat_ID' => array( 1 => 'category_name' ),
// Uses get_search_feed_link().
'get_search_comments_feed_link' => array( 1 => array( 'search_query' ) ),
// Uses get_search_link().
'get_search_feed_link' => array( 1 => 'search_query' ),
// Uses stripslashes().
'get_search_link' => array( 1 => 'query' ),
// Uses wp_unslash() when $field is 'name'.
'get_term_by' => array( 2 => 'value' ),
// Uses wp_unslash().
'install_blog' => array( 2 => 'blog_title' ),
// Uses wp_get_nav_menu_object().
'is_nav_menu' => array( 1 => 'menu' ),
// Uses wp_unslash().
'post_exists' => array( 1 => 'title', 2 => 'content', 3 => 'date' ),
// Uses update_post_meta() when the $file isn't empty.
'update_attached_file' => array( 2 => 'file' ),
// Uses update_metadata().
'update_comment_meta' => array( 2 => 'meta_key', 3 => 'meta_value' ),
// Uses wp_unslash().
'update_metadata' => array( 3 => 'meta_key', 4 => 'meta_value' ),
// Uses wp_unslash().
'update_meta' => array( 2 => 'meta_key', 3 => 'meta_value' ),
// Uses update_metadata().
'update_post_meta' => array( 2 => 'meta_key', 3 => 'meta_value' ),
// Uses update_metadata().
'update_term_meta' => array( 2 => 'meta_key', 3 => 'meta_value' ),
// Uses update_metadata().
'update_user_meta' => array( 2 => 'meta_key', 3 => 'meta_value' ),
// Uses wp_unslash() when a string is passed; also accepts term ID.
'term_exists' => array( 1 => 'term' ),
// Uses update_user_meta().
'update_user_option' => array( 2 => 'option_name', 3 => 'newvalue' ),
// Uses wp_set_object_terms().
'wp_add_object_terms' => array( 2 => 'terms' ),
// Uses wp_update_nav_menu_object().
'wp_create_nav_menu' => array( 1 => 'menu_name' ),
// Uses wp_unslash().
'wp_create_post_autosave' => array( 1 => 'post_data' ),
// Uses wp_get_nav_menu_object().
'wp_delete_nav_menu' => array( 1 => 'menu' ),
// Uses wp_get_nav_menu_object().
'wp_get_nav_menu_items' => array( 1 => 'menu' ),
// Uses get_term_by( 'name' ) if $menu is not a term ID or slug.
'wp_get_nav_menu_object' => array( 1 => 'menu' ),
// Uses wp_insert_post().
'wp_insert_attachment' => array( 1 => 'args' ),
// Uses wp_unslash().
'wp_insert_comment' => array( 1 => 'commentdata' ),
// Uses wp_unslash().
'wp_insert_link' => array( 1 => 'linkdata' ),
// Uses wp_unslash().
'wp_insert_post' => array( 1 => 'postarr' ),
// Uses wp_unslash().
'wp_insert_term' => array( 1 => 'term' ),
// Uses wp_unslash(), update_user_meta().
'wp_insert_user' => array( 1 => 'userdata' ),
// Uses wp_insert_comment() and wp_allow_comment().
'wp_new_comment' => array( 1 => 'commentdata' ),
// Uses term_exists(). The docs for wp_remove_object_terms() says that it
// takes only term slugs or IDs, but it is also possible to pass in the term
// names, and in that case they must be slashed.
'wp_remove_object_terms' => array( 2 => 'terms' ),
// Uses term_exists(), and wp_insert_term() if the term doesn't exist and is
// a string. The docs for wp_set_object_terms() says that it takes only term
// slugs or IDs, but it is also possible to pass in the term names, and in
// that case they must be slashed.
'wp_set_object_terms' => array( 2 => 'terms' ),
// Uses wp_set_object_terms().
'wp_set_post_terms' => array( 2 => 'terms' ),
// Uses update_post_meta().
'wp_update_attachment_metadata' => array( 2 => 'data' ),
// Uses wp_unslash().
'wp_update_comment' => array( 1 => 'commentarr' ),
// Uses wp_insert_post(). If the $postarr is actually a post object and not
// an array, then it should be unslashed instead.
'wp_update_post' => array( 1 => 'postarr' ),
// Uses wp_insert_user().
'wp_update_user' => array( 1 => 'userdata' ),
// Uses install_blog().
'wpmu_create_blog' => array( 3 => 'title' ),
// Uses wp_unslash().
'wpmu_validate_blog_signup' => array( 2 => 'blog_title' ),
// Uses wp_unslash().
'wpmu_welcome_notification' => array( 4 => 'title' ),
// Uses wp_unslash().
'WP_Press_This::side_load_images' => array( 2 => 'content' ),
// Uses wp_unslash().
'WP_Customize_Setting::sanitize' => array( 1 => 'value' ),
public $filters = array(
// Result passed through wp_unslash().
'pre_comment_author_name' => array( 1 => 'author_cookie' ),
// Result passed through wp_unslash().
'pre_comment_author_email' => array( 1 => 'author_email_cookie' ),
// Result passed through wp_unslash().
'pre_comment_author_url' => array( 1 => 'author_url_cookie' ),
// Result passed through wp_unslash().
'add_ping' => array( 1 => 'new' ),
* A list of functions and their args that are expected to be partly slashed.
* Sometimes a function takes an argument that is an array, and some of the
* values in the array are expected to be slashed while others do not need to be
* (because they are a type of value that doesn't need to be slashed, like an
* integer or boolean, perhaps). So it is OK to pass the entire array through
* a slashing function, but it's also permissible to slash only those args that
* need to be (i.e., when the array is being passed to the function directly,
* rather than being assigned to a variable first; then we can check each key
* value pair and only flag those that really need to be slashed).
* This is a list of those functions. For each function, there is an array which
* is indexed by the number of the argument which is expected to be an array with
* mixed slashing. The values are lists of the keys within that array that are
* expected to be slashed (any other keys are expected unslashed).
* @since 0.10.0
* @var array[]
public static $partlySlashedFunctionArgs = array(
// Uses query_posts(), 'q' is passed as 's'.
'_wp_ajax_menu_quick_search' => array( 1 => array( 'q' ) ),
// Uses get_posts() with the $args if they are an array.
'get_children' => array( 1 => array( 's', 'title' ) ),
// Uses get_term_by( 'name' ). All of the other args are either integers or
// accept slug-like values.
'get_bookmarks' => array( 1 => array( 'category_name' ) ),
// Uses wp_unslash() on these. All of the other args are either integers or
// accept slug-like values.
'get_pages' => array( 1 => array( 'meta_key', 'meta_value' ) ),
// Uses WP_Query::query().
'get_posts' => array( 1 => array( 's', 'title' ) ),
// Uses WP_Query::query().
'query_posts' => array( 1 => array( 's', 'title' ) ),
// Uses wp_unslash() on some of these. All of the other args are either
// integers, slugs, or dates.
'wp_allow_comment' => array(
1 => array( 'comment_author', 'comment_author_email', 'comment_author_url', 'comment_author_IP', 'comment_content', 'comment_agent' ),
// Uses get_posts().
'wp_get_nav_menu_items' => array( 2 => array( 's', 'title' ) ),
// Uses get_children().
'wp_get_post_revisions' => array( 2 => array( 's', 'title' ) ),
// Uses get_posts().
'wp_get_recent_posts' => array( 1 => array( 's', 'title' ) ),
// Uses wp_unslash() on this. All of the other args are integers or slugs.
// The 'name' arg is also expected slashed, but this is always overridden by
// $term.
'wp_insert_term' => array( 3 => array( 'description' ) ),
// Uses wp_insert_post() or wp_update_post(). All other values are slugs or
// integers.
'wp_update_nav_menu_item' => array(
3 => array( 'menu-item-description', 'menu-item-attr-title', 'menu-item-title' )
// Uses get_term_by( 'name' ) with 'menu-name' and also passes the data to
// wp_insert_term() if the menu doesn't exist, or else wp_update_term().
'wp_update_nav_menu_object' => array( 2 => array( 'description', 'menu-name' ) ),
// Uses wp_unslash() on these. All of the other args are integers or slugs.
'wp_update_term' => array( 3 => array( 'description', 'name' ) ),
// Uses WP_Query::__construct().
'WP_Customize_Nav_Menus::search_available_items_query' => array( 1 => array( 's' ) ),
// Uses WP_Query::query().
'WP_Query::__construct' => array( 1 => array( 's', 'title' ) ),
// WP_Query::get_posts() uses stripslashes() on the 'title', and
// WP_Query::parse_search() uses stripslashes() on 's'. All other args are
// either integers, booleans, or slug-like strings.
'WP_Query::parse_query' => array( 1 => array( 's', 'title' ) ),
// WP_Query::get_posts() uses stripslashes() on the 'title', and
// WP_Query::parse_search() uses stripslashes() on 's'. All other args are
// either integers, booleans, or slug-like strings.
'WP_Query::query' => array( 1 => array( 's', 'title' ) ),
// Uses WP_Query::query().
'_WP_Editors::wp_link_query' => array( 1 => array( 's' ) ),
* A list of functions and their args that are expected to be partly slashed and
* partly unslashed.
* Sometimes a function takes an argument that is an array, and some of the
* values in the array are expected to be slashed while others specifically
* expected to be unslashed.
* See self::$partlySlashedFunctionArgs for an explanation of the array format.
* @since 0.10.0
* @var array[]
public static $mixedSlashedFunctionArgs = array(
// Uses get_bookmarks(). When 'categorize' is true, passing 'categroy_name'
// doesn't make sense, so this only applies when 'categorize' false. In fact,
// when 'categorize' is true, the 'category_name' is passed to get_terms() as
// 'name__like', which is expected unslashed. So it is only expected slashed
// when 'categorize' is false.
'wp_list_bookmarks' => array(
1 => array(
'slashed' => array( 'category_name' ),
'unslashed' => array(
// Uses get_pages().
'wp_dropdown_pages' => array(
1 => array(
'slashed' => array( 'meta_key', 'meta_value' ),
'unslashed' => array(
// Uses get_pages().
'wp_list_pages' => array(
1 => array(
'slashed' => array( 'meta_key', 'meta_value' ),
'unslashed' => array( 'date_format', 'link_after', 'link_before', 'title_li' ),
// 'wp_insert_category' => array( 3 => array( 'name', 'description' ) ),
* Functions that slash data.
* @since 0.10.0
* @var array
public static $slashingFunctions = array(
'wp_slash' => true,
* Functions that return slashed data automatically.
* @since 0.10.0
* @var array
public static $autoSlashingFunctions = array(
'esc_url_raw' => true,
'esc_url' => true,
'get_current_user_id' => true,
'sanitize_key' => true,
'sanitize_title' => true,
'sanitize_title_with_dashes' => true,
'time' => true,
* Returns an array of tokens this test wants to listen for.
* @since 0.10.0
* @return array
public function register() {
return array(
* Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
* @since 0.10.0
* @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
* @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token
* in the stack passed in $tokens.
* @return int|void
public function process( PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr ) {
$tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
$function_name = $tokens[ $stackPtr ]['content'];
if (
! isset( self::$mixedSlashedFunctionArgs[ $function_name ] )
&& ! isset( self::$partlySlashedFunctionArgs[ $function_name ] )
&& ! isset( self::$expectedSlashedFunctionArgs[ $function_name ] )
) {
$this->init( $phpcsFile );
$function_opener = $phpcsFile->findNext(
$stackPtr + 1,
// If this isn't a function call, ignore it.
if ( T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS !== $tokens[ $function_opener ]['code'] ) {
if ( $this->has_whitelist_comment( 'slashing', $stackPtr ) ) {
// Ignore this if it is a function declaration.
$previous_token = $phpcsFile->findPrevious(
$stackPtr - 1,
if ( T_FUNCTION === $tokens[ $previous_token ]['code'] ) {
// Check if we are inside a function.
$function_ptr = $phpcsFile->getCondition( $function_opener, T_FUNCTION );
if ( $function_ptr ) {
$function_declaration_name = $phpcsFile->findNext(
$function_ptr + 1,
$function_declaration_name = $tokens[ $function_declaration_name ]['content'];
// If we are inside a function that expects slashed arguments we don't
// really need to flag any internal function calls, because if any of
// them expects slashed data but isn't receiving it, that is likely the
// reason that the wrapping function is in this list.
if (
isset( self::$expectedSlashedFunctionArgs[ $function_declaration_name ] )
// || isset( self::$partlySlashedFunctionArgs[ $function_declaration_name ] )
// || isset( self::$mixedSlashedFunctionArgs[ $function_declaration_name ] )
) {
if (
isset( self::$mixedSlashedFunctionArgs[ $function_name ] )
|| isset( self::$partlySlashedFunctionArgs[ $function_name ] )
) {
$this->process_mixed_function_args( $stackPtr, $function_name );
if ( isset( self::$expectedSlashedFunctionArgs[ $function_name ] ) ) {
$this->process_expected_slashed_args( $stackPtr, $function_opener, $function_name );
} // end process().
* Find the nth parameter of a function call.
* @since 0.10.0
* @param int $parameter The number parameter to get.
* @param int $stackPtr The index of the function.
* @return int|false The pointer of the first token of the parameter or false.
protected function find_arg( $parameter, $stackPtr ) {
$open_paren = $this->phpcsFile->findNext(
$stackPtr + 1,
if ( ! $open_paren || T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS !== $this->tokens[ $open_paren ]['code'] ) {
return false;
$start = $open_paren + 1;
// If this is the closing parenthesis there were no parameters.
if ( T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS === $this->tokens[ $start ]['code'] ) {
return false;
$i = 0;
while ( ++$i < $parameter ) {
// This will find the next comma.
$end = $this->phpcsFile->findEndOfStatement( $start );
// If there wasn't another parameter (we hit the closing parenthesis).
if ( T_COMMA !== $this->tokens[ $end ]['code'] ) {
return false;
$start = $end + 1;
return $start;
* Process a function that expects some arguments with mixed slashing.
* @since 0.10.0
* @param int $stackPtr The function pointer.
* @param string $function_name The function name.
protected function process_mixed_function_args( $stackPtr, $function_name ) {
$phpcsFile = $this->phpcsFile;
$tokens = $this->tokens;
if ( isset( self::$mixedSlashedFunctionArgs[ $function_name ] ) ) {
$args = self::$mixedSlashedFunctionArgs[ $function_name ];
$is_mixed = true;
} else {
$args = self::$partlySlashedFunctionArgs[ $function_name ];
$is_mixed = false;
foreach ( $args as $arg_index => $keys ) {
$argPtr = $this->find_arg( $arg_index, $stackPtr );
if ( ! $argPtr ) {
$arg_start = $phpcsFile->findNext(
$argPtr + 1,
if ( $is_mixed ) {
$slashed_keys = $keys['slashed'];
$unslashed_keys = $keys['unslashed'];
} else {
$slashed_keys = $keys;
$unslashed_keys = array();
// If this is the array declaration itself, we can check per-key.
// Otherwise, we can only give a general error/warning.
if ( T_ARRAY !== $tokens[ $arg_start ]['code'] ) {
if ( $is_mixed ) {
'%s() expects the value of %s to be slashed with wp_slash(), and %s to be unslashed.',
implode( ', ', $slashed_keys ),
implode( ', ', $unslashed_keys )
} else {
if (
! isset( self::$slashingFunctions[ $tokens[ $arg_start ]['content'] ] )
&& ! isset( self::$autoSlashingFunctions[ $tokens[ $arg_start ]['content'] ] )
) {
'%s() expects the value of %s to be slashed with wp_slash().',
array( $function_name, implode( ', ', $slashed_keys ) )
$array_opener = $phpcsFile->findNext(
$arg_start + 1,
// This likely indicates a syntax error.
if ( ! isset( $tokens[ $array_opener ]['parenthesis_closer'] ) ) {
'Mising closing parenthesis for array.',
$start = $array_opener;
while (
$next_double_arrow = $phpcsFile->findNext(
$start + 1,
$tokens[ $array_opener ]['parenthesis_closer']
) {
$is_slashed = false;
$start = $next_double_arrow + 1;
$value_ptr = $phpcsFile->findNext(
$next_double_arrow + 1,
// These tokens are implicitly slashed, so we don't need to slash them.
if (
$tokens[ $value_ptr ]['code'],
$this->slashed_tokens + $this->slashed_casts,
) {
$key_ptr = $phpcsFile->findPrevious(
$next_double_arrow - 1,
if ( T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING !== $tokens[ $key_ptr ]['code'] ) {
$key_name = trim( $tokens[ $key_ptr ]['content'], '\'"' );
if (
isset( self::$slashingFunctions[ $tokens[ $value_ptr ]['content'] ] )
|| isset( self::$autoSlashingFunctions[ $tokens[ $value_ptr ]['content'] ] )
) {
$is_slashed = true;
if ( ! $is_slashed && in_array( $key_name, $slashed_keys, true ) ) {
'%s() expects the value of %s to be slashed with wp_slash().',
array( $function_name, $key_name )
} elseif ( $is_slashed && in_array( $key_name, $unslashed_keys, true ) ) {
'%s() expects the value of %s to be unslashed.',
array( $function_name, $key_name )
} // end process_mixed_function_args()
* Process a function that expects some args to be slashed.
* @since 0.10.0
* @param int $stackPtr The function name pointer.
* @param int $function_opener The function openter pointer.
* @param string $function_name The function name.
protected function process_expected_slashed_args( $stackPtr, $function_opener, $function_name ) {
$phpcsFile = $this->phpcsFile;
$tokens = $this->tokens;
$next_arg_start = false;
$last_arg_index = false;
// This is probably a parse error.
if ( ! isset( $tokens[ $function_opener + 1 ]['nested_parenthesis'] ) ) {
$this->phpcsFile->addError( 'Missing function parentheses.', $stackPtr, 'missingParentheses' );
// Special handling for get_term_by( 'name' ).
if ( 'get_term_by' === $function_name ) {
$byPtr = $phpcsFile->findNext(
$this->find_arg( 1, $stackPtr ) + 1,
// If we know what we are getting the term by, and it isn't 'name', then
// we can skip this. Otherwise we're getting it by name or the arg is
// supplied dynamically, so we don't know whether we are or not.
if (
T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING === $tokens[ $byPtr ]['code']
&& trim( $tokens[ $byPtr ]['content'], '\'"' ) !== 'name'
) {
$nested_parens = count( $tokens[ $function_opener + 1 ]['nested_parenthesis'] );
foreach ( self::$expectedSlashedFunctionArgs[ $function_name ] as $arg_index => $name ) {
if ( $next_arg_start && $last_arg_index + 1 === $arg_index ) {
$argPtr = $next_arg_start;
} else {
$argPtr = $this->find_arg( $arg_index, $stackPtr );
if ( ! $argPtr ) {
$in_cast = false;
$watch = true;
for ( $i = $argPtr; $i <= $tokens[ $function_opener ]['parenthesis_closer']; $i++ ) {
if ( T_COMMA === $tokens[ $i ]['code'] ) {
// If we aren't in an array, we are at the end of this arg.
if ( count( $tokens[ $i ]['nested_parenthesis'] ) === $nested_parens ) {
$next_arg_start = $i + 1;
$last_arg_index = $arg_index;
$watch = true;
// If we're not watching right now, do nothing.
if ( ! $watch ) {
// Wake up on concatenation characters, another part to check.
if ( T_STRING_CONCAT === $tokens[ $i ]['code'] ) {
$watch = true;
// Ignore whitespaces and comments.
if ( in_array( $tokens[ $i ]['code'], PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens ) ) {
// Skip to the end of a function call if it has been casted to a safe value.
if ( $in_cast && T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS === $tokens[ $i ]['code'] ) {
$i = $tokens[ $i ]['parenthesis_closer'];
$in_cast = false;
// Handle arrays for those functions that accept them.
if ( T_ARRAY === $tokens[ $i ]['code'] ) {
$i ++; // Skip the opening parenthesis.
if ( in_array( $tokens[ $i ]['code'], array( T_DOUBLE_ARROW, T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS, T_STRING_CONCAT ) ) ) {
// Allow tokens that are implicitly slashed.
if ( in_array( $tokens[ $i ]['code'], $this->slashed_tokens, true ) ) {
// If we were watching before, stop now. That way we'll error once
// for a set of unslashed tokens, instead of for each of the tokens.
$watch = false;
// Allow int/float/bool casted variables.
if ( in_array( $tokens[ $i ]['code'], $this->slashed_casts ) ) {
$in_cast = true;
$content = $tokens[ $i ]['content'];
// If this is a function call.
if ( T_STRING === $tokens[ $i ]['code'] ) {
// We can fast-forward to the end of this function call, we don't
// need to check each token because we're going to check whether
// the result of the function is slashed (below).
$paren_opener = $phpcsFile->findNext( PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens, $i + 1, null, true );
if ( isset( $tokens[ $paren_opener ]['parenthesis_closer'] ) ) {
$i = $tokens[ $paren_opener ]['parenthesis_closer'];
// If the function is a slashing function we continue to the next
// token instead of giving an error.
if (
isset( self::$slashingFunctions[ $content ] )
|| isset( self::$autoSlashingFunctions[ $content ] )
) {
'%s() expects the value of the $%s arg to be slashed with wp_slash(); %s found.',
array( $function_name, $name, $content )
} // end process_expected_slashed_args()
} // end class.
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