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Last active June 5, 2017 14:38
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Strengths & Storytelling Reflection Guidelines

Build on your professional story by thinking about how you're progressing at Turing. Answer the questions below in your own gist to use your StrengthsFinder themes to add to your story:

  • Look at your initial StrengthsFinder reflection that you completed in week 1 -- how have your perceptions of the top 5 themes stayed the same? How have they changed?

    • As I look back on the StrengthsFinder reflection I think the role of different themes has changed a little. I find that my "Adaptability" strength is the one I use the most, especially in the paired project we completed, and in my need to tweak my working style to become more efficient. I find the "Achiever" theme to be helping me along the way. Every time I complete a task I get a boost of energy and a sense of accomplishment. The "Restorative" theme plays into that as well. The satisfaction I get from completing a project encompasses all the bugs and problems I had to resolve in order to make the code work again. Through all this the "Intellection" theme has been present. I feel mentally tired at the end of a full day, and it's a great feeling. I enjoy feeling like I used my brain to its fullest any given day. The "Futuristic" theme was in full force at the mod 4 gear up last Friday when we talked about universal basic income and the effect technology will have on the working world in the near future. It was great to see what others' vision of the future looks like.
  • How are you different today than when you first started at Turing? How are you stronger now than on day 1? How have you struggled?

    • I certainly feel stronger as a programmer than I did on day 1. I am beginning to feel like I may actually belong here and that I am learning something. I have struggled with every project and breaking down concepts into parts small enough to tackle with my skillset, but every time it has been less and less of a struggle because I am getting used to doing it, and am slowly becoming more confident at taking on those problems.
  • Considering how you describe these themes, how do you want others to see you as you continue to progress through Turing?

    • From my cohort, I want to be seen as approachable. I want to remain adaptable to be able to help others however I can. From upper mods, I want to be seen as someone who asks good questions. I want to communicate clearly when I ask for help from others so that I can become more efficient at problem solving and troubleshooting. I want my Futuristic theme to come through in how I view myself after Turing, and the skills I want to work on while I'm here to make that happen.
  • Even though your Turing story isn't finished yet, what do you envision for your development in future mods? How will this story end?

    • I want to reach out to lower mods as I advance to try to pass on any advice as well as to see just how much I have learned since the beginning. I also want to reach a point where I am comfortable enough with ruby/rails that I can come up with creative and unique individual projects to bolster my portfolio. I also plan on reaching out to alums to find a mentor and get to ask questions to someone currently in the industry.
  • Finally, write a draft of your story here. This is a short paragraph, 4-6 sentences, describing who you are, why you came to Turing, and what you hope to accomplish while you're here:

    • I am a former brewery manager who felt like I wasn't living up to my potential, and I wanted to radically change my skillset to enter an industry where I see the potential to be both intellectually and creatively satisfied. In my time at Turing I hope to build programs that allows me to express myself and demonstrate my technical proficiency. I believe that if I create a portfolio that represents my interests as well as my skills I should be able to find a career that will be a good culture fit for me and that will make me feel confident that I can be depended on.
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