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Created June 30, 2012 05:59
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Ruby Trivia Game
# Load the text file, create an array consisting of each line
txt_data ='questions.txt')
txt_data_array = txt_data.readlines
txt_data_array << "FINISHED"
# Initialize variables
questions_array = []
z = []
c = 0
w = 0
valid_input = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
# Every six lines is put into the temporary array z, and then z is appended onto questions_array
txt_data_array.length.times do |x|
if x % 6 == 0 && x != 0
questions_array << z
z = []
z << txt_data_array[x]
# Starts the loop
# Puts the Question Number, Question and Choices
txt_data_array.length.times do |x|
puts "Question #{x+1}"
puts "+ ----------"
puts questions_array[x][1]
puts "A. #{questions_array[x][2]}"
puts "B. #{questions_array[x][3]}"
puts "C. #{questions_array[x][4]}"
puts "D. #{questions_array[x][5]} \n"
# Prompts the user for an answer, strips spaces and makes the answer uppercase
print "Answer: "
user_response = gets.chomp.upcase.strip
# Keep prompting the user until a valid answer is input
until valid_input.include?(user_response) == true
puts "Please answer either A,B,C or D"
print "Answer: "
user_response = gets.chomp.upcase.strip
# If the answer is correct, add one to c, puts Correct, and go to the next question
if "#{user_response}\n" == questions_array[x][0]
c += 1
puts "Correct!"
puts "(#{c} Correct, #{w} Wrong)\n\n"
# If the answer is wrong, add one to w, puts Wrong, and go to the next question
w += 1
puts "WRONG! The correct answer was #{questions_array[x][0]}"
puts "(#{c} Correct, #{w} Wrong)\n\n"
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