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Created January 30, 2015 16:07
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Solution To Reddit Daily Programmer 199 - Bank Number Banners Part 2
# Reddit Daily Programmer 199 Part 2
#Create the strings for the inputs.
$inputTop = " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "
$inputMid = "|_| |_| | | |_| |_ | | | |_ "
$inputBot = " | _| |_| |_| |_| | | | _|"
#Hash table of possible solutions.
$solutionHash = @{0=" _ ","| |","|_|";1=" "," |"," |";2=" _ "," _|","|_ ";3=" _ "," _|"," _|";4=" ","|_|"," |";5=" _ ","|_ "," _|";6=" _ ","|_ ","|_|";7=" _ "," |"," |";8=" _ ","|_|","|_|";9=" _ ","|_|"," _|"}
#We know there are always 9 numbers. Start to parse them.
for($i = 0; $i -lt 9; $i++)
#Make an empty array and string to temporarily store parsed values.
$tempArray = @()
$currentLine = ""
#Added logic since the start-end index will be different after the first number due to spaces between them.
if($i -gt 0)
#Start at a different location!
$index = ($i*3)+$i
#Start at the beginning.
$index = $i
#Parse the first line and write it to the array.
$currentLine = $inputTop[$index]
$currentLine += $inputTop[$index+1]
$currentLine += $inputTop[$index+2]
$tempArray += $currentLine
#Parse the second line and add it to the array.
$currentLine = $inputMid[$index]
$currentLine += $inputMid[$index+1]
$currentLine += $inputMid[$index+2]
$tempArray += $currentLine
#Parse the third line and add it to the array.
$currentLine = $inputBot[$index]
$currentLine += $inputBot[$index+1]
$currentLine += $inputBot[$index+2]
$tempArray += $currentLine
#Compare the current array to the hash table.
foreach($solution in $solutionHash.GetEnumerator())
#Since the value and the tempArray are different types, compare their indexes! Each will be 3 in length.
if($solution.Value[0] -eq $tempArray[0] -and $solution.Value[1] -eq $tempArray[1] -and $solution.Value[2] -eq $tempArray[2])
Write-Host $solution.Key -NoNewLine
#Final newline.
Write-Host ""
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