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Created April 27, 2017 15:57
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JF Lalonde's reflection on Empathetic Programmers

Reflection on the role of empathy in programming

  • What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?

    Empathy is something that I hadn't given too much thought too until I became a manager. I found that the most effective way to communicate with others was by first attempting to see their side of the situation, so that we could move forward based on the same presuppositions. I wouldn't say I have come anywhere near to perfecting my ability to think empathetically, but I try to place myself in that mindset when working with others. I look forward to challenging my opinions and attitudes when faced with someone who thinks differently than I do.

  • How does empathy help you build better software?

    I hadn't thought about this until reading some of the articles, but putting yourself in your target demographic's shoes is a brilliant way to think outside of the constraints your group might be in when developing software. If you develop in a vacuum, you could have the exact product you were seeking to build but realize later that it is flawed when dealing with the needs of the users. If you go out and look at the users your software is targeting, and you take the time to understand the nuances of their needs, your product will come out better.

  • Why is empathy important for working on a team?

    Empathy is necessary in a team setting because you will undoubtedly face people with divergent views. The best way to avoid clashing and arguing to the point that no work is getting done is by communicating in a way that makes everyone feel like their opinions have been heard. On a personal level, if you take the time to see where others are coming from and why they might want to tackle a problem differently, you may become a better programmer in general because you will approach problem-solving with a mind open to different solutions.

  • Describe a situation in which your ability to empathize with a colleague or teammate was helpful.

    When I was managing a team there were a few situations where I had to discipline employees for their conduct. I found it difficult to reprimand them without coming off as authoritative, and it was also difficult for me to be in a situation where I had to confront them. I found that by letting them know first that I understood where they were coming from and explaining to them what I thought they were going through the process went more easily both for them and for me.

  • When do you find it most difficult to be empathetic in professional settings? How can you improve your skills when faced with these scenarios?

    The hardest time for me to be empathetic in a professional setting would probably be when I am convinced that I am right and that the other person is wrong. If I think that the facts are indisputable I can sometimes get annoyed that the other party doesn't see something that to me is so clear. The best way to improve my skills in that situation is to check my attitude and ask the other person earnestly if they could explain their side to me. Then, if I still think my point holds value I would try to explain it to them in a clear and non-judgemental way.

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