#!/usr/bin/env wolframscript |
(* ::Package:: *) |
(* ::Text:: *) |
(*This script generates the second animated figure on my blog post "mackay_gaussian_2006".*) |
Print["https://jem-mosig.com/2019/03/mackay_gaussian_2006/"] |
(* ::Text:: *) |
(*Generate all frames of the animation, one sample from the bi-variate normal distribution for each frame.*) |
Print["Generating figure. This may take a minute..."] |
frames = BlockRandom[ |
SeedRandom[2019]; |
With[{x = {2}, \[Sigma] = 1, l = 1, x0 = 1, y0 = -1}, |
Module[{\[Mu], K, Kinv, A1, A2, B, \[Mu]post, Kpost}, |
\[Mu] = ConstantArray[0, Length[x] + 1]; |
K = N[Outer[\[Sigma]^2 Exp[-(#1 - #2)^2/(2 l^2)] &, |
Join[{x0}, x], Join[{x0}, x]], 40]; |
Kinv = Inverse[K]; |
A1 = Kinv[[1 ;; 1, 1 ;; 1]]; |
B = Kinv[[1 ;; 1, 2 ;;]]; |
A2 = Kinv[[2 ;;, 2 ;;]]; |
Assert[ |
AllTrue[ |
Flatten@Chop[Kinv - ArrayFlatten[{{A1, B}, {Transpose[B], A2}}]], # == 0 & |
] |
]; |
\[Mu]post = -Inverse[A2].Transpose[B].{{y0}} // Flatten; |
Kpost = Inverse[A2]; |
Quiet[ |
With[{ |
dist = MultinormalDistribution[\[Mu]post, Kpost], |
ah = |
Graphics[{Line[{{{0, -1}, {0, 1}}, {{-1, 0}, {0, 0}}}]}], |
contourPlot = ContourPlot[ |
PDF[MultinormalDistribution[\[Mu], K], {y1, y2}], |
{y1, -4, 4}, {y2, -4, 4}, |
Contours -> 10, |
ScalingFunctions -> "Log", |
ColorFunction -> GrayLevel, |
ImageSize -> Small, |
FrameLabel -> {"\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(y\), \(1\)]\)", |
"\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(y\), \(2\)]\)"}, |
Epilog -> {Dashed, ColorData[112, 1], |
InfiniteLine[{y0, 0}, {0, 1}]} |
] |
}, |
Table[ |
With[{y = RandomVariate[dist]}, |
Row[{ |
Show[{contourPlot, |
Graphics[{ColorData[112, 2], PointSize[Large], |
Point[{y0, y[[1]]}]}]} |
], |
ListPlot[ |
Prepend[Transpose[{x, y}], {x0, y0}], |
Joined -> True, InterpolationOrder -> 1, |
PlotStyle -> Directive[Thick, ColorData[112, 2]], |
PlotRange -> {{0.8, 2.2}, {-3, 3}}, |
FrameTicks -> {{Automatic, |
Automatic}, {{{1, |
"\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(y\), \(1\)]\)"}, {2, |
"\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(y\), \(2\)]\)"}}, None}}, |
Axes -> False, Frame -> True, |
Epilog -> { |
Black, |
PointSize[Large], |
Point[{x0, y0}] |
}, |
Prolog -> { |
Black, AbsoluteThickness[2], |
PointSize[Large], |
ColorData[112, 2], |
Point[Transpose[{x, y}]], |
Black, |
Arrowheads[{{.025, 1., ah}, {-.025, 0., ah}}], |
With[{i = 1}, |
Arrow[{{x[[i]], \[Mu]post[[i]] - |
Sqrt@Kpost[[i, i]]}, {x[[i]], \[Mu]post[[i]] + |
Sqrt@Kpost[[i, i]]}}] |
], |
Gray, Arrowheads[{{.025, 1., ah}, {-.025, 0., ah}}], |
With[{i = 2}, |
Arrow[{{2 + 0.05, 0 - Sqrt@K[[i, i]]}, {2 + 0.05, |
0 + Sqrt@K[[i, i]]}}] |
] |
}, |
ImageSize -> Medium |
] |
}] |
], |
100 |
] |
], |
{MultinormalDistribution::posdefprm, Transpose::nmtx} |
] |
] |
] |
]; |
(* ::Text:: *) |
(*Sort the frames to appear visually more pleasing.*) |
ordering = Quiet[ |
Last@FindShortestTour@Table[ |
FirstCase[frame[[1,1]],Point[pts_]:>pts,None,Infinity], |
{frame,frames} |
], |
{InterpolatingFunction::dmval} |
]; |
frames = frames[[ordering]]; |
Print@Export[ |
FileNameJoin[{"mackay_gaussian_2006-bi-posterior.gif"}], |
frames, |
AnimationRepetitions->Infinity, |
"DisplayDurations"->.1 |
] |